Sequel: Hot Mess

Have Faith in Me

Have Faith In Me

Kyle was sitting watching her sister dance with Matt and shook her head. She was wrapped around Him and for the first time in a long time. She grabbed her beer and sighed as she sipped it. Leanne looked at her and rolled her eyes. The other guys were there and they were all trying to figure out why the couple was ignoring them. A moment later they heard a squeal come from the dance floor and looked up. Jacey’s lips were on Matt and he was holding her close and they saw something glitter on her hand. They now had something more to celebrate.

Blinds were being drawn and whoever was opening them was about to get yelled at. Kyle was slowly opening her eyes and she found her head laying on someone’s chest and she temporarily ignored it as she glared over whoever was beside her at her twin sister as she turned to face the bed.

“Leanne… so help me god… shut those mother fucking blinds before I kill you…What the hell are you staring at?” And Kyle turned her head and saw exactly what her sister was staring at. Johnny was still asleep beside her and she knew what was going through Leanne’s head before she said it. Kyle swallowed and since he was asleep and she used to change in front of her sister she was out of the bed and grabbing clothes.

“You do know how funny this is, he is ten months younger than you…”

“Leanne say it and die…” Kyle said as she pulled her clothes on in the bathroom in the hall.

“Say what? That you got drunk and robbed the cradle last night? Because that's totally what you did…”

“Leanne…Shut up any louder and you’ll wake him up!” Kyle hissed.

“Personally, I can't wait to see what Jacey has to say about this... Shit! I need to call her and tell her!”

“No…gimme that phone…”

“Nuh uh!” Leanne danced out the door with the phone. Kyle followed in her tank top and boy shorts. Glaring as her sister hit speed dial. “It’s ringing” Lea grinned. A moment later they looked in the direction of the ringing at the end of the hall.

“Whoever is calling me better be dying…” Jacey yelled through the door.

“She’s about to be dead and you’ll be a twin short.” Kyle said through the door.

“JACE! Guess what!” Lea called

“Leanne? Why are you calling me... we're in the same house…” She asked looking confusedly at the man she wanted so bad and her sisters were being idiots not letting her get laid.

“It’s safe…I don't wanna see anymore of Matt than I do on a regular basis.”

“Good question why are you two IN MY HOUSE?” Kyle asked

“Stop trying to change the subject... Jacey... you'll never guess who is in our sister's bed…”

“Shut Up”

“Who?” Jacey asked

“No body important.” Kyle muttered

“Ha! Johnny, that’s who.”

“Johnny? As in Johnny, Johnny?” Kyle groaned as Jacey slammed out of the room in Matt’s t-shirt and looked at her, her blue eyes wide with wonder.

“Yep” Leanne nodded.

“Holy Shit Kyle!”

“Dammit shut up. Just announce it to the world. Just fucking shut up.”

“Wait who slept with Johnny?” Matt asked moving to put his arms around his fiancé.

“Bitch” Kyle said as Leanne pointed at her.

“Wow… just… since when are you a cougar?”

“Last night apparently…” Leanne said smirking

“Didn’t know Johnny was into older chicks…” Matt said laughing.

“Not you too…” Kyle groaned looking at her future brother in law.

“Johnny? I didn’t know my sister was into guys she needed to baby-sit…”

“You’re all just hilarious…” Kyle said rolling her eyes.

“Can’t blame us, you’re the one that slept him not us…” Leanne said

“Hey Johnny…” Jacey said smiling.

“Oh god…” Kyle muttered and didn’t turn around. She did however run a hand through her dirty blonde hair.

“Sleep well?” Leanne asked looking at Johnny. He just raised an eyebrow.

“I think what you walked in on this morning proves that he slept very little Lea…”

“Subtle babe.” Matt whispered in Jacey’s ear.

“Being subtle isn't a high priority when I find out my sister has taken to cradle robbing.”

“What the fuck…” Johnny said causing Leanne to start laughing.

“Stop fucking laughing Leanne.”

“I…couldn’t…even…if…I…wanted…” Leanne said laughing harder.

“That’s it … I’m kicking all of you fuckers out of my house.”

“I’m not going anywhere until I’m dressed.”

“Fine, put on pants Jacey Rae.”

“Does Johnny have to leave?” Matt asked and Jacey snorted.


“You'd think she'd be more cheerful after getting laid…” Jacey said looking at Lea.

“Who got laid?” Zack asked walking down the steps from the third floor where Leanne’s room was.

“Jacey…now all of you out!”

I’m not the only one…” Jacey sang in a sing songy voice. Kyle looked apologetically at Johnny and then glared at her sisters before speaking.

“Yes okay, I had sex with Johnny, GET THE FUCK OVER IT!

“My big sister… the cougar…” Leanne said wiping away a fake tear.

“Just remember I’m your big sister…now out…”

“Yeah yeah… we’re going… but you’re so dead wrong if you think you’ve heard the end of this.”

“We love you” Leanne said grinning widely and Kyle shook her head.

“Idiots.” Kyle muttered as they all finally dressed or finished dressing and walked downstairs. She found herself standing there with Johnny and she heard the front door shut and then heard several cars start. Even though what clothes she had on she suddenly felt naked in front of Johnny. He watched as she bit her lip and wanted for some reason to kiss her.

“So I guess we need to talk?” He asked making sure his eyes didn’t stray, which didn’t take much she had pretty hazel eyes.

“Uhm yeah…I’m sorry for what my sisters said.” She said moving down the hall towards her room and grabbing jeans out of her dresser. Not thinking she sat on the edge of the bed and went to pull her jeans on, he stopped her. She looked up as he moved so he could look down at her. She saw it in his eyes. He didn’t care. He leaned down to kiss her and she met him halfway. She lay back on the bed pulling him down with her. He leaned over her and she smiled up at him. He kissed her slowly at first and then she deepened the kiss and moaned slightly as his hand roamed over her side and down to the hem of her shirt. He slid his hand under it and had her arching her back slightly as his hand ran over a super sensitive spot on her side.

Have faith in me
Cause there are things that I've seen I don't believe
So cling to what you know and never let go
You should know things aren't always what they seem

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

Kyle was teased mercilessly for the next week by her sisters when they found out that Johnny hadn’t left when they had. She cursed them under her breath every time one of them called her a cougar or said she was robbing the cradle every time she slept with Johnny. She sighed. She actually wished he would ask her out on a real date. Not just invite her over for dinner and a fuck. So she dealt with what her sisters said and didn’t complain about what she and Johnny had because she had to face facts they would never be together. She jumped though when she heard her cell phone went off and she answered it. A minute later she was looking down at her outfit and sputtering that she didn’t have clothes to go out to dinner. That she was at her sisters. Next thing she knew he was saying he didn’t care. He was taking her to dinner. She smiled slightly and bit her lip as he said he’d be there in ten minutes. She hung up and Looked at Lea.

“Clothes… NOW” Kyle said to her sister who just raised an eyebrow.

“We don’t live together anymore, why are you borrowing my clothes now?”

“Do I look like I’m dressed to go to dinner anywhere other than here. I can’t even go into McDonalds dressed like this…”

“What’s wrong with your outfit?”

“And you’ve worn it to McDonalds before.” Jacey finished for Leanne.


“He’s taking you to McDonalds?” Jacey asked.

“No, but still.”

“You’re fine you’re not changing.” Lea said as Johnny knocked and Jacey ran to open the door. Lea shoved Kyle after her. Kyle muttered a curse and pulled her hair back quickly. Johnny saw her and smiled gently at her. She bit her lip as she took his hand.

“You two have fun now…” Jacey yelled noticing that her other sister was already on the phone with Matt.

“Okay, Jacey, your fiancé is on his way over and he’s bringing the guys.”

“Oh lord this should be fun… we can make fun of our sister.”

“Yeah, this time you get to be a part of it…”

“Shut up.”

“What? Like you didn’t make all Matt’s fantasy’s about sleeping with a teacher come true.” Leanne said grinning.

“Okay seriously, not funny…”

“Oh c’mon yea it is…does he interrupt your daily planning…?”

“Leanne Nikole Marshall stop right there…” Jacey glared at her sister. “Besides I haven’t told him I’m about to be teaching high school English…Hey Matt that was fast babe.”

“We were already on our way here… High school? Since when?”

“Uhm since that old bat Eleanor retired.”

“When do you start?” Jimmy asked you could see the gears turning in his head already. He was thinking of something to say and they all knew it.

“Don’t mention the fact that she’s going to be teaching teenage hormone ridden boys to him Jimmy.” Brian said with a smirk. Matt’s faced paled.

“Matt, it’s okay, honest and aren’t we here to discuss this ‘date’ my sister and Johnny are on?”

“Date? I thought she was baby-sitting him until his parents got home and he got hungry?” Zack said.

“Okay so seriously am I the only one that needs clued in?” Brian asked. Jimmy shook his head and sat down at the bar and looked interested at what was going to be said. Zack and the others looked at the two. Leanne rolled her eyes and smiled at Zack as he leaned against the counter. God it was bad that she was attempting not to stare at him while he leaned there. His eyes met hers and she bit her lower lip. Fuck he was hot. She shook her head and sat beside Jimmy.

“So yeah last week on our birthday Johnny and Kyle slept together and there’s ten months between them. And well it being us you know we had to tease her…” Lea started off.

“I was all pissed off that morning until I realized why Leanne and Kyle were arguing and the phone interrupted me.”

“I don’t even want have to take a guess as to why you were pissed.” Brian responded to Jacey rolling his eyes as Matt smirked.

“Addicts” Jimmy said

“We are not…” Jacey muttered

“Are too…watch…Matt first thing you think when you think teacher?” Leanne said and Matt glanced at Jacey.

“See told you.” Jimmy said victoriously.

“Whatever…I’m not arguing with you about it…” Jacey said.

“Because you know we’re right.” Brian said.

“Why are we even talking about this? We're trying to tell you that Kyle's turned into a cougar and is sleeping with Johnny.”

“Wait Seriously I thought Leanne was joking…” Jimmy was obviously in shock.

“She was dead fucking serious.” Matt said shaking his head.

“Wait so Johnny’s with an older chick?”


“WE’RE NOT THAT OLD!!!” Lea yelled

“Older than the lawn gnome.” Brian muttered.

“Okay yeah but stop making it sound like she’s in her fucking fifties... me and Jace are the same age as her.” Leanne responded glaring.

“Zack’s the one that said she was baby-sitting…” Jimmy trailed off.

“We’re not entirely sure she’s not…” Matt said.

I think it's safe to say that what they're going to be doing later, assuming they aren't already, rules out the babysitting.” Jacey said trying to keep a straight face.

“Seriously how often has she robbed the cradle lately?” Brian asked.

“I’m not entirely sure I want to know… it’s enough knowing she’s made him her boy toy.”

“Boy being the key word there Jacey?” Jimmy asked and she nodded.

“Seriously it’s kinda scary…she flipped out about her outfit like she had to impress him cos he’s younger than her…” Leanne said.

“If that was the case she should’ve just worn a pair of footy pajamas, she’d have fit right in then.” Matt said.

“Did she take a binky with her?”

“Yeah in case he gets fussy?” Brian finished for Jimmy.

“I think I saw a rattle in her purse.” Zack said just as Kyle walked in with Johnny. Her smile faded.

“Mother fuckers…I don’t know who I wanna kill more… you four guys or the two I call twins…” Kyle said glaring.

“After all the shit I got when Matt and I started dating? I’m only getting even…” Jacey said smiling sweetly.

“And what’s Lea’s excuse? I’m not he only one that got laid on our birthday… do we remember who walked down from where Leanne’s room was at my place? Make fun of her.”

“I’m not the one sleeping with a man-child.”

“Sleeping? You’re still sleeping with him?” Kyle asked looking pointedly at Zack.

“I didn’t say that…” Leanne stumbled out.

“Yes you did…who’s she sleeping with? We know it’s not the gnome…” Jimmy said smirking as Johnny glared at him.

“Not me…” Brian said glaring in Zack’s direction.

“Definitely not me…” Matt said and everyone turned to Zack.

“What?” He asked

“You know what” Jacey said.

“Nuh uh.”

“Dude don’t lie” Kyle said as Johnny wrapped his arms around her waist.

“You’re horrible at it.” Matt said and Jacey agreed with him. Zack looked helplessly at Leanne.

“Fine… so Zack and I slept together… no big deal.” Leanne missed the murder in Brian ‘s eyes.

“Now it’s ‘slept’ not ‘sleeping’”

“Well dammit which one is it? Slept or Sleeping?” Jimmy asked and Leanne glared.

“Yeah inquiring minds want to know.” Brian said his dark eyes one hers. She matched his look.

“Well inquiring minds are gonna have to keep inquiring.” Leanne said glaring anywhere but at Brian.

“Ladies, Gentlemen, Cougar, and Garden Gnome… we have our answer! ZACK IS FUCKING SLEEPING WITH LEANNE!!” Jimmy announced getting glares from Kyle, Johnny, Leanne, and Zack.

I'm going crazy
Cause there are things in the streets I don't believe
So we'll pretend it's alright (pretend it's alright)
and stay in for the night
Oh what a world
I'll keep you safe here with me (with me)

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

It was going on six weeks later when Kyle was muttering under her breath as she met Jacey and Leanne for lunch. She had officially been Johnny’s girlfriend for six weeks now and she was happy and the cougar comments were coming down to a minimum. She sighed slightly as she thought about where she was going after this lunch. She had told him and he said he’d go with her but she told him it was alright he didn’t have to. He had kissed her and said he’d meet her there. She was now actually kind of glad. As she walked into the high school heads turned and she rolled her eyes as she got wolf whistles and cat calls. She shook her dirty blonde head and continued to her sisters classroom after stopping and getting a visitors badge. She rolled her eyes when she noticed that Matt was there too. The bell hadn’t rang quite yet so he was leaning against the wall looking annoyed.


“No, have you watched her deal with those kids?”

“No why?”

“She ignores the kids when they hit on her. She’s already done motioned for me to stay in the hall.”

“Well Matt can you really blame her… I mean look at you you’re scary when you’re pissed off.” Leanne said walking up her hand in Zack’s.

“Am I the only one that didn’t bring my boyfriend?” Kyle asked.

“Uhm don’t count he had to meet his parents for something…” Zack trailed off when she glared in his direction. He threw his hands up and a moment later they all walked into the classroom as the bell began to ring. The students were to preoccupied gathering their things to notice the rock stars now standing in the room. At least until one of the blondes in the room started for the door. Her eyes bugged out and she looked at Matt and Zack like they were ghost. Jacey rolled her eyes and directed the girl to the door. The rest of the class started muttering as they walked out of the room. There were several glances back at Matt and Zack who just rolled their eyes and tried not to laugh.

“Well thanks for shocking my students…wait, we’re a person short…”

“Okay seriously enough with…”

“I was being nice, Johnny was invited you dork.” Jacey said rolling her eyes. She caught the look in Matt’s eyes as he looked at her and grinned. Damned clothes. She was dressed more like a teacher now more than ever.

Forty five minutes later as she said goodbye to her family and friends Kyle looked down at her hands as she went to get in her car. She blew her bangs out of her face as she slid behind the wheel of her brand new cherry red mustang. Why had she bought it was what she was asking herself now. When she was going to most likely be buying a new car again in a few months. When she pulled up to the doctors office Johnny was leaning against his SUV waiting for her. She bit her lip and walked over to him as soon as she got out of the car.

“Ready?” he asked her

“Not really no.”

“Well I’m right here with you babe. I love you and you aren’t going through this alone.” Kyle looked at him and smiled after a moment.

“I love you too Johnny.” He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. They pulled back and walked in together.

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

They've got me on the outside, looking in
But I can't see at all
With the weight of the world on my shoulders,
They just wanna see me fall

Another week passed and everyone noticed the subtleness of Johnny and Kyle when they were together. And everyone noticed when they walked in a room if the two were cuddled together on the couch laughing and talking quietly together and obviously attached to one another but when they heard someone enter they changed the topic of conversation. No one had said anything until Jacey and Matt walked in arguing and Zack and Leanne walked in arguing.

“I don’t give a flying fuck Matt. I said summer. I work during the year…”

“Jacey c’mon babe, you already agreed to October.”

“Well I changed my mind.”

“Oh would the two of you shut up already.” Zack yelled at Matt and Jacey.

“Don’t fucking tell my sister to shut up Zack.”

“What are you gonna do withhold sex? Not getting any anyways your on your period.” Zack yelled at Leanne.

“Hey guys quit yelling, what’s wrong?”

“Matt won’t listen, I want to get married in the summer when schools out…”

“We already agreed on October…”

“You can’t get married in October.” Johnny and Kyle said together.

“Why?” Four voices echoed at once. Johnny and Kyle looked at one another.

“Because that’s when the babies due.”

“What baby?” Jacey asked.

“Ours” Kyle said quietly. There were four shocked faces staring back at her and Johnny and she just smiled.

“You’ve got to be kidding me?” Jacey said.

“That’s what the two of you have been talking about then.”

“Well yeah, and we’ve been figuring out where we’re gonna live.” Johnny said grinning.

They've got me on the outside, looking in
But I can't see at all
With the weight of the world on my shoulders,
They just wanna see me fall

Have faith in me

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

Summer came quickly and Jacey and Matt got married in August when there were no birthdays and time passed even quicker and Jacey and Leanne both grew excited about the birth of their niece or nephews. Kyle and Johnny had gotten a house together, with room for them and the twins. And Johnny had placed a ring on Kyle’s finger and made her happier than she already was. Leanne moved in with Zack which everyone seemed to notice officially pissed off Brian. By the time October came around they were ready for the twins to be born.

As Kyle held her baby she looked down at her and smiled. She looked just like Kyle had when she had been born. They named her Quinn Rachel Seward keeping tradition with her and her sisters names and placing it in one child. Kyle glanced up as Johnny held Jamison Justine Seward. Their other baby girl. The twins were identical. Jacey smiled and suddenly she couldn’t wait to be a mom.


“What?” Her husband asked cautiously.

“I want kids…”

“Can we be married a little longer first?” Matt asked. Jacey turned and kissed him.


“Oh god my sisters have issues, I’m good just being an aunt for now.” Leanne said taking the baby that Kyle handed her. Jacey watched as Johnny handed Jamison to her mom and they all smiled. The age difference forgotten temporarily between the couple. Leanne watched as her sisters ring flashed in the bright lights of the room and smiled. She glanced down at her own left hand. No one had noticed the diamond on her finger yet.

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did (Go, Did)
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it (Fall, Meant It)
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you go, and I never did