Status: Active

Teacher of the Year

Chapter 4

School. It's unnecessary. My mind is always else where. All I can think about is Bradley Cooper's body. It stands in front of me everyday, mocking me. If only I could just hold on to him my entire life.

He treats me well, when we're out for coffee or just on the swings at the park, he considers my feelings not just his own. Always asking me how I feel and how I'm doing, it makes me feel special. Bradley makes me feel wanted.

No guy has ever treated me right. Take the matter that happened a couple of weeks ago. I went to a party with Kristen. She told me that there would be no alcohol or drugs or anything, and I was stupid enough to believe her. What high school party doesn't consist of those things?

Long story short I went and was drugged and almost rapped. I don't remember a whole lot just Kristen coming to find me, but when she did I was half naked with some stranger on top of me. I am trying to forget about it but it's hard. The only person I really want to talk to about it is Bradley, but I don't want to scare him off with all of my personal drama. He already knows a lot of my family screw ups.

How do I tell him?


Fantasies. Dreams of the mind. I seem to come up with many every day. When I am going to sleep, when I'm sleeping, when I am eating, reading, talking, anytime. All that is on my young mind is my thirty-four year old teacher.

When we are together I don't know how I'm not drooling over his beauty. His baby blue eyes capture me. They have some kind of power that makes you loose all control. Bradley's hair looks as soft as a cloud. I just want to run my fingers through it all day, and if I could I would. His warm, inviting arms could swallow me. They had definition, not like any teenager but like a man. The stomach was an unknown region, but I'm sure it's well defined as well. Maybe one day I will have the pleasure of seeing Bradley Cooper without a shirt.


Here I am sitting in History. It is around eight forty-five. Class will be over in about fifteen minutes. I am dreading it. All block I have been trying to find a way to ask Bradley if he wants to hangout over the break. Nothing has come to my usually creative mind. Why can't I be skilled and smooth in the presence of guys, or in this case men?

I looked up to find that special man staring at me. We we're supposed to be doing some review, but it didn't interest me. Nothing has lately. He smiled then went back to his lesson plans. Oh that million watt smile. I wonder what he thinks of me? Probably that I'm a child and need to grow up. I just can't focus on anything, thoughts of him flow into my mind every time I try to concentrate. It's like he wants to drive me crazy.


I spent the next twenty minutes daydreaming about Bradley before I was interrupted by the annoying bell. Oh God, I didn't figure out anyway to ask him if he wanted to get together. Not to mention I still have to explain the dreaded night, that occurred a couple of weeks ago.

I moved to the front of the room after all of the students left, silently cursing myself.

"Good morning Audrey!" Bradley said, while i sat dow in his rolling chair. I always did this, he always just sat in a normal chair right in front of me. "You have been spacing out a lot the past week or so, are you alright?" There he goes with being considerate.

"Umm.. Yea I'm fine. Just.. a lot on my mind. You know senior year." I tried to make up a lie quickly. Thank God for drama class.

He looked unconvinced but gave up, to my relief. "Well, you know if you have any problems you can always come to me."

"Yes. I know Bradley, thank you!" We smiled at each other, me lost in his gorgeous eyes, him probably asking why did he offer to let me stay in here with him second block while he had no one else to buffer out my awkwardness.

His face scrunched up, "I need to talk to you about something.." Here it is, the speech about him wanting us to stop spending time together because it could get him in trouble. I am so stupid to think that this could be something more.

"I know you don't like hanging out with me so tell me the truth not some garbage just to make me feel better." Like ripping off a bandage.

"Wait, what? What are you talking about of course I want to spend time with you. What makes you think that I wouldn't.?" He stepped forward and grabbed my cheeks, looking me straight in the eye.

"I don't know. I guess I just thought that you didn't like hanging out with me because I'm so much younger." I shrugged and bowed my head.

He lifted my head. "Look at me. I love the time we spend together. You make me feel happy and excited about life again. Truthfully, I really never want to be apart from you. You are my only light in this world right now. If only you were a couple years older..." He trailed off.

My eyes lit up for sure. Did I just hear what I think I heard, was he saying that there was a possibility for us if I was a few years older? He looked more and more appealing to me every second. I want to kiss him so bad and with our lips only inches apart..

"Thank you, I needed that."

"Any time." He beamed.

Bradley didn't let go of my face, only he began rubbing his thumbs under my eyes. His eyes changed from sincerity to love? Is that what I'm seeing? Oh Lord I hope so. He licked his lips. Our faces moved closer and closer. Our movements were slow. My lips parted with anticipation of his on mine. Our noses touched, our eyes closed. He moved his mouth just an inch until it hit my own.

Sparks flew all around me. Elephants, monkeys, and tigers could be running around me and I still would have been absorbed in his delicate lips. Minimal pressure was added, but it was enough to get my heart racing.

Bradley pulled away. He kissed my nose then my forehead. We both just sat there, with our eyes closed, mesmerized by the pervious moment. We sat there for what seemed like centuries but was only seconds.

"Wow," Bradley spoke, breaking the silence. "Have you ever experienced a kiss so, so, what's the word?"

"Beautiful? Scary? Wonderful? Any of those work?" I tried to be humorous to disguise my erratic heart beat.

"Yes!" He seemed so excited, as if just that one kiss couldn't ruin his whole career.
♠ ♠ ♠
Are things moving too fast?
I like fast paced fan fiction.

Thank you guys for all of your comments I look forward to reading them everyday when I get home from school.
Please don't stop commenting.
And if your friends like Bradley Cooper please recommend this story. :)
I love you guys.
