Status: Finally updated. I'm sorry.


Week later

Before long, a week had already passed since the meeting with Zacky, however, she had not seen him once since that moment. Raynne breathed outward, her breath slightly hitching from within her throat. Despite her determination, she almost wanted to see him once again, but, if that were to happen, she'd surely make a fool of herself and would be forced into hiding once more. See, it wasn't that she hadn't seen Zacky, more-so the fact that she couldn't bare to see him face-to-face again. So, once she had found her way home that day, she stayed within her comfort zone, locked up in a cold room.

Raynne coughed lightly and shook her head, shaking away any thoughts of what had occurred. Though, in reality, nothing even happened except she'd met a new person that decided to be nice. There was nothing more complicated, and yet, she was completely confused about the encounter. Somehow she had end up back in the library, Kayla glancing over at the sound of her strangled cough.

"Oi, you alright over there?" she called, leaning over the countertop to get a better view. Raynne, in turn, cowered, and hid her head within the safety crevice of her folded arms.

Though she knew that Kayla wouldn't be able to hear, she shook her head with a muffled 'no' following not much long afterward. It was painfully obviously how hopeless she was with such life hardships, however, she couldn't do anything about it because something always seemed to stop her. Within her grade school years, Raynne would sometimes get approached by a few boys, much to her dismay, but by the time she had been able to sort out her thoughts and give them an answer they'd have already moved on.

If that turned out to be the case, which it always has been, how could this be any different? A complicated situation, in some cases, was always forcing its way into her and life, situations like Zacky, but she couldn't help but think that this situation would only end with the very same result.

Her face was burning read but she managed to keep it well hidden behind a small novel she'd checked out during her time of hiding. She's not exactly been outside much since that point, however, she had stopped back in the library, acting much like a gust of wind, and checked out a few books to last her. Normally, her thinking spells took over a week, sometimes much longer. In this case, she still wasn't certain what to do with Zacky even after a weeks worth of time. Within her mind, though, she knew she had nothing to worry about, after all, he hadn't even said much to her. Yet, she continued to play by ear and allow her nerves to do all of the talking.

Peering above her book slightly, Raynne watched Kayla. She had gone back to working and was currently, for once, scanning a few books that had been returned, sometimes stopping for an unknown reason. She bit her lip slightly and debated whether to ask her about Zacky or not. Before she decided to hide her face behind the book, Kayla groaned out of frustration.

Raynne's ears perked up, her muscles tensing as she half-stood out of her chair. Since she hadn't been aware of the issue, Raynne wasn't sure what had happened. Her book was thrown onto the table in a haste and she was just about ready to dart behind the counter because Kayla had found it a rather pleasant time to hide. It was faint but she was certain she could hear Kayla mumbling to herself about a 'twerp' that 'couldn't leave well enough alone'.

Kayla's head quickly shot up out from behind the counter and shook her head almost violently. Raynne was taken back, quite literally, because she stumbled back into the shelves. She then took her turn to hide from whatever was causing Kayla to react in such a manner. It was childish, she had to admit, however, the determination she had was enough to keep her fits of laughter masked.

A small 'ding' filled the room, Raynne's spine growing increasingly rigid from both fear and excitement. She couldn't quite bring herself to see who entered the library but she was very tempted to do so, despite the fear. "Are you sure you haven't seen her?" the person said with defeat lingering in their voice.

Even from behind the stacks, Raynne could hear Kayla's muffled groan of irritation. From her spot, she could faintly see her rising figure come out from behind the countertop. "No! How many times do I have to tell you? I haven't seen heads or tails of this lover of yours," Kayla was slowly moving backwards so that she would be able to see Raynne's position.

Raynne almost did away with her secretiveness because of the smile that appeared and the laughter that threatened to be released. She slapped her hand over her mouth when Kayla winked in her general direction. Her foot was in an awkward position and it was beginning to get a bit painful in her crouched position but soon, a numbness washed over her right leg and she was finally able to pay attention once more. However, much to her dismay, she missed a part of the conversation.

"Stop coming back here. There's absolutely no need! When I say I haven't seen her, I mean it, Zacky!" Raynne allowed herself to fall backwards with a wince at both the clatter and pain. Though, just as quick, she clambered to get a better view and low and behold, there stood Zacky with a frustrated expression planted on his face, glaring idly in the direction of the restroom—which just so happened to be kitty-corner from her current spot. Raynne cursed under her breath, blushing slightly, and maneuvered her way into the shadows. She was just far enough away to not be seen, however, she could still watch the scene play.

"I swear she's been here before though, please, if you're keeping her identity hidden or something, just say so. At least I know she's been here," Zacky said, the pleads becoming increasingly difficult to listen to.

Raynne bit her lip when Kayla glanced in her general direction. It was easy to see that she wanted some sort of guidance and Raynne could do nothing but oblige, and as much as she wanted to stop hearing Zacky's voice, she had to shake her head no. It was a bit heartbreaking, though she didn't even know him. Raynne had been able to figure out that she was the topic discussion, and it also hurt just to know that he was so determined to find her.

Kayla acknowledged these wishes and snapped her fingers, drawing his attention back to her. "Zacky, I don't know her. I've never met her. Even if I were harboring her, what could you do to change that? What if this chick doesn't want to be found, eh? Think about that? Going around town based on a silly piece of paper is not sane, Zacky. Face the facts and go home."

Raynne's eyes widened at the serious underlying tone behind her words. She hadn't wanted Kayla to be that rough, not rough in such a way that he'd end up getting angry at her at some point. What if her found out it was all a lie? Would he hate them both?

That was all she heard then, for he walked out of the building, the bell signifying his leave. Raynne struggled out of her spot in hiding, stumbling due to her numb right side. "You didn't have to be so harsh, you know?" she said, rubbing the back of her neck while glancing out the door.

"That fool has been in and out of here all week looking for you. I think it was about time he stopped so it was the perfect tone," she snapped, obviously irritated at the encounters with Zacky.

Raynne sighed and grabbed her book, a thought lingering in her mind. Why hadn't he noticed the book, at least? It's not like anyone else is here? She bit her lip once again and thanked Kayla lightly, though she wasn't quite sure that she approved of such forwardness. Under her breath, she also implied that she'd return tomorrow.

Though hesitant to leave, she held her chin up. With her book in hand, she glanced around each crook and corner of the streets in hopes that she wouldn't run into Zacky. By this time, she had been able to memorize her map of directions, but once she started listing off street names, her moves halted. How had he known that I stopped at the library that day? He hadn't even seen the sheet, right? If that were the case though, wouldn't he know where I live?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much, everyone! 20 subscribers?! You're all so flippin' amazing! <3 I didn't even think I'd get more than half of that, truly. To those who commented, I love you. Seriously. ¬_¬ No lie. We'll have a giant orgy or something.