Status: In process

Breaking the Unbreakable Vow

Chapter Six

Harry’s P.O.V

I pulled out marauders map, and found Draco heading for potions. Maybe Ron and Hermione were right, was Draco to be trusted? Whatever the case, I had to find out. The anticipation was killing me, I really want to know more about the dark Lord, why me? I’m really not that great of a wizard. I put the map away again before anyone saw. As I got to the door, Draco dragged me inside.

“You made it!” he sighed in relief.

“Yes?” I dusted myself off.

“No one saw, did they?” he looked sort of worried.

“No, don’t think so.” I shook my head “Really what is this about? I mean is this just another one of your little jokes?”

“Do you really think I’m joking?” Draco snapped, he forcefully pulled his sleeve to reveal a grim tattoo. “Look Harry-he placed his hands upon my shoulders- the dark lord needs you. We can be great! Don’t you see! We’re the chosen ones."

“What exactly does the dark lord plan to do?” at this point I was nervous.

“We need to take over this wretched place! Hogwarts is a joke; we can make it a whole lot better. Trust me Harry please?”

“Make it a whole lot better? What! With death and destruction!”

“No, Potter do you not see your potential! The classes taught these days sicken me. It does not prepare any student for what’s in that world out there!”

“Since when do you care about other students? All you care about is you!” I yelled.

“All I want to do is make my Father proud! I don’t want to be a minister of magic! I want to improve Hogwarts the school which my Father hates so much! But will that still make him proud? No! My Father is a hard man to please Potter, and if those Muggle-born students aren’t good at magic, they’ll be gone.”

“Since when do you care for muggles like Hermione?”

“Because, I have to… the ministry of magic” Draco stormed out of the room. Should I follow him?