The Mute Diary of Perfect Insanity

What Happens After Forever?

Seconds pass unnoticed. Years pass counted closely. Everything ends eventually, then forever truly starts. We all hope for that chance at eternity, but what exactly happens then. Forever is more than we make it out to be. Is there ever boredom? Will it end? Is there time to begin with? Where do we go when that is over, if its over?
Being the one of hiding and silence there is much more time for worry. For serene phobias and pondering what we aren’t sure we wish to know.
Ponder “forever” for a moment, it simply boggles the mind.
Forever is the fear of hope, the wish beyond life. An imaginative word that is no other option but true.
And no possible thing but destiny.
It exists but cannot be proven though there is nothing to prove. Contradicting all that it stands for, proving all that there is. What happens? We all just wait and hope.
And isn’t it a bit odd?
Everyone wants to go to heaven.
But no one wants