I Never Thought I'd Catch This Love Bug Again

The Most Amazing Girl I've Ever Seen

*Kevin's Point Of View*

I'd been watching my younger brothers have fun all day, trouble was, I couldn't join in most of the time, I just didn't feel right, I wasn't in the 'vacation mood'. My mom was away getting me an ice cream to lift my moods, I love her for doing things like that for me, she always managed to cheer me up no matter what. I love my mom, who couldn't? I smiled as I felt a tug on my shirt turning round to see Frankie, thrusting a ball at me, "Come play Kev!" He practically took my arm off whilst asking.

I laughed slightly at the younger, he always looked up to us big brothers, I think me mainly today some days it's Nick, others its Joe, I suppose it depends on what type of mood the little one is in. He's only a kid, there's a big age gap between Nick and him- Nick's the youngest of our band, but Frankie's the youngest of our family.

I nodded at him, "You go over the now to Nick and Joe, I'm just gonna go see where mom's got to alright Frankie?" I asked him, getting a grin and a content nod he ran back to the others to play. I smiled to myself turning when I stopped in my tracks... Staring at the most amazing looking girl I've ever seen, a white dress with a white bikini under it, with multi-coloured spots. I looked at her brown hair that was behind her shoulders, a beautiful flower in her hair, I considered going over, to maybe introduce myself, ask if she would like to join me for an ice cream... But at the risk of being stupid, I watched her for a few more seconds, to try and gain the courage that I so desperately lacked at this one moment in time.

She got in a car... How the... I blink and she's gone, who was that girl? I felt panic surge through me, I needed to find her... She was beautiful, she was simply dazzling, and even though I had never met nor spoke to her, I felt like I somehow knew her. Connected to the work of art. Just one look at her had given me butterflies, made me feel nervous and my palms sweaty.

I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned quickly, but relieved I looked at my mom, "Oh, uh, sorry, you scared me." I told her gentle, getting a smile and a laugh from my mom, "What were you looking at darling?" She asked as she offered me, I took it gratefully, "I... I saw this girl..." I began nervously, and got a reassuring smile, "A girl? Where is she? Did you speak to her?" My mom questioned me, I laughed and shook my head. "Yes a girl, but she disappeared in to a taxi." I sighed, looking down. "I didn't even get to talk to her mom... I have to find her." Before I licked at my ice cream.

That's when it began, when I set eyes on the girl I knew I'd be in love with for the rest of my life. I just had to find her.
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(I hope you guys liked it. =) I enjoyed typing that first chapter, I hope it goes down a hit on here.
=D I really wanted to do one about Kevin and Danielle Jonas, they're so amazing together.=)
Congrats to them on their recent wedding, Danielle looked stunning and Kevin looked amazing and so charming. =)

All the best wishes for 2010.
Thank you for reading!
xx Pixie. Read.Comment.Subscribe. x3 Peace.Love.Happiness. x3)