Status: Finally updated. I'm sorry.



Not-so-frigid winds gather about, the night arriving at a breakneck pace. The skies are darkening and her heart is racing as each minute duration passes. Raynne didn't want to move for the second time this year, nor had did she want to leave what she had come to know as her safe haven. Previous moves hadn't held such a generous impact on her, though they hadn't required a dramatic shift to opposite end of the country.

More lights come into view as she enters the city of Huntington Beach, her view focused only on what was to come. Her parents didn't deserve her glances of affection, nor were they expecting them. They knew of the impact the move would induce and yet they continued onward with such plans. Though, supposedly, this move was a dire need.

The move was to teach her a lesson; a lesson that foretold that if she were to overstep her boundaries once more, things would only continue to worsen. Raynne never overstepped the boundaries that had been set to keep her in line; things were simpler that way. She'd move about her life with nothing exciting happening so that she could repel any anger. Raynne wasn't shy; she just had her own way of doing things.

Except, a month ago, she'd gone too far. A 'shopping trip' was all it took for her life to get caught and thrown into turmoil. A simple end of the school year trip had been the gateway into the darkness.

Lights flashed and her eyes squinted against the rapid blur of changing colors. Raynne was thoroughly convinced that she shouldn't have come and yet, she caved into her friend's pleads that had begun only days prior. Frequently, the conversations would start up; the conversations where she'd be pestered about her life style.

There were many a times when she'd stand her ground but this time her friend had caused her to slip up. Lies were frequent from this friend's mouth, she should have expected that some last minute shopping trip for summer vacation would prove to be something that would be nothing of the sort.

Yet, it was still her fault. As soon as Raynne had noticed the wrong turn that had been taken near the outlet mall, she should have booked. Instead, she only gulped and braved her way through the night that was to come.

Raynne's eyes flickered towards her father, who was driving the vehicle, and allowed them to drift towards her lap, where her folded hands proceeded to clam up in embarrassment. She'd done this multiple times before along this road trip, silence embedding itself into her mind. Not even the stereo provided an escape; only the wide expansion of colors presented themselves.

She should have apologized, and maybe sometime she will; however, she didn't feel in the wrong. The predicament that had occurred shouldn't have left her in fault, and yet, it seemed to be all her fault. Her father made a right turn at the nearest corner and Raynne allowed herself to lull towards the cooled window.

It somehow was her fault that the officials had arrived that night and she had been in the bathroom, holding back her friend's hair. It had somehow also been her fault that she was taken into custody and was brought back in shame to her parents for intoxication of a minor. If her knowledge was right, she hadn't even taken a drink that night but how could they have know. A false assumption was the cause for her sadness, the move revolving around the incident.

The night came to a standstill when the vehicle stopped at her future residence. Raynne continued to lay her forehead against the glass window that kept her mind at ease. She could tell, by glancing at the side mirror, that her mother was looking her from the corner of her eye and Raynne could only scowl into her lap. Her mother sighed and exited the vehicle shortly after the engine was cut.

Within moments, her parents were hulling cardboard boxes into the front door, but Raynne refused to assist. Leaving the truck would make this all a reality, and in her opinion, she didn't want that to occur - so she refused the urge to open the handle. Her parents took notice after their second trip out, her mother making her way to her end of the truck. She opened her door with ease and looked into the backseat, "Raynne, come help," she said with a frown.

Raynne glanced at her slightly but dropped her head back downward to stare at the strips of houses that were further along the lane. Her mother stared at her with hardening eyes, "At least get into the house," she stated with a deepening frown. With not a single reaction, she shook her head, "Fine, stay out here. Come in when you're ready. It's your own fault and you know that. There's absolutely no need to be taking it out on us."

Raynne sighed and closed her eyes as her mother slammed the door shut and proceded to carry more boxes into the house. Subtly, she cracked her knuckles and took a moment to take in the situation. She's now across the country, miles away from home; she's been wrongly accused and is paying for it; her silence has finally taken its toll and is turning against her in the worst way. Never had her very own life rules taken such an ugly twist, and now Raynne Gyrst had to start fresh once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, this is something different for me guys. I've begun my New Years Resolution with this - that being that I want to finish a story for once and I believe that if I can finish a fan-fiction then I should be able to advance and finish up an original story. It's a daring task, risky but I'm prepared, I believe. The story is probably going to start off slow since I don't want to jump into it from the get-go. Give it a chance, yeah?