Status: Active

Teacher of the Year

Chapter 2

I went home to an empty house. I guess Mom was out shopping again, and Dad of course was working like always. I love how they don't give me a key, but aren't home to let me in. Good thing I have a car otherwise I would burn up, it is unusually hot.

I decided to sit on my steps for a moment just to see if they would come home soon. Many cars passed not even looking in my direction, people in California are not very friendly, not like in Mobile. I use to go over to my neighbor's houses all the time for BBQs and birthday parties. But, not once since we have lived here has a neighbor come to say hello or introduce themselves.

I red BMW drove by, oh how I have wanted one of those my entire life. The Z4 is beautiful. All I have is a used hard top Jeep. My red dream car stopped and started backing up. It came to a stop right in front of my house then drove into my drive way right behind my car.

I guy got out, he was wearing a dark purple v neck with light wash, loose fitting jeans, and dark aviators. He smiled. I would know that smile anywhere. Bradley Cooper. I guess he changed from his work clothes, earlier he was wear a black button up with black pants.

"Hey, what are you doing out here, it's like 400 degrees?" He walked up to me and squatted down to my level.

"My parents haven't given me a key yet, and they aren't home." He took off his sunglasses and looked me right in the eye. I literally just passed out in my mind. I can't begin to explain how lost I could get in his beautiful baby blue eyes.

He started walking away, I guess he doesn't care. He turned towards me, "Well are you coming?"

"Oh, yea." I laughed at my own stupidity. I picked up my purse and keys, then locked my car. Immediately I became nervous. I was about to ride in the same car as my extremely sexy teacher's car. Not to mention how illegal all of this is. He is my teacher for Christ's sake.

I followed him to his car and hopped in. " I love your car. I've always wanted one like this, just black." I smiled at him.

He chuckled. "It's a great bachelor car, but if I wanted to have a family there is no way that this could work." He'll probably have the most beautiful wife in the world, and the most adorable children. "Well where do you want to go? I live in this neighborhood, but if you aren't comfortable with that, then there is a park a mile or so away from here."

"Which ever is fine with me. I'm leaning more towards the park though, I haven't been to one since I was about ten." I was happy that he was considering my feelings instead of being a jerk and just taking me to his house just so he could get me in bed.

"To the park it is." He smirked, then put the car in drive then started down the road. "So, how old are you?" He sounded very interested.

"I'm seventeen, but I will be eighteen in December. How old are you? I mean you have to be old to be a teacher!" I hope my humor didn't offend him.

Bradley laughed, he laughed hard. "Um actually I'm thirty-four."

Wow, I think I'm in over my head. "Wow, you are old. No I'm just picking with you." I laughed and smiled at him.

His laughing died down. "What do you want to become after high school of college?" I guess we were learning things about each other.

"I would love to become a photographer. That's always been my passion, but it will probably never happen because my parents are dicks and they want me to get a good job right after college so I can support myself. When in reality I don't want to go to college I want to travel and just take beautiful pictures." I don't know why I'm opening up to him, maybe it's because he is so relaxed and accepting.

"Really? I enjoy taking pictures as well. It wasn't my dream to become a photographer, but to become a teacher and help kids get through their problems." Wow we are a lot alike.

We got to the park and their were only a few couples walking around holding hands and walking their dogs. After I got out of the car I headed straight for the swings. Ever since I was a child I loved the swings.

I got on the swing to the left. Bradley came up behind me and gave me one big push. I laughed and smiled at him, silently thanking him. He sat the the swing next to me and started pumping his legs.

We stayed in a comfortable silence until my phone went off. I took it out of my pocket, it was a text from my mom saying she was staying one her new bimbo friend's houses and that my father would be home in the early morning, around three of four. Basically I was suppose to sleep over at one of my new friend's houses, but I don't have any.

"That was my mom. I guess I'm sleeping in my car tonight. She does this all the time."

"What are you talking about? Sleeping in your car? Do your parents really think that you can just take care of yourself with no where to stay? This ridiculous. You can stay with me, it's no problem." I smiled. He cared.


I was sitting on Bradley's guest bedroom bed. His house was modern, everything was chic and white with occasional brick wall. I imagined my future apartment like this.

"So I guess you need some clothes. I will grab you something of mine really quick." He walked out leaving me to my thoughts. Here I was in a beautiful man's house. Not to mention said man is almost twenty years older than me. What am I getting myself into.

Bradley walked back in with a white v neck and some black basketball shorts. "If this doesn't work then we'll have to go to the store because those are the smallest clothes I own," he laughed.

"Well, thanks. I'll change now." He stepped out of the room and shut the door behind him. It's only about 6:30 but I guess we will just chill until we go to sleep.


"I hope you like Italian food." He turned around, smiling as he did. "Looks like those are even too big."

"I always wear my night clothes a little big anyway. Thank you so much for letting me stay here, God only knows what would have happened to me if I was alone in my car all night."

"It really is fine, you are welcome here anytime. Now sit down dinner is almost ready."

We sat at his dining room table and ate spaghetti. We had some meaningless small talk and then we got into some more meaningful conversations such as parents and relationships. After we washed dishes and talked some more. Our conversations were very straight forward. I found it more and more easy to talk to Bradley. We laughed until we cried and just had a good time.

When we were through washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen we went into the living room and started watching some t.v.

"Do you have any movies?"

"You know that's a really stupid question. What person on this planet does not own movies?"

I laughed at his joke. "Well which ones do you have?"

He smiled, "Umm, Transformers, Peter Pan, Sweeney Todd, some others are in here but they aren't any good."

"Peter Pan, it's my favorite movie!"

After Bradley put in the movie i cuddled up to myself with a blanket. Bradley went to put on some more comfortable clothes while the opening credits rolled. He came back with red basketball shorts on and a black t-shirt on. His muscles were easily seen through his very tight shirt.

After a while my feet ended up in his lap, and then ended with me falling asleep on his couch. I guess he carried me upstairs because I woke up in the guest bedroom.

Waking up in Bradley Cooper's guest bedroom was not an unpleasant thing, not at all.
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Kind of a longer chapter.

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