One Last Kiss...

Forgotten Faces

I didn’t reach my brother’s house until a little after 5am and I was soaked to the bone from the constant rain fall my five hour drive from my apartment in Berkeley to Orange County. I left my baby in the drive way and walked up the steps to his front door, taking my helmet off as I rang the bell.
I waited a minute and when no one answered I rang again, accompanying the rather loud doorbell with some loud knocks.
“This had better be good---” my brother opened the door in an irritated tone and looking half asleep in a pair of sweatpants before realizing who he’d opened the door for. “Sin?”
“Hey,” I said with a bit of a smile. Over the last few years being able to see my brother was a rather difficult task, what with me either working or him touring.
“Get in here!” he said suddenly a bit more awake as he pulled me into a strong and secure bear hug. “Jesus you’re soaked!” he exclaimed before looking me over. “And even if you weren’t… I would make you change…”
“Matt, honey, who are you talking to?” I heard the sleepy voice before I saw her enter the hallway. “Sinikka?!”
“Hey Val,” I said to my brother’s wife and one of my great friends with a smile.
She joined in the hug before excusing herself to get me some pajamas.
“Have you been driving all night?” Matt asked as she walked away.
I nodded, “Yeah, for the past five hours.”
“What happened?” he asked, dangerously.
“Well, I took an early flight home to surprise Toby and surprise him I did… as some chick was going down on him,” I said with a nonchalant shrug.
“I will wring his fu---”
“Matt, relax,” I said with a smile. “Alls well that ends well. I’m fine. But… could I stay with you for just a few days or so…?”
“Sini, you know you can stay here as long as you want…” he smiled as Val came back out and handed me some of her pjs.
“You know where the guest room is, right?” Val smiled and I nodded in response. “Well, I’m going to get back to bed and you’ve got to get some sleep too, babe,” she said to me with a smile. “We’ll catch up later, I’m so glad you’re here!” she said sincerely, hugging me again.
“I missed you two so bad!” I smiled, hugging them both again before saying ‘goodnight’ to Val as she hurried back to bed.
“Go get some rest, we’ll talk later, babe,” Matt smiled hugging me.
“Night,” I smiled, carrying the pjs to my room.
“Night,” he responded, disappearing into his room.
I grabbed a towel on the way to my room before settling in to dry my hair and strip the soaking wet dress from my body. As if being back home hadn’t made me feel better enough, the combination of being home and now being warm in the clothes Val had lent me, made me feel worlds better.
I fell onto the bed in the guest room that used to be my room exclusively and let out a content sigh.
The room hadn’t been changed much since I moved out three years ago. The walls were painted a dark turquoise color with antique gold trim and rot-iron accents (I have a bit of a thing for that raw, medieval feeling of the metal).
The bed was a king sized with black blankets and sheets and the curtains were thick enough to block any light. This was kind of a must-have feature for the 52 inch plasma that hung on the wall and the various gaming systems beneath it. Yes, I’ll admit it, Matt has always spoiled the shit out of me. I never asked for the TV or the motorcycle, he decided I needed them. I just wasn’t about to complain.
I glanced around the room, sliding under the covers and felt my cheeks grow warm when I thought about the last night I had spent in this room.
I was getting ready to move six hours away to live with a good friend of mine, a friend who would become my boyfriend, so I could finally leave the nest and live on my own. My best friend, who had once been my boyfriend, came to say goodbye and the two of us ended up completely destroying my room over the course of several loud hours.
Then we’d slept, and Matt had come in to wake me up only to freeze finding our friend in my bed, with our clothes on the black carpet.
Matt had taken a deep breath and turned around before saying in a calm tone, “I’m getting a cup of coffee… Zack, if you’re still in her bed when I come back, I may have to kill you.”
I knew my brother wasn’t serious, Zack turned white as a ghost and I’d never seen the boy move so fast.
It was then I realized just how much I’d missed the boys, the whole gang really and it felt really good to be home as I shut my eyes and drifted off.