To the End

Nervous Breakdown

Ray had nightmares after seeing his dearly beloved.
Her image in his mind.... It haunted his dreams...
He saw how Christa became the way she is now....
Helpless and lying on the hospital bed.
He saw a scene where her car crashed....
It made his eyes tear uncontrollably.
He felt that he can't breathe... He can't move... He can't help her....
Then, he thought he heard her voice.
Two times, even.
At first, she was saying, "Why did you leave me? How could you?"
"I didn't leave you, Christa!"
Then, he heard her saying another thing....
"Ray...... Help me........ I'm losing it...."
Ray woke up with a start. He was sweating.
He looked at the clock.
3:13 a.m.
He thought about his dream. The nightmare. The one about HER.
He can't take the dream out of his head. He felt helpless.
He took his phone and called Bob.
"This is Bob Bryar speaking."
"Hello? Bob? It's Ray."
"What's up? Why'd you wake me up in a time like this?"
"I can't take her off my mind...."
"Relax, Ray. She's safe in the hospital."
"But did you see her? Did you see her condition?"
"She'll be fine. Her parents are there, man."
"But, I really need to see her. I really need to make sure-"
"Get back to sleep. We'll try to see her tomorrow."
He hung up.
"Oh, man, Christa.......... Please be okay....."
His eyes started to water.
He can't stop crying. The whole night he dreamed of his love, and now,
she's in the brink of death.
Ray thought violently. The anger fueled his heart. He can't control himself....


Gerard and the rest of the band visited Ray.
Mikey rang the doorbell.
No one answered.
"Well, I guess we should look." Frank suggested.
They opened the door.
Ray was sitting on the sofa, looking at an empty space.
He was looking tired.
Ray looked at them. His eyes were bloodshot.
"Come on, Ray, relax!" Gerard said.
"She's gonna die. I know it." Ray said.
"Don't lose hope, Ray." Mikey told him.
"No.... She's gonna die."
"What the heck happened to you?" Frank said.
"You acted weird all of a sudden."
"I'm trying to accept the truth. She will." Ray replied.
"I'll be all alone. Nobody will back me up anymore."
"Hey, we're here!" Bob told him.
"No....... I know it. I know. I also know that you'll leave me alone."
"Shut up. Don't say that." Frank replied. He was losing his patience.
"See? I told ya. I told ya nothing good will happen. Get out. Now." Ray said.
"What did you just tell me?" Frank was heating up.
"Frank, don't start a fight. It'll just get-"
"Ray, what the heck are you thinking, losing hope? Are you out of your mind???" Frank asked Ray.
"Just get out. Get out!"
Ray started to become violent.
"Hey, Ray! Keep down!"
Bob and Gerard grabbed his arms.
"Get off me!!!"
He broke of their grip.
"I wanna see her before she passes away. Get off my back!"
To that, he ran outside and drove away.
"I haven't seen Ray like that before. He's usually calm and cool." Mikey said.
The others nodded.
Ray was having a breakdown.
He was losing it.
"Come on. Let's go chase him. He might get into an accident!" Gerard shouted. He was already out of the door.
Then, they started to drive.