Tell Me Why.

001 - The Favour

Joe’s POV

“Stella!” Both Nick and I yelled as we spotted her walking down the stairs. She stopped and looked over at us. We both made hand actions hopefully telling her to come over to us. She did actually walk over to us so I’m guessing it worked.

“What now?” She sounded quite irritated. “I need to give this jumper to Macy.”

“We need to ask you a big favour.” I told her.

“A big favour.” Nick echoed my words. She suddenly looked at Kevin as if expecting him to echo me even more. He didn’t, instead he just rolled his eyes.

“I don’t need a favour, she has a big nose.” Kevin mumbled. Nick and I just glared at him. “What?”

“So this is about a girl?” Stella asked.

“Yeah, she’s beautiful, and she’s new here, we saw her moving in and her parents told her she has to come into school today, she’ll have no friends, so we were wondering if you could befriend her.” I rambled quickly as Nick just stood next to me nodding. Stella looked at us weirdly.

“Why can’t you just go and talk to her?” Stella suggested. The look from me made her rethink. “Maybe that wouldn’t be a good idea, but seriously? Me?”

“She has amazing hair, I’m sure if you became friends then she’s let you make outfits for her, you could make a whole style for her to fit her hair.” Nick suggested. Stella’s eyes lit up at the mention of creating outfits for someone other than us. “Not tempted?”

“Very tempted actually, but still no, I don’t want to cause siblings to fight.” Both Nick and I shook our heads.

“It’s only Nick that likes her!” I said at the same time that Nick said “It’s only Joe that likes her.” Wow, aren’t we clever. All of a sudden ‘Live to Party’ started to play. I fumbled around trying to find my phone. “She’s on her way!” I squeaked reading the text.

“Do you have Frankie stalking her?” Stella questioned. We both laughed but never replied. I saw Kevin from the corner of my eye nodding. “Seriously guys?”

“Stella, Please!” Nick started with the puppy dog eyes. “For us?” She finally cracked.

“Fine.” She grumbled. “What does she look like?” At that moment the doors opened and there she stood. I couldn’t stop staring; she was more beautiful than I remembered. “I’m guessing she’s that one.”