I Love You, Benjamin Stone


“Well Ms. Barker, I happen to have some good news for you right now!”

I'm sitting on a lumpy hospital bed, my wrist now placed into a cast. The hospital smells so stale, a combination of sickness and death hanging in the air. I’ve never liked hospitals, even when I was little and would get lollipops after a walk-in check up. It has always reminded me of the last few days I had with my grandma, who died because a doctor made a fatal mistake.

Rex is sitting on the chair next to my bed, reading through a ‘Good Housekeeping’ magazine. Every once in awhile he’d giggle or snort, then rub his nose before flipping the page and repeating the whole cycle again. I don’t find the magazine that interesting but knowing him, he’s just hit the jackpot for humor.

The doctor is writing some things down on his check board and then sits down across from me, giving Rex a raised eyebrow before turning his attention back to me. I shift on the lumpy mattress uncomfortably and then placed my cast-clad wrist onto my lap.

“Good news is that the surgery to place pins into your arm was successful. We managed to pin the bone as close as it was before, meaning it should heal properly and will regain most of it’s usage. You’ll have to wear the cast for about a month or so possibly even longer depending on how it heals. Afterward, you’ll be placed into physiotherapy to gradually introduce strength back into the wrist. You’re lucky that it was a clean break, it could have been a lot worse,” The doctor says to me with a smile and I grin back.

“Only Mary Poppins would break her wrist after slipping on ice. See? School really is harmful to your health,” Rex speaks up, placing the magazine back onto the stand before reaching for another one. He begins flipping through it then switches the magazines again. This time, he decides on ‘Woman’s World’, I’m kind of scared for the boy as of now.

The doctor purses his lips in approval before waving and exiting the room. I turn to Rex.

“Was that really necessary? It’s embarrassing enough as it is without you mocking me, thank you,” I say to him lowly and get to my feet. Rex mimics my movements and then rolls up the magazine to hit me in the non-injured arm. I pick up my bag and lifted it over my shoulder, adjusting the strap. The room was a little bit brighter and louder than I expected, which most likely means the morphine hasn’t worn of yet.

It's better than when I first woke up post-surgery. There were pink elephants and green monkeys jumping around the room with Benjamin Stone’s face in place of their own. It wasn’t that I minded that part but then I remembered that Ben wasn’t a monkey or elephant. I ended up telling Rex with wide eyes and he could do nothing but laugh at me. I was so high that I ended up giggling along with him and that’s when Will Smith walked in as his character from “Men In Black”.

“Probably wasn’t but it’s fun anyway,” Rex says in a light tone and slips on his coat. I roll my eyes and open the door just as my parents storm in. My mother has the most worried expression on her face. My father seems calm until he looks at Rex, then his face hardens and Rex actually looks scared for his life.

“Oh my God Annie! I’m so sorry we couldn’t get here sooner, both of our phones were on silent after a church group meeting. Dear God are you okay!? Does it hurt really bad!? Was the doctor alright!? Was-Wait a minute,” She turns her gaze to Rex, who smiles sheepishly. “Annaleigh Barker, would you care to explain who this young man is?”

My father is now standing face to face with Rex.

“Young man, you wouldn’t happen to be seeing my daughter, would you?” My father questions in a warning tone. Rex looks at me, his eyes wide and worried. He then inhales deeply, visibly relaxing and sticks out his hand.

“Rexian Grayson, Mr. Barker. No, I’m currently not dating your daughter or am remotely close to doing so. We just happen to be associated with each other on a social and educational level,” My father raises his eyebrows in surprise and accepts Rex’s hand, shaking it firmly. Rex winks at me and I blush, running my free hand through my tangle of hair. My mother also shakes Rex’s hand.

“It’s… Nice to meet you Rexian,” The name slips off of my mother’s tongue awkwardly and Rex smiles in return.

“You can just call me Rex, everyone else does,” My father is looking over him suspiciously, his eyes roaming over the white blond hair, the colorful shirt beneath the black windbreaker, the torn up jeans and the battered shoes. It is that moment when I realize that I’d be lectured for not being more careful AND hanging out with this crazy guy without letting my parents know.

In a second, I actually feel something like a need to defend Rex. I want my parents to know that just because he looks rough, it doesn’t mean he actually is that bad. Sure, he gets into fights that he can’t handle and he's was a little more ragged than most of the guys my family talks to but he's also somebody who actually takes the time to speak to me as a person and not just a brain.

“No need to worry mother, Rex just moved here from Ottawa. I’ve been showing him around the school and helping him get adjusted to the programs we have out here. Mr. Dawson approved of it as well,” I jump in and step forward toward my parents. Rex gives me a grateful smile and then shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

“Really, so you are not involved at all with this young man, Annaleigh?” My father presses, directing his hand at Rex.

“If you are Annie, it’s alright. We aren’t going to punish you for it,” My mother says softly. What a big lie, even for her. If I was dating Rex, it’d be the worst thing to happen in my family. He wouldn’t be good enough for me, smart enough, well-paid, he couldn’t take care of me. Not that it mattered because I had no interest in Rex anyway. My heart is entirely dedicated to Benjamin Stone and no one else.

“I swear guys, Rex and I are just friends,” I insist and Rex nods.

“I’m honestly just learning the ropes around here,” Rex scratches the back of his head uncomfortably and then shifts on his feet.

“As long as you two aren’t lying,” My mother says firmly and crosses her arms over her chest.


Lying? Why would I even think of lying to a guy who’s about as big as Godzilla and a woman who probably has a picture of Jesus in her wallet right now? There is no way I'm going to risk being damned or pummeled by some giant. My life is a little more important than that.

Annaleigh’s face is flushed entirely and I can’t help but mentally laugh at her. It must be hard to live with parents breathing down your neck all the time and to have the ability to blush over everything that’s said. I could say ‘banana’ and the girl would probably turn into a tomato. I’m grateful that I rarely blush.

Her parents are insisting that they drive her home now since they have a coffee meeting that they are going to be late for but Annaleigh continues to say that she’ll wait until lunch for Courtney to pick her up. I’ve seen Courtney around, she's awkward looking with wild hair and small eyes. Not my type what-so-ever.

“Do you want to catch a ride with me?”

It takes me a few seconds to realize that Annaleigh is speaking to me, I'm still focused on the vision of Courtney’s neon pink and green braces. I jerk my head up and then glance at her parents, who are giving me the same questioning gaze as I ponder on the right answer.

“No, I can walk,” I reply and I can swear I see her parents sigh in relief. They give her a quick hug before leaving her alone with me again. Frikken’ hell, if my father hugged me in public, I would probably either faint from shock or kill myself in embarrassment. I would decide depending on where this would happen.

Annaleigh pauses for a moment then turns to me, her face still tinted red.

“I’m so sorry about my parents, they’re kind of rude when it comes to… To…” She finally just gives up on trying to find the words to say.

“To people who look like me,” I finish and then shrug. “Not a big deal, I’m used to being judged before people get to know me. Kind of how it works out here.” Annaleigh nods slowly.

“It’s not entirely their fault though… They grew up around here, they’re rather cliquey. It’s… I’m sure it’s nothing against you really, it’s just that it takes them a little while to warm up to people and they aren’t too fond of me associating with guys. Especially guys who look like they could influence me in a negative way,” I can’t help but laugh. Somehow, I have a feeling that Annaleigh Barker is one of the last people I could ever influence.


“Well we might as well get out of this room and stand near the parking lot. That way Courtney won’t barge in here demanding to know where I am.”

Rex and I both begin walking out to the front of the hospital, passing by coughing strangers and small children playing with the little hot wheels fire trucks. Mothers are chattering away to each other while their husbands read through today’s newspaper.

The cool air hits me hard considering the hospital was almost a little too hot for my liking. I shiver beneath my coat, getting a look from Rex. I turn away and glance around the parking lot, trying to find the familiar red Volkswagen beetle.

“Are you cold or something? Your teeth are chattering,” Rex asks me and I immediately clamp my jaw down, making my body shiver in response. I shake my head and wrap my coat tighter, struggling with because of my new handicap. Rex sighs heavily and then reaches over. “Let me help before you hurt yourself yet again.”

He did up each button, his slender hands moving carefully over each one. His eyes are lowered and mouth pursed in a straight line. I wait patiently, trying to keep myself from being completely aware to how close he is to me right at this moment. I can nearly feel his breath on my neck. He then stops and adjusts my scarf before backing away.

“Thanks,” I mumble, feeling my face redden. Rex doesn’t answer but just stands with his hands in his pockets. “You don’t have to wait with me you know.”

Rex laughs heartily.

“Right and if I don’t then somehow you’ll manage to get yourself in another situation. It’s lunch time at school, meaning that Boston is cruising around this area now. I’d rather you not get your ass kicked for my business,” Rex mutters, scanning around the parking lot. He ruffles his hair and then digs into his pocket to pull out a cigarette. “He seems to think that because I stood up for you that I like you or something.”

I don’t reply but instead stand in an uncomfortable silence.

“Which you know I don’t,” Rex adds, the words escaping through his lips while he lights the smoke. “Or at least, not in a like-like way. I like my girls experienced.”

I make a face of disgust and see a flash of red. Courtney’s beetle is coming up the road, standing out.

“Chill out MP, I’m kidding,” Rex says and I let out a huffy breath.

“You’re disgusting, a total pig,” I answer him in my most polite voice possible. Rex shrugs with a goofy grin and inhales the smoke of his cigarette.

“I’m aware.”

Courtney pulls up to the curb, knocking the old beetle into park to turn off the engine. She gets out and crosses her arms over her chest as she walked up to us, her hair actually looking more tame than normal. She gives me a smile and then looks Rex over slowly before giving him a grin.

“Hey guys!” She says and I wave in reply. Rex doesn’t say anything, he is just staring out at the trees with his cigarette dangling out of his mouth. Courtney’s smile falters slightly and Rex sighs, extending a hand.

“Rex.” Courtney glances down at the extended hand and accepts it, shaking lightly.

“Courtney Reitman, Annaleigh’s best friend,” She answers, trying to keep her voice from rising in excitement. Personally, I don’t really understand why she finds Rex to be so irresistible. It must be the ‘I don’t care about anything’ attitude or the battered jeans. Yes, that's probably it.

“Well Mary Poppins, I’m heading out now. No need to stick around now that your friend is here, I highly doubt Boston is gonna kick the shit outta you when someone else is around,” Rex says simply and tosses his cigarette into the ashtray right outside of the hospital.

Courtney stares at me and makes a motion of ‘do something!’.


There’s no way in HELL that we’re leaving without this gorgeous guy. No way, I’d rather walk through the Sahara wearing a parka and mukluks rather than leave this guy behind.

I bite my lip and then step closer to Rex, trying to keep my heart from flying out of my chest. His eyes are so dark and his face rough but at the same time, smooth and delicate. I never knew that somebody could look so rugged and perfect at the same time. Not only that, but the white blond hair is so light that when it blows back a bit in the wind, it looks like threads of ice. Incredible, I think I just fell in love.

“Well Rex, if you wanted… I could give you a ride to the school. It’s not like it’s a big deal or anything and you wouldn’t have to walk in the cold.”


I just met the girl and already her eyes are screaming ‘Fuck me’.

I glance at Annaleigh, who isn’t exactly paying attention anymore. She has a book opened with one hand and is scanning through it with furrowed eyebrows. Meanwhile Courtney is looking like she's trying to restrain herself from jumping on me.

What is it with girls in this city?


“Sure, if it’s cool with you,” Rex answers nonchalantly and gives Courtney a crooked smile. She stares at him for a moment then snaps back into attention, touching my shoulder to knock me back into reality. She gives me an ‘OMG’ look and then we all began heading to her car.

She stands so close to Rex that I swear she's trying to mold herself into him. It's strange seeing my best friend so caught up over one guy. Courtney was never the type to let herself get crazy over anyone, especially not someone she’s just met. Like she’s had her crushes, one including Benjamin but she’s never played herself off this way.

I guess Rex really is that hot, funny how I don’t really notice this.

We pile into Courtney’s car and as I'm about to sit in the passenger’s seat, Courtney gives me a wicked glare that says to go in the back. I sigh and get out, nearly bumping into Rex.

“You can have shotgun,” I say softly and he shrugs.

“It’s not a huge deal or anything, I can sit in the back,” He replies but then Courtney yells at us to pile in. He gives me a raised eyebrow before getting into the front seat. I get into the back, trying to avoid hitting my wrist on the piles of junk my friend has piled on the floor and seats.

Courtney begins to drive and turns up her radio. Rex turns back and gives me a look that makes me laugh out loud. Courtney glances in to the back mirror and rolls her eyes, knowing immediately that it's about her music.

“So Rex,” She begins with a sweet tone in her voice. “What made you move to Saskatoon?”

Rex places his hands behind his head and stares thoughtfully out the window for a few seconds.

“Family stuff, nothing important.” Courtney nods in response and I place my agenda on my lap while flipping through it, trying to figure out what tests I have this week. Tonight is Hamlet practice but I have a feeling that I would be doped up on pain killers and wouldn’t know what I'm doing.

“Rex, are you good at knowing how to get someone to like you?” Courtney asks randomly, catching both of our attention. He stares at her for a moment.

“Uhhh… I don’t really know… Does this have something to do with MP and her obsession with Stone?”

Courtney gives me a sympathetic smile. I'm going to kill her.

“Well we’re trying to get Annaleigh involved with guys a little bit more, so I put an ad in the paper for the escort section to get her dates. We’re trying to get her to be a little more comfortable.”

I can feel my face burning up and I put my book in front of me to hide myself. Rex laughs and then turns back to me.

“An escort, huh? That should make things very interesting.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hahaha I have a picture of Rex as my profile pic. Really it's Luke Worrall, he couldn't be more perfect to play the role.
Comment please!
I've been updating regularly so i think i earned it :D