Status: Active

Teacher of the Year

Chapter 1

I didn't know what to say to him. He was so suave and beautiful, Bradley had the natural cool factor. I am the complete opposite, I'm awkward I can't carry on a conversation, well. Please say something, please..

"So, Audrey. Where are you from, I noticed an accent?" Oh thank the Lord! This is an easy one, I get to talk about myself. Don't over do it, he will think you are conceited.

"I'm from Alabama. My accent isn't as bad as some, but it's there." I paused. "I hate getting called a redneck or a hillbilly just because of my hometown. Not all of the people from the south are barefoot and pregnant." I rambled. He probably thought I was a freak.

"Oh really? I was actually thinking Texas or Florida, because your accent is not bad at all. I actually like it." He winked. Did I just die and go to heaven? Breathe Audrey, breathe. "I'm from Pennsylvania so I have a pretty average accent, I guess." He smiled. I thought my heart was going to melt. He is breathtaking! Never in a million years would he go for me.

"Oh that sounds cool. I've never really traveled to the north, but I want to one day. I would love to experience snow once or twice."

He looked shocked, his mouth hung open. His lips so perfect and moist looking. Oh, if only I could kiss him just once. It would be magical. Audrey snap out of it!!

"No snow. EVER?" He asked.

"Ma..Maybe once, when I was around three. Nothing that I remember though." Gosh could I get any lamer. STUTTERING! Seriously Audrey, pull yourself together you are not a ten year old with a crush, just push it out of your mind.

"One day you will see it, but if you don't that would be a fucking huge disappointment. Snow is beautiful. It blankets everything, and it just seems as though magic and love are in the air. I met my girlfriend during a snow storm, actually." Of course he had a girlfriend. Any human that was as handsome and smart and sexy and uhh. My life is so unfair.

"One day.. So girlfriend huh?" I tried to play it off like my heart wasn't breaking into a billion pieces. Hopefully he didn't notice.

I was in complete and utter pain. Pain? Seriously? Audrey, you just met this man and you already love him? Pull yourself together!

"Well my ex girlfriend she cheated on me with one of my best friends." Score! He looked sad though as if it was still fresh in his mind.

"I'm so sorry, We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I hope he doesn't noticed that I'm doing a happy dance in my mind.

"No, I need to it's time."

He went on to tell me that he met Sarah when he went to visit his family back on the east coast. He and his family were walking to their favorite diner when it started snowing. Once they got inside. A young blonde waitress sat them down in a booth, then asked what they wanted to drink. Bradley said that they locked eyes the moment he told her he wanted a coffee, black.

He went on to say that they talked and hung out the entire time he was back home. They then started a relationship. Everything was wonderful, his words not mine, for about six months. When Bradley went home to surprise Sarah, he found her fucking his best friend, Riley. Not to mention in his bed.

I felt so bad. I had never had a relationship for over a month, so I couldn't relate to the pain he was feeling at all. If only I could do something to show him that he wasn't alone and that he could get through this.

I reached up and moved his falling hair from his eyes. "It's going to be alright. You will surely find someone that truly loves you." He nodded, but he didn't look convinced.

For that moment I was brave, I stood and motioned for him to do the same. Then I wrapped my arms around his small waist. I felt him become tense, but after a few seconds he relaxed and wrapped his arms around my heck. I could feel him breathing on my neck, his breaths we ragged and short.

We stood there for what seemed like seconds but was a full ten minutes. I was pulled from my trance when the bell rang signaling third block. We both jumped away from each other.

He smiled, thanking me silently.

A girl with red hair and a slender body showed up at the classroom door. "Are you Audrey Strewnburg?" She said looking in my direction.

"Yes, you must be my mentor."

"Yes, indeed I am. Well it's time for lunch so grab your things and lets go down to the cafeteria." She smiled

I picked up my bag. "Thanks for letting me stay in your class Bradley. See you tomorrow?"
I inquired.

"Yes, of course. See you tomorrow Audrey." He waved as I stepped out of his class. I waved back, oh I can't wait for tomorrow morning!

**** &&& ***

Turns out that the red headed girl's name was Kristen. She was very nice and had long hair with a short round face. It worked perfectly for her, she has great style too, very edgy and chic. I think we could end up being friends, hopefully.

I had a pretty incredible first day of school surprisingly. All of my other classes were simple Drama was easy and Math was too. I have always been good at math, it's like a hidden talent.
I'm not good at history and english though, i guess the good comes with the bad.

Home should be fun to day, not!
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Okay, so I'm trying to start this off, stick with me.

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