The Mute Diary of Perfect Insanity

Clear the Fog

A mirror misted stands in the light. A circular sweep unlocks each particle alone. Refracted lines decoding a reflection and forcing you to look upon every imperfection. A blurry focus on surroundings. Only the cleared fog reveals faults, but true light cannot penetrate the barrier.
Why do we abhor the cause of our own vanity? Confusion and contradiction does appear to form an explanation for inquiries that assault the conscious mind.
Trees isolate insecurities and bring attention to the mute soul among autumn leaves. When kaleidoscopic darkness moves in again. Escape the ground beneath your feet. Defy gravity because there are no limits, no restrictions for soaring that is confined to thought.
Listen to the deafened wind.
Become entranced in the chrysalis of stars that rain into your eyes.
Clear the fog.
Not from the glass, but from doubt.