I Love You, Benjamin Stone


Rex ended up laughing the entire way back to the school which pretty much proved that I was definitely going to be killing Courtney once we got away from the boy. He’d stop for a few minutes then would let out a little chuckle, stop then erupt into a fit of laughter again. It got to a point where he started to hiccup, each one appearing after a laugh until finally he was hiccupping so much that he wasn’t able to laugh anymore.

I didn’t say anything to him but ended up just sitting in the back silently with a scowl set firmly on my face. I made sure not to say one little word for the rest of the drive, even when Courtney asked me if I wanted to skip out on school to go shopping instead. It must have been some sort of way to seem rebellious in front of Rex because Courtney Jane Reitman has never skipped a day of school since kindergarten.

Courtney pulled into the school parking lot and turned around to wait for my answer. I ignored her and got out of the car, swinging my bag over my shoulder with my good hand. Rex got out as well and I made sure to get in his way so he couldn’t get out of the car just yet, he deserved to be a bit punished after laughing so hard at me. Instead, he booted me out of the way and got to his feet.

I glared at him only to receive a beaming smile in return. I let out a huffy breath and began trudging toward the school, still pretending to be oblivious to the fact that Courtney was yelling something at me along the way.

“So, what is your escort name? I’d love if it were Mary Poppins but there’s nothing sexy or provocative about it.” Rex asked after he caught up to me. Courtney was by his side and giggled softly.

“I… I don’t even know.” I replied honestly and opened the door to the school. Rex and Courtney entered before me, saying ‘thank you’ for holding the door open for them. This is probably the reason why I don’t have many friends because people are simply users.

Courtney slowed her pace and waited for me, drool practically hanging from her mouth as her eyes trailed over Rex’s body.

“Control yourself!” I whispered to her and she swallowed roughly, catching up to Rex. He tilted his head slightly and rubbed the back of his neck with a small smile. I adjusted the sling that my wrist was held up on, grateful that I’d only need it for a few days.

“I placed her name in the ad as Tequila Sunrise.” I stopped adjusting the white cloth wrapped over my arm to jerk my head up at Courtney. She shrugged her shoulders sheepishly and Rex raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know what else to put and your parents are even more likely to never find out Anna.”

“Tequila Sunrise.” I said aloud, repeating Courtney’s name. Rex snorted and I gave him a dirty look, which didn’t stop him from snickering. Courtney nodded her head and placed her hands on her bohemian-skirt clad hips.

“Would you rather have something boring like ‘Jenna’ or ‘Molly’?” She asked defensively and I slapped my good hand to my forehead.
“Yes! I would! At least it wouldn’t be a reference to an alcoholic beverage!” I squeaked out, nearly hitting Rex in the head with my one flailing arm. He ducked and shot me a dirty look, one that actually silenced me into embarrassment. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed heavily, trying to regain some of the composure I seemed to be lacking today. It must have been all the drugs I was hopped on from after the surgery. I should have stayed there, my parents told the hospital I’d be resting at home but no, I had to go to school. DAMMIT!

“An alcoholic beverage that tastes oh-so-good. I’m more of a scotch man myself though.” Rex said and Courtney waggled her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and made my way toward the school office in order to sign in. The sign in book was placed on the counter and just as I was about to write my name in, somebody yelled something out. It wasn’t Rex, for once, but when I looked up I seen Curtis jogging toward me.

“Hey… uh… Forget it. About tonight’s practice-WHOA! What the hell happened to your arm!?” Curtis shouted so loudly that the secretaries actually turned from their desks with faces of annoyance. Curtis waved a hand as a hello and an apology before focusing his attention back to me.

“Her wrist actually.” Rex intervened, leaning against the wall as he wrote in my name for the sign in book. When I glanced down. I seen ‘Mary Poppins’ written in a messy script that was barely legible. I wouldn’t have known if it weren’t for the huge ‘M’ and rounded ‘P’.

“I… I slipped.” I mumbled and glanced down at my wrist. Curtis was poking at it with his finger, the only thing I could say was that jabbing at my recently broken wrist didn’t feel that nice. Especially since I shouldn’t even be at school right now.

“You slipped and broke your wrist!? Man that totally sucks! Glad to see you’re alright though.” Curtis patted my shoulder in a brotherly fashion. “Can’t have Ophelia dropping dead or anything, I wouldn’t want to play the role of two girls.”

“You’d be fine at that Curtis, since your boobs are big enough for a bra.” Courtney said sweetly and Curtis darted a glare in her direction. The two of them have hated each other since the third grade.


I love that girl. Seriously, even if she dresses like her grandmother.

I threw sand at her in grade three and she told me to go and suck my mom’s dick.

I’ve been in love ever since.


Douchebag. Did I ever mention that I hate him immensely?

I bet Rex wouldn’t ever do anything like that. Wait, he’s laughing… Good sign!

Can anyone call out the words ‘Cat Fight’?

Oh never mind, Rex just did.

Courtney and Curtis were inches away from each other, yelling in each other’s faces with expressions of outrage. ‘How could you say that!?’ ‘You’re an idiot!’ ‘No you’re an ass is what you are!’, words along those lines. I’m not a fan of swearing but Courtney happens to make up for it. Rather than say the ‘f’ word to Curtis, she stuck up her middle finger and waved it around. Curtis scowled and turned away, returning his focus back to me.

Considering he looked royally ticked, I think that I’d rather him just talk to Courtney rather than me. I’d rather have him take out his anger on her, be incredibly insulted, and then leave rather than speak to me after the first seniors. He gave Courtney one last vicious look then began to drag me down the hallway away from her.

“In a bit MP!” Rex hollered down the hallway with a laugh in his voice. I glanced over my shoulder at him, swallowing roughly in the process. Courtney waved and soon enough, we disappeared around the corner toward the north hallway.

“Care to explain the dramatic exit?” I asked him and smoothed out the sleeve of my jacket that was bunched above my cast. Curtis breathed out and took a second to collect himself before answering.

“Oh right! Almost forgot what I was going to talk to you about…”

“Curt! You give Barker the news yet?”

Curtis and I both turned around to see Parker emerging from a classroom. He looked cute today, his curly brown hair still a playful mop on his head but perfectly coordinated with his bright blue eyes and green DC shirt. He strolled over to us, jamming his hands into the pockets of his dark wash jeans before stopping near Curtis.

He gave me a curt nod then stopped to glance down at my cast.

“What happened?” He asked immediately and Curtis answered for me. “Damn, it’s a good thing that nothing serious went on to disrupt the play and all, not that-not that this isn’t serious or anything.”

“I get what you mean.” I answered lightly. Parker gave me a grin then poked Curtis.

“Did you tell her yet?” Curtis shook his head and Parker sighed in annoyance. I darted my gaze from each of them in confusion. Parker muttered something about Curtis being a tool then rubbed the back of his head.

“Is there… Something I’m missing here?” I asked, trying to keep any worry out of my voice. Curtis pursed his lips and rubbed his chin, looking like he was contemplating something. Whatever it was, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know, especially since Curtis was involved in the whole scenario. Having him in my group was enough of a problem as it is and I was still trying to figure out how to avoid giving him a bra without being bugged for the rest of my life about it.

“Well sort of, nothing of great importance. We’re just cancelling tonight’s practice because Benny thinks it’s a better idea to go out for pizza with the ladies.” Curtis did a little dance and Parker slapped him over the head, stopping him in his groove. I didn’t say anything.

“You can come with if you want, err… Emily?” Curtis asked and when I shook my head in denial he sighed in irritation.

“No thanks, I think that I’ll just find something else to do.” I replied softly and then gave them a reassuring smile. “But thank you for the offer.”

“You’re going to miss out on pizza!?” Curtis exclaimed, nearly jumping into the air. I swear this kid has ADHD or something, his randomness was enough to scare people away.

“I got out of surgery today, I should actually be resting.” Parker made a noise and Curtis snorted. I lowered my eyebrows in confusion.

“Only you would be somebody to have surgery and come to school right after. Your nerdiness is captivating, even motivating.” Parker said then waved a farewell. He left toward the bathroom, Curtis following suit.


After Annaleigh left, I was stuck alone with Courtney for the rest of the lunch hour. She was like a shadow or something, everywhere I went she followed with a million questions piling out of her mouth. It was like trying to see a drunk guy keep himself from puking, she’d be quiet for a few minutes then the words would be piling out; just like the puke.

I went to my locker and she trailed after, like a dog with an owner. I didn’t exactly want to be straight and tell her to piss off, I needed as many allies in this place as possible but it wasn’t exactly cool being trailed by Lizzie McGuire.

“Don’t you have something else to do?” I questioned her and she shook her head, seeming unfazed by the rude tone in my voice. Somehow it seemed like I would probably not be able to do any wrong for this girl, I could punch her in the face and she’d still be grinning even though she wouldn’t have any teeth.

“Figured you could use the company, being new and all.” She replied as I closed my locker door. I raised an eyebrow at her and placed my books into the grasp of one hand.

“It’s not like it’s hard to be independent or anything.” I hinted but she kept her pace beside me.
“So, how did you and Annaleigh get to know each other?”

I chuckled and used my free hand to rub my forehead. If I had some duck tape right now, I’d probably take it and place it over her mouth just so I’d get a moment of silence. I had been dreading the loneliness at this school and now suddenly I crave it more than a fat man wants a burger.

The simile is incredibly lame, I’m aware but there’s no other way to describe it.

It was obvious that she wasn’t going to leave until class, which was still a half an hour. If only Annaleigh would appear out of nowhere and kidnap this creeper, it’d make my life so much easier.

“Street fight, she helped me after.” I answered as simple as possible. “Look, I have to go to the bathroom. Don’t wait up for me, it’ll be awhile.” I then took the opportunity to dash into the washrooms down the hallway, leaving Courtney gape-mouthed.

Relief flooded through my veins once that door opened and the familiar scent of soap and glossy glare of tile greeted me. It was as if I had reached my own little sanctuary, away from the world and that stalker. Dear God, I think I might have to shave my head and name myself Britney.

“Jesus!” I muttered to myself and dropped my books onto the counter. In the corner was that guy who had dragged Annaleigh away and some other curly-headed bitch who seemed like he owned this whole joint. They were both talking about their plans tonight and all the girls they were going to pick up.

I had never had a close friend to speak with like that. I’d always been alone.

“You’re that guy that Courtney was all over.” A blunt statement that lead me to look up at the voice talking. It was the guy that my newest stalker was arguing with, the tall goofy looking one that had a big mouth.

“Yup.” I responded and Curtis crossed his arms over his chest. The other guy was wiping his hands in paper towel and while he did so, he was watching me with intense curiosity. I really really really hope he’s not actually gay and checking me out.

“You two dating?” I couldn’t help but let out a snort. The guy, Curtis if I recall, then blushed lightly and ran a slender hand through his choppy hair in an uncomfortable way.

When I didn’t answer his question vocally, he asked again.

“Did the snort not give you a good enough answer?” I retorted and the boy closed his mouth and clenched his jaw. The other one draped an arm over his shoulders lazily.

“Let’s go Curt, nothing to get yourself all worked up about. New guy’s just yanking your chain s’all.” He then looked up at me. “What’s your name?”

I was taken by surprise at his question. So far, there hasn’t been one person in this school who cared to ask my name directly. Most of them had already known it from the stream of gossip that seemed to nip at my feet wherever I went.


The boy slid his arm off of Curtis’s shoulder and extended a hand out to me. I wasn’t one for handshakes.

“Parker.” He said and shook my hand, even though I made sure I stuck it out reluctantly. He stepped back next to Curtis and placed his hands into his pockets. “Know a lot of people yet?”

I shook my head.

“School’s a bit cliquey.” I answered with a halved grin. Curtis glared at me but didn’t say anything in response. The dude has to have something going on with that Courtney chick, there’s no other way he’d be so angry with me.

“Get it. We’re going to Papa’s at 6. Come if you want.” Parker said to me then left the bathroom.


He had to invite that asshole to pizza.



Personally, I didn’t care whether or not this Rex kid showed up to the get-together tonight and I really didn’t care if he wanted to be friends with any of us. It wasn’t like that at all. I just happened to like watching the guy squirm uncomfortably, looking so out of place in this school, better yet in this city. It was always fun messing with the new guys.

It was more to piss off Curt than anything. I could tell just by the look on his face when Rex walked into the bathroom that he wasn’t a fan. The look of annoyance and irritation flashed through his features quickly and instead of disappearing quickly like Curtis’s emotions do, these stayed clearly on his face.

Guess we’d just find out tonight if he’d be a no-show or not. Benjamin probably won’t even notice him there and if he does then we’ll get a good opinion.

It’s always about what Benny thinks.
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This is by far the hardest chapter I've had to write. I just couldn't get anything to work in it so I'm sorry if it really really really sucks! I just wasn't into it. Comment pleaseee :)