Status: Active

Teacher of the Year


I grabbed my towel and clothes and headed to my new bathroom.

Today is my first day of school, in Burbank, California. Everyone was coming back from summer break. That at least worked in my favor. Hopefully I wouldn't stand out too much. Everyone in California is tan and blonde, I am the opposite. My hair is a dark brown color, almost black, and my eyes are a dull green. Not to mention I could pass for a ghost.

My family and I moved here from a town called Mobile. It's in Alabama, way down at the bottom close to Mississippi. My dad got a better paying construction job here, so we said what the heck lets just move! Not the greatest moment of my young life.

After showering I reached for my towel and dried off, then put my hair in my towel and slipped on my black skinny jeans and baggy blue tank top. I walked down the hall and into my brand new kitchen. Mom was making some eggs and bacon. Special day I guess. My mom doesn't work, although I think she needs to start especially with all the expenses of living in southern California.

"Good morning Audrey, do you want some eggs?" My mom asked.

"Sure, can I have some grape juice too?" I asked while sitting at the bar.

"Yea," she muttered while pouring my a glass of juice. "Are you excited about your first day of senior year?!" She asked excited.

"Uhh, not really I don't even know anyone in this stupid town. We have been here for a month and all I do is shop, and read books. No one is going to like me and that's just the way it's going to be!" I screamed! My mother and I had been fighting like this ever since we crossed the California state line. I hate talking to her she doesn't understand my life at all.

After the failed breakfast I went upstairs and dried my waist length hair until it was wavy; I put some moose and gel in it to make it hold the rest of the day. I slipped on a gray cardigan and some black, low profile vans, grabbed my keys then walked out the front door.


When I arrived at school everyone was standing around their cars socializing, apparently the bell had already rang. I didn't want to seem like a nerd, but I got out of my car grabbed my bag and headed to the office. Good thing they had signs, this place is huge!

I followed the violet arrows to the office. Once I got there a lady that seemed about sixty asked me if I was lost.

"No, I'm looking for Patricia Tate, the secretary I need my schedule. I'm a new student Audrey
Strewnburg." She smiled then handed me a folder, a very thick folder.

"It's a good thing you are early, you need to fill out some paperwork. It's all in that folder just sit it on my desk when you are finished, your schedule is the last page, and we have assigned you a mentor to show you around." She then left.

I started working on the papers; paper after paper asked emergency contact numbers, my social security number, my home phone number, everything under the sun was on those papers!

After around forty-five minutes I was finished. I sat the large file on Patricia's desk the walked out of the office and tried to find my first block class. History, I hate history. Why do you need to learn things of the past, shouldn't we be living in the moment and being stupid teenagers. I guess adults just want to suck the fun out of everything.

I finally found Mr. Cooper's room, I walked in to a class full of surfers and preps, neither of which explain me.

Class had already started, so naturally when I open the door everyone stared. I quickly went and sat in the only empty desk in the very back of the classroom. I had to knock off some of the dirt and dust, but that was no problem. I sat my bag down and looked up to a beautful pair of blue eyes.

"Hi, I'm Bradley Cooper. Your history teacher. You can call me Mr. C or Bradley." he said extending his hand. All of the other students had turned back to their work. Not finding any interest in me.

I took his hand. "Hello, I'm Audrey Strewburg." I smiled.

"Well Audrey, here is you text book. Just open to page 65 and begin reading." He handed me the large book whilst his eyes sparkled. "If you need any thing just let me know."

"Thank you Bradley."


The block went by surprisingly fast. After reading the whole second chapter, apparently we aren't going in order, the bell rang. I gathered all of my things while I heard Bradley say "If you didn't finish reading the chapter, do so for homework."

A chorus of awws rang through the classroom. I walked up to my new teacher's desk and asked, "Uh, where do I go if I have study hall? We don't have that where I'm from." I sounded smaller and shy than I liked.

He chuckled. "Usually students pick a teacher that they like and just sit in on their class. You can stay in here if you like. You will probably be able to study because this is my off block."

I thought about it for a minute. "Yes, thank you."

This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Story.
Short I know but it is just the start.
I felt like Mibba needed a taste of Bradley Cooper, the star of The Hangover.

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