Status: Finally updated. I'm sorry.



Raynne could easily make out the words of her father from inside the car, his voice penetrating the vehicle's outer shell with ease. "She's staying inside?" his voice was silent for a while - her mother must be replying silently. She didn't bother to turn her head to look out the rear window, it would only cause further issues. "What if she-" his voice dropped suddenly and Raynne could only assume that her mother had stepped in and intervened.

Raynne bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, wishing for them to just continue bringing the boxes inside the house and leave her with her own well-being. All she wanted at the moment was to be alone and back on the other side of the country. They complied, for the most part, and continued relocating the boxes.

Assuming that they'd leave her boxes alone for later, she was shocked when she noticed her father struggling with yet another box. At first, she continued to wish for them to be done but her eyes narrowed in on the side of the box with her name on the side in cat-scratch lettering. Raynne's eyes softened in the slightest and her hand subconsciously moved towards the door handle. When her fingertips reached the seemingly foreign material, she jumped within her seat.

Her eyes glanced at the handle and then relayed back towards her father's lone figure. He was alone; her mother had probably vouched for leaving the boxes outside and was in the midst of unpacking. Raynne sighed and unbuckled herself, opening the door as silently as she could. Within her mind, she screamed at herself to stay put and let him progress on his own but she repelled the thoughts and exited the vehicle.

Before she could move anywhere, her body crippled over and she had to stretch out her limbs. Complying, she made a last move to crack her neck but by this point her father had already entered the house. Raynne frowned and shut the car door, moving her way towards the house. Her father exited within a few seconds and she froze, wincing when he made eye contact with her. "Dad," she whispered as he advanced towards her but he only moved past her without a sound.

Raynne pulled her hood over her head and tailgated after him, at the ready to bring in more boxes. She reached out for yet another brown box but gasped when her father's hand instantly slapped her upper arm. It wasn't a harmful slap, but it wasn't one that was meant for play. She took a step back and he grabbed the box she had been meaning to take a hold of. "Just get in the house," they were the only words he's spoken to her and they hurt. She knew she should really be angered by the situation but it wasn't in her demeanor to keep such a hatred for so long.

Yet, she wanted to return the slap just so she could express her anger. She wanted to scream at him that every assumption they've made about her wasn't true and they should listen to her - believe in her. Instead, they've taken to ignoring her as well. Raynne shook her head in sorrow, "Fine. Your word is law, right? I should've stayed in the car," the last portion was mumbled but all the same, she waited for some sort of comeback. It was rare for her to voice such opinions, but the timing felt right and so she shouldn't except a response that was out of the ordinary. However, he said nothing but continued to fiddle with the boxes.

Raynne only sighed and made her way towards the house. Upon entering, her efforts were cautious, weary of her mother, and made her way upstairs. Assuming her parents' room had already been claimed, she looked for the room that didn't have some sort of recognition of life. Of the three rooms, none had been taken so instead of searching for the best room of the house, she searched for the room with any sort of view. A view was all she needed; the rest was obsolete.

Each room held a perk of its own, however, none the view she anticipated so the room that overlooked the street was her next best option. The thought of some pervert looking into her room had crossed her mind but the chances of it happening seemed slim. The room was hers, so she went to go downstairs but she could hear her parents conversing. Raynne's hand gripped the doorway and she shrunk back into the room.

The room she claimed had no carpet but she hardly cared at this point. Raynne lowered herself onto the ground and used her hoodie as a blanket, her arms being her pillow. The night was still young but she didn't want to face it anymore. In her dreams she'd be back home with her friends and this nightmare would have never happened. Then again, her friends had brought her to that party and she wanted so much to blame them but she couldn't. She'd had every chance to leave and everything would have been just fine. So many warning signs had popped up inside her head that night but she stayed because she liked it. She liked not having to worry about straying the line because she'd long overstepped it.

Part of her still wanted that feeling; though, part of her wanted it all to happen again just so that her parents would recognize that moving to California was a bad decision. It would be ages before her family would be back to its previous state. Though, it would also be the same family in which her opinion didn't matter so she'd be forced to stay silent unless called upon. She wanted change.
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I was shocked that I had two subscribers already since that's normally a rare occurrence for me. Thank you, you two.