Status: Active

Teacher of the Year

Chapter 5

Third period came and went, along with lunch, I went to subway hoping it would cheer me up in the slightest. I was wrong it didn't. The day drew on, and on. Making it one of the longest days of my life.

My self-asteem had gone way down. Bradley didn't make any effort in trying to make me stay after we kissed. I ran out trying to hide my emotions. Now that I have kissed Bradley and I know just how his soft, plump lips feel, I don't know if I can resist. That is what I have been thinking about the whole entire day, it's fourth period. My drama class. Usually i am up doing skits or having fun. Today, I'm sitting in my desk thinking about Bradley. What a shocker.

I'm not sure how it's going to be tomorrow, during my study period when we normally talk and joke. After that kiss, I just want to drag him to a broom closet and ravish him right there. He just sets my heart off, when I'm around him I can't focus on anything but him. It's like he gets in my brain and says, "Audrey, love me!" Then I have no choice!

My head is all screwed up, I can't decide if it is a bad thing that I am falling in love with him or a good thing. He is way too old for me, but really who cares about numbers anymore? Well I know a couple, lawyers, judges. On the other hand, how could I not take advantage of it. He shows some interest in me, why else would he kiss me back. I don't know!

"Audrey, AUDREY??"

"Sorry Mrs. Anderson, what were you saying?" Apparently I had zoned out with all my Bradley thinking.

"Will you please get up and do a weather stand up?" She stood with her hands on her hips looking scary. I love this woman, everyone thinks she is being extremely bipolar, but I know that it is all just a joke between us. You see I've helped on her last big musical. A lot of the kids dropped out, she needed a lot of backstage help. I was there for her. We get along very well. What is up with teachers and myself, seems like they are the only friends I have here, except for Kristen.

"Yes I will." I stood from my desk, walking to the front of the class. I am usually a very shy person. Not when it comes to theater. I could get up in front of hundreds of people and act, and it would never bother me.

"So grab your raincoats, it's going to be a rainy week." I finished my stand up, and walked back over to my desk where I sat next to Jonathan, a very dorky kid. Mrs. Anderson, knows that I want to go into photography, so she makes me do everything else to change my mind. She always says, "Audrey, you are too pretty and too talented to be behind the camera." I just laugh.

"Okay, Sam, will you please come up here I have a special skit I would like you to perform!" See now she is excited, bipolar?

Back to my Bradley thoughts. Tomorrow is going to be so awkward. I can only im.. RING RING RING. Looks like I underestimated my earlier thoughts.

"Okay tomorrow Sam will perform and remember we will have a test on Egyptian Theater."
I picked up my bag and headed toward Bradley's room.

Walking through the halls kids were making plans for after school. Most people went to the old drive in movie theater, and just hung out. I got caught up in other people's conversations to realize what I was doing, walking into awkwardness.

I stopped as soon as I reached his class room. I forgot about this, we are going to the park today. "I guess I just need to bite the bullet." I said to myself. I opened his classroom door slowly. It creaked a bit. I walked in trying to hide my nervousness with a heartwarming smile.

"Oh, hey. I didn't know if you were still going to come. You kinda left quickly earlier." What is that supposed to mean? Did he not want me to come? Well I'm here and he can get his ass over it!

"Why wouldn't I? I couldn't pass on one of our famous park visits, over a silly little kiss." That's right Audrey, pass it off as nothing.

"Alright then lets just forget it, is that good with you?"

"It's great!" Not.


"Hey Audrey, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" We stopped at a gas station on the way to the park. I of course had to get candy, or I would just not make it alive. Or that's just what I told Bradley.

We were now sitting on a blanket we found in the trunk of his car, probably from 1999, with all of our snacks spread out on it. Doritos, Jolly Ranchers, Sunkist, Dr. Pepper, water, an energy drink of every kind, popcorn, and some more candy.

"Umm, three? Why are you asking me, aren't you the teacher?" I laughed at my corny little joke.

"I just thought since you have so much experience licking and sucking you would know! Sorry I guess you aren't as good as I thought." I love this side of him. But apparently he hasn't learned that I am the master when it comes to making him squirm, he'll learn.

"Maybe, you will just have to find out if I'm 'just that good'." I leaned over, close to his face. My boobs peaking out from my tight fitting, light purple dress. His breath hitched in his throat. I knew that would get him. "What's wrong? Is you tootsie pop to HARD for you to eat?" Oh the joy I felt at this moment.

"Ugh, uhh n.. no." That was all he could stutter out, well looks like I am even better than I thought, and I thought I was pretty great.

"Okay, okay calm down little Bwadley, it was just a joke." He had a look of pain on his face. Maybe I left a little damage, not to my dismay though.

"He.. hey do you want to come over to my house i need to uh, make dinner for my mom, it's her birthday tomorrow. I want you to meet her." Wow, change of subject.

"Um, yea sure. But are you sure? that's kind of a big thing I don't want to intrude."

"Of course I want you there, she always asks me who I hang out with and I'm always with you so, I'm sure she would love to meet you." He gave me a big smile making my heart melt.

"How can I say no? Can we just run by my house? I want to change i look like a bum with this old dress on." I looked down a realized just how old it was, the fabric had fuzzys all over from being washed so many times, and some of the strings were hanging off of it. No wonder Bradley wants to forget about the kiss..

"Sure, but know that you look beautiful in anything." He touched my shoulder when he said this, making my body erupt with the chills.


"Wow, I like your room, it's very chic." I had three white walls and the wall behind my bed was black with a lavender flower pattern all over it. I had some of my photography hanging on all of my other walls. All over the room I had black furniture.

"Thanks, my mom gets bored so she redecorates every month, it won't be like this in a couple of weeks. Too bad though, I actually like it this time." I walked over to my closet and pulled out one of my favorite dresses. The fall in southern California can get chilly, so I also brought a navy blue cardigan. My navy blue flats went perfectly with it. I turned to Bradley he had made himself comfortable on my bed. He was laying down with both of his hands behind his head staring at my ceiling.

"Alright lets get out of here before my parents get home."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I know it has been a while, but in my defense I have had a lot of crap to do. Here in Mobile we have this thing called Mardi Gras and my mom is in an organization, so I had that and a project for school, musical tryouts, plus trying to handle all of the drama in my life it takes a toll on me.

On the upside one of my friends is having a baby and she is going to name her Audrey! Total coincidence too.

Now I have some competition apparently, there is a new Bradley Cooper story. I'm going to read it, and I'll let you know if it is worth reading!

Hope you all had a great Valentines Day!
I think I'm going to start a new Joe Jonas story. What do you think?

p.s. this is Audrey's Dress: