Status: Active

Teacher of the Year

Chapter 3

What am I doing? I am a thirty-four year old man, falling for a seventeen year old girl. We have only know each other for about a month. Every day we would go to the park and swing, or go down the street to the coffee shop just to talk. All of this going on without any other teachers or adults noticing.

It wouldn't be so hard to ignore Audrey if she wasn't so inviting. Everything about her says, "Come talk to me." Her life has been so hard, with her parents paying her no attention and moving just before her senior year. I can only imagine what she is going through. She had to leave all of her friends, just because her parents wanted more useless money.

All I can do is be an idiot around her. I try to be funny but I end up making a fool of myself. I try and make her laugh and smile. She needs to be treated as an actual lady. From what she has told me she has always been slapped around, not cared for.

Audrey's face, so beautiful, so delicate. Her pale skin stands out from her abnormally white skin. I love how her eyes contrast with her pale pink lips. All surround her cute button nose, that I just want to kiss all day.

Audrey's body. She is short, but just right to fit right under my chin. Her scent is like a rainforest. Many different flowers mixed with lavender and I don't even know. Her boobs are just the right size, I've always liked girls with breasts the size of grapefruits. Her waist is tiny, but her hips flare out to just the right width. Her legs are normal in length, but beautiful. They are not too small and not to big. Everything is perfect even down to her tiny little feet.

Her facial expressions make me smile and laugh. Her face scrunches up when she is confused, and her tongue sticks out a little to the right when she is thinking really hard. Her eyes get really big when she is feeling vulnerable or sad.

Audrey only talks, in detail, to me and Kristen. Kristen has been a really good friend to Audrey. She always takes her out on the weekends trying to get her away from her parents, and just be a teenager for the time she has left in high school.

A week or so ago Kristen took her to some party, all I know is that it didn't end well. Audrey hasn't told me what happened yet, but I'm sure when she is ready she will. Apparently, it was something bad and to do with fighting because she had a black eye that she tried to hide it with make up. I look at her face too much not to notice.

I really do think I lover her, I always have this instinct to protect her even if it's just from a paper cut or a bruise. I've never felt this way even when I was engaged. Everything about her just draws me in.

Maybe when she turns eighteen we can really have a relationship.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright I know it is VERY short, bit I just wanted to let you guys know what Bradley is thing in this story.

Now you can expect an update every weekend. I started this story over Christmas break when I had some extra time, but now I don't with my TV production class and homework so I will definitely try and get you guys at least one maybe two updates a week.

