Status: Active.

You Said

I Don't Care If You're Lying, Baby.

My phone buzzed. I slipped it from my pocket, opening the text. It was from Sommer, an old friend.

"Sweetheart, Kenny is getting married to Gabi. I wanted to be the first to tell you. I am so sorry. I love and miss you, Bella-boo" I gasped. Kennedy was not the type to get married. He never had been.

"What's wrong, mommy?" Bailee wiped the tear from my cheek. I shook my head, but just hugged her tighter. Even though my daughter wasn't planned, I don't regret having her. She made me want to get up each morning. I kissed her forehead, pulling her onto my lap. I knew I wasn't fit to be a mother. I was only twenty, with a four-year-old daughter. I scrolled through my contacts on my cell phone, trying to find a name that I hadn't selected in a while.

"M-mom?" I choked.

"Belle?" My mother whispered into the phone. "Is that you?"

"Uh. Yeah," I responded. "Are you busy? I was wondering if me and Bay could come over.."

"Of course! You know you are always welcome at my house, sweetie." That last part was complete bullshit, but I didn't argue. Half an hour later, I was dragging my four-year-old daughter up to my mom's front door. She greeted us, lifting my baby girl into her arms. She hugged me and told me that she missed me. I went along with it, just wanting to keep things calm. She led me into the living room, putting Bailee in the old playroom. I sat on the couch, trying to figure out how to phrase things, without sounding too upset.

"Mom, have you met her?" I didn't care anymore. I needed to know. She sighed, fully aware of what I was referring to.

"A few times. She's good for him. He finally stopped missing you every second of every day. He's finally smiling again." Tears burned my eyes. He was over me, but he was happy. And I was happy for him. I nodded towards my mom, and cleared my throat.

"Mom, do you have his number? I want to talk to him. Congratulate him, and tell him that I am happy for him." Her face brightened.

"Will you finally tell him about Bailee, Isabella?" She asked, writing his number down on a slip of paper. I shook my head. I knew my mom was disappointed, but I couldn't ruin Kennedy's happiness.

"I can't, mom. He deserves to be happy, and I don't want to ruin that." She nodded, still looking upset. I dialed the numbers that she had written down. My heart raced. I hadn't talked to Kennedy, or any of my Tempe friends other than Sommer, in years.

"Hello?" A female answered. It was definitely not Kennedy.

"Hi, can I speak to Kennedy?" The girl mumbled, and I heard shuffling.

"Uh. Hello? It is Kennedy." My heart stopped.

"H-hi, Kenny. It's Isabelle, but you probably don't remember me, but I just wanted to say congratulations. I am glad that Gabi makes you happy." I rushed, hanging up the second I finished. Tears were pouring violently down my cheeks.

I ignored my phone as it rang, it was Kenny and I knew I couldn't talk to him again without crying. I said goodbye to my mom and took Bailee home. Once I got home, I checked my voicemails. I had two new ones; both from Kennedy. In the first one, he didn't leave a message, he just sighed. The second one, however, contained more.

"Isabelle?" He began quietly. "It's... it's Kennedy. Thanks for calling. I-I've missed you. How've you been? I'd love to see you again sometime... Maybe we could all get together sometime? You, me, John, Pat, Jared, Garrett, and Gabi. I think you two could become great friends. Call me back and we can talk. See you later, Belle." He sounded so awkward, so different. I sighed, clinging to my now sleeping daughter. I didn't know what to do. I groaned, knowing that I couldn't call and then avoid him forever. I dialed his number again.

"Hi, Belle." It was Kennedy. I took a deep breath.

"Hi, Kenny. How... how have you been?"

"I've been good, well, great actually. The guys and I have finally made it. How have you been? What have you been up to lately?"

"That is great to hear. I have been pretty good, too," I lied. "I've been kind of busy. I am taking some online classes, and working all day."

"God, Belle, I have missed you."

"You too..." My voice faltered. Awkwardly, we made plans. I did miss the boys, I just wasn't ready to face Kenny... or his fiancé.

On Saturday, I found myself getting ready for lunch. The boys were in town for a show, so we were getting together, and I was incredibly nervous. I slid into a pair of skinny jeans and an old Blink-182 shirt. I dropped Bailee off at my mom's and drove to the small café that we were set to meet at. The guys were already there by the time I arrived. I noticed a pretty, fair skinned girl standing next to Kenny. I approached the group, only to be tackled by a skinny, doe-eyed boy.

"Hi, Patty." I breathed in his familiar scent. Pat had been one of my closest friends before everything changed.

"I miss you, Bella." He smiled sweetly at me. I smiled back, but pulled away. I knew I had to face Kennedy.

"Hey, guys..." I flashed a small grin at them. I gave a few more hugs, but stopped at Kennedy.

"Belle," He started. I stared. My heart stopped as I looked into his deep brown eyes. That was one of the traits that Bailee got from her daddy. He wrapped me in his arms. I felt right there. Tears threatened my eyes, so I tore myself away from his perfect embrace. I couldn't cry in front of him. He looked confused, but I ignored it, turning to the girl I had never met.

“Hi. You must be Gabi.” She nodded. “I am Isabella.” I shook her hand uncomfortably. The seven of us sat down at a table, making polite conversation. The boys messed around, acting like they always had. Gabi and I sat quietly, looking up occasionally.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh. Let me know what you think, lovelies.

Thanks to 'A Fragile Romance' for commenting. And to the fabulous subscribers.
