To the End


Ray's phone rang.
"Hello? This is Ray Toro speaking."
"Ray!"Gerard's voice spoke.
"Gerard, what happened?"
"Ray, don't get too shocked, but..."
"But what?"
"Come over at our place."

Ray, bewildered, immediately came over to the Way's residence.
He rang the doorbell.
Mikey answered.
"Mikey, what the hell's going on here?"
"Are you sure you wanna know, Ray?"
"It's your girlfriend."
"What happened to Christa?"
"Come on in."
Mikey led him to the sofa and Gerard phoned Ray's girlfriend's mother.
Gerard gave Ray the phone and talked to Christa's mother.
What was said to Ray made him really angered and upset.
"She's upset with you. We know." Gerard said.
Mikey nodded.
"But... But why didn't she tell me?" Ray said, anxious.
"Apparently, she doesn't want to talk to you." Mikey suggested.
"That's it! I'm talking to her!"
"Ray, wait. Their in Australia. Her mother was left behind."
Ray broke down, tears running down his cheeks.
"Why? What did I do?"
No one had an answer. Suddenly, Ray's phone rang.
"Ray. This is Christa. By now, you may know."
"WHAT? Why are you so upset?" Ray demanded.
"Ray, I know you've been touring the world lately, but have you thought of checking me? Have you thought of calling me regularly?"
"Christa, you know that touring is wearing me out..."
"Well then, stop touring!"
"But all the fans, and..."
"Are you saying that your fans are more important than me?"
"No but..."
"I shouldn't have called you..." She hung up.
Ray was even feeling worse. He drove back to his house and slept.

"Ray!" Gerard called his bandmate.
"About Christa..."
"I don't wanna talk about her."
"You've got to listen!"
"Go away!" He shoved Gerard and walked away.
Frank shouted.
"She's in a hospital in California."
Mikey joined in.
"She had a car accident a day after her arrival back here."
"She did." Bob told him.
"NO! NO! I won't believe it!"
Ray had always been hard to convince.
"If you don't believe, then call her mom."
"Call her mom." Gerard said.
Ray did.
After the message, he felt so bad. Arguing with his girlfriend a few days before, and now, she's lying on the hospital bed, weak.

"No... It can't be possible..."
Ray, feeling really bad, went back to his house, followed by the rest of the band...