I Love You, Benjamin Stone


“So, does this mean that I have to wear a bra and stuff?” Curtis is flipping through his “Hamlet” book and glances down at his flattened chest. “Since I’m being a girl and all, I think I need something to fill these out a bit, right?”

Today is the first day of practice for our remake of “Hamlet”. So far the only thing we’ve accomplished is getting Curtis convinced enough to change his voice to a more feminine pitch and for Parker to grow a beard by Friday. I'm not really looking forward to that aspect but Parker seems a little enthusiastic by the idea. Boys and challenges, they seem to like walking hand-in-hand.

Parker is rubbing his chin thoughtfully while staring into the drama room mirror.

“I wish that I could just go ‘Bam!’ and there would be a Paul Bunyan beard, you know?” He says out loud, ignoring Curtis’s question completely. Benjamin raises an eyebrow at Parker then drops his book to the floor.

“Depends on if you want to Curt, I’m sure your mom can supply you with a sling shot. Her tits are like boulders.” Curtis turns beet red while Ben and Parker hoot with laughter. I chuckle uncomfortably and lift my book in front of my face to hide the reddened color of my skin.

“Why are you looking at Curts’ mom’s boobs anyway Benjamin?” Parker questions with a glint of humor in his voice. Benjamin laughs and grabs Parker into a choke hold, nearly knocking his friend to the ground.

“Yeah Stone, you interested in my mom or something?” Curtis joins in with a laugh and gets involved with the tangle.

All this time, I thought that boys simply talked about cars and girls they liked. I didn’t think they spoke with such vulgarity and about each other’s moms; or fought like 5 year old children. This whole situation has made me realize just how naive I am to the male species and how they work. Not only do I need to start watching more movies about guys, I need to start actually socializing with them as well. Oh God, I’m like Susan Boyle.

I push my glasses up my nose and try to focus on my book, reading over Ophelia’s lines until my eyes are ready to bulge out of their sockets. I slip my glasses off of my nose and rub my eyes with a yawn. The ruckus stops and when I slip my glasses back on, they are all gawking at me like twelve-year old children.

“W-what?” I ask and feel my skin heat up. Ben shrugs and Parker scratches the back of his head. Curtis plops down in the chair beside me and eyes my face with curiosity.

“You know, you would actually be about a six if you got rid of your glasses.” Curtis says seriously and taps on the lens of my glasses. I can't help but twist my face in confusion and touch them self-consciously.

“A… A six? What do you mean by that?” I ask, feeling slightly stupid for not knowing. Curtis whistles loudly and leans back in the chair he is sitting in while Parker laughs out loud. Benjamin simply gives me a curious glance before folding his arms over his chest.

“A six means that you’re doable but you’re not really considered hot.” Curtis says to me, giving his hair a good ruffle while I glare at him.

So I'm considered a body, something they could stick it in but I'm not remotely good-looking. I know I'm not Megan Fox or anything, but I never thought of myself as horribly ugly. I always left that title to Patty Gourd, since she's the one with the uni-brow and unshaven legs. I truly feel that those factors are to be considered first and foremost in attraction.

“So… I’m…” I say slowly, trying to figure out what words to say. Nothing is coming to mind. I am that offended.

“You’re alright Annaleigh, but you’re no Megan Fox.” Benjamin interrupts, breaking my thoughts. See, I told you that me and Megan Fox are in two completely different leagues. Not only that, but BENJAMIN STONE JUST TALKED TO ME!

“Um, okay.” I murmur and fold my “Hamlet” book in my lap. Curtis gets up and gives Benjamin a pat on the shoulder, nearly knocking him off of his feet upon impact. “So alright means that…. Means that I’m just err, average?”

“Pretty much, but it’s not that you don’t have potential. Just put on some fish net stalkings, wear a school girl outfit and shake your ass. That’ll get you brownie points.” Parker explains. The boys burst into immature laughter and I, of course, blush horribly.

They finally quit laughing about six minutes later, each one breathless and red-faced.

“So… So dude, about the bra thing. Do you plan on getting one at La Senza with your mother or what?” Parker asks Curtis. Curtis bites his lip and places his hands behind his head, looking thoughtful.

“Well, I don’t exactly want to waste money on a girl’s undergarment if it’s never touched the real thing.” Curtis answers and I pick up my Chemistry book and flip through it. Organic Chemistry Annaleigh, think of carbon compounds rather than listening to this idiocy…

“You could always steal one from Annaleigh.” Parker suggests while trying to suppress a laugh. Curtis turns to me and stares down at my chest. I hold my Chemistry book up protectively.

“I need them to notice that I actually have boobs.” Curtis responds and Benjamin’s head jerks up from his cell phone.

I think that my face has officially been dyed the color of red.

“She uh, kind of has some.” Parker points out and plucks my Chemistry book out of my hands. "If you can see past the layers."

I get to my feet and snatch my book back rudely, darting my angry gaze at the floor.

“Hardly!” Curtis exclaims and I slam the book loudly in my hands.

The boys all jump and stare at me in surprise.

“Look, just because I’m shy and quiet and stammer a lot of the time doesn’t mean that I’m completely oblivious to everything around me. What you're saying is incredibly rude and I’m immensely offended by it. I do happen to have breasts and I’m definitely not a six, but at this point, that might actually just be you, in other words, you age.” I bark while pulling my stuff off of the floor. “I expect that tomorrow we’ll be conducting a proper rehearsal rather than this child’s play. I would like a passing grade, if that’s even possible.”

There is a silence echoing throughout the room.

“Did you… Did you just say more than one sentence?” Benjamin asks, rubbing the back of his head with a hand. I feel my face soften and I nod curtly, adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

“That was intense. Curtis, you’re a douche bag.” Parker says and shoves Curtis out of his chair, causing him to face plant onto the floor with a heavy thud.

“Hey that was rude!” Curtis whines and pulls himself to his feet. I purse my lips and button up my jacket.

That was a big step in my life. I just stood up for myself for the first time ever.

“Apologize Curtis, you offended her.” Benjamin says, jabbing Curtis in the arm with a slender finger. I think I'm falling in love with him a little bit more.

“I-?” Curtis begins then sighs heavily. He jams his hands into his pockets and blushes slightly. “Sorry… Uh… Shit! I forgot your name again!”

Curtis stomps a foot on the ground.

I rub a hand on my forehead and tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

“I’m … I’m not bothering to tell you anymore.” I answer softly and Parker pats my shoulder.

“It’s okay, Curtis is a total douche anyway. At least you’ve got me and Benny to pull this group together.” Parker says in a sympathetic voice. I resist the urge to roll my eyes in doubt.

“Not my fault that I was in a coma when I was seven!” Curtis proclaims in his defense and swats Parker over the head.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Benjamin asks and pulls his jacket over his broad shoulders. His hair brushes his eyes and his plump, red lips are slightly parted; I think I can feel drool forming in the corner of my mouth. I have to turn my face away quickly so that he wouldn’t notice that I'm staring.

“Everything! It affects my memory!” Curtis shouts and then swipes up his copy of “Hamlet” from under Parker’s arm.

“Sure.” Benjamin replies curtly and then waves before leaving the room. I can feel the air brush my skin as he moves past me.

“Well this has definitely been fun. Girly, bra on Friday.” Curtis says to me and points a finger before leaving the room. I feel my jaw drop and bring it back into a tight clench. The nerve…!

Parker raises his eyebrows at me and then slides on his coat. He stops for a second before turning to me.

“Look Annaleigh, everything that’s said in here isn’t to be taken to heart alright? Curtis is just kind of a dingbat sometimes. He doesn’t mean anything by it.” A hand lightly touches my shoulder and I glance down at it.

“Y-yeah… I know.” I mutter and then give Parker a small smile. “I just... Need to toughen up my skin a bit is all.”

“You'll learn around us.” Parker replies lightly and grins. He drops his hand and swings his backpack over his shoulder. “We’ll get a good grade, don’t worry. See you tomorrow.”

I feel a small smile form on my lips and I turn out the lights in the classroom as I shut the door.


“Mary Poppins! Wait up!”

I slow my pace and turn my head over my shoulder in response to the voice. Rex jogs up to me, his mop of white blond hair framing his head like a halo. He comes to a stop, his shoulders heaving and he places a hand on his hip while the other brushes his bangs from his eyes.
“Hi.” I say softly and pull my coat around my body tighter. The air outside is cold, to a point where the tip of my nose and ears are going numb. While I am bundled up in my winter coat, Rex is in a single red sweater with a black shirt underneath. His breath floats from his lips like small clouds with a cigarette slipped between them.

He flicks his lighter and takes a heavy drag before lifting his eyes to meet mine.

“About what I said about you being church girl yesterday-” He begins. I hold up my hand and close my eyes. My ego's been bruised enough for the day.

“It’s fine. Really. Don’t… Don’t worry about it.” I say and then smile before beginning to walk away. The sound of footsteps follows and slips in front of me, blocking my way.

“But obviously I’m worried about it if I’m actually taking time to apologize MP.” He points out and drops his half-burned cigarette to the ground. I watch it and then put it out with my foot, clutching my books tighter to my chest.

“Well I’d rather just move past it.”

“I’d rather you say that you accept my apology. It was rude of me and uncool considering you’re my only friend at this shit hole right about now.” I study his face and he bites his lip. I switch my gaze to my feet and then nod slowly.

“Right… Well… Your apology is accepted.” I mumble and Rex shoots me a beaming smile.

“Cool. ‘Cause no one else here is going to save my sorry ass from getting pummeled, fix me up or show me around. Turns out that Boston knows more people than I thought.” He shivers after his last sentence and digs his hands into his pockets. I feel a pang of sympathy and pull my scarf from around my neck and hand it to him.

“Here, it’s nothing like a coat but… But it’ll keep you somewhat warm.” Rex glances down at the scarf and then lightly picks it up from my outstretched hand. He wraps it around his neck and gives his hair a light ruffle.

“Thanks.” He says softly and I smile in welcome. “So what had you waiting after school for so long?”

We begin walking together and to my surprise, it isn’t even remotely awkward. Talking to Rex is like talking to Courtney: comfortable and simple. There isn’t any pressure to be anyone else but myself. It's .. Nice to not have to worry so much.

“Hamlet presentations.” Rex raises an eyebrow inquisitively and toys with a loose string on my scarf.

“Group consists of…?” He asks and kicks a ball of snow with the tip of his black Converse sneaker. I watch it roll and collapse into powder.

“Curtis, Parker, me and… And Benjamin Stone.” I stumble on Benjamin’s name and begin to blush furiously.


I stop in my tracks.

“W-what?!” I demand and Rex begins to laugh, softly at first and then louder. I stand in an embarrassed silence while he nearly dies.

“You mean that you’re in a group with that big fruitcake? The one that all those girls swoon over?” He poises himself in a feminine fashion and then bats his eyelashes. “Oh Benjamin! Would you like to see up my skirt?”

“Rex! Stop it!” I exclaim, crossing my arms over my chest, resisting the urge to giggle. He lets out another chuckle and then turns to face me.

He takes a few steps forward, glancing down at me to fill in the little height difference between the two of us.

“I should mention that when I said all the girls in the school like him; I was also referring to you, Mary Poppins.” He beams a smile at me and tugs on my braid teasingly. I scowl and tuck my books into the book bag on my shoulder, my muscles twitch with fatigue.

“N-no! I just happen to think…. I uh,” I stutter and then close the bag. Rex stares at me, a look of arrogance on his face. He points a finger at me and shakes it, like I'm being scolded for something.

“Right, right. You happen to think that he’s gorgeous and absolutely perfect. Oh, I am so good at guessing!” He strikes a pose of victory and pats my shoulder roughly. “You forget MP, that guys like him don’t go for girls like you.”

“You make it sound like I’m the ugly stepsister or something, like I’d never have a chance at anything.” I mumble in annoyance and drop my mouth to a frown. Rex stops patting my shoulder and then purses his lips for a second.

“Not exactly, it’s just that you don’t put out.” He states simply and winks.

“Put … Out?” I say in confusion and Rex’s eyebrows dart up in surprise. He pinches the bridge of his nose for a brief moment as a small laugh errupts from his lips.

“Oh dear. Birds and the bees MP, birds and the bees. Please tell me you at least know that!"

“Birds and-? OH!” I answer in a startled tone and cover my mouth with my gloves. Rex laughs and then grins wickedly.

“Exactly. You’re not really that type, meaning you aren’t really his type. I dunno, maybe you and your friend could figure something out.” He says and begins walking away. “Nothing with fishnets though! Those turn me on!”

What is it with boys and fishnets anyway?
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So this isn't one of my better chapters but there has been so much going on lately guys. I'm sorry that I've taken awhile to update but I hardly have the time to write anymore. Sorry, hope you liked it anyway :)