Status: Currently working on it

Chemicals Collide

Chapter 8 - Simon's POV

"Hey Simon we have Maths now don't we" Taleah said surprising me I replied with the obvious
"Yeah I'm on the way now, you wanna join me.”
"Where's Isabue she is usually with you"
"She is with Conner, it looks as if he had something on his mind" I wondered a few moments later what Conner was going to say to Bue.
"Simon do you wanna sit next to me"
"Sure one question, could you help me Mr Chate is being a complete douche" hoping that we could get to now a bit about. Taleah kinda keeps to herself.
"I’d be glad to help you."

Half way through the lesson Mr Chate had to go to a staff meeting and then Leah and me had some time to talk. "So Simon how do you feel?"
"feel?" I was thinking what to tell her.
"About getting dumped for that dick Michael" She said
"I try not to think about it a lot but it sucks a lot" I paused," but what about you don't you have a boyfriend"
"I don't have one right now" she said
"I doubt that, I thought you would be fighting men off with a stick."
She said nothing, I thought that she was in a relationship, god knows that guys at this school dig blond chicks.