Status: complete

Reasons Why I Love You

Reasons Why I Love You

I walked into my room, thoroughly exhausted from the days work. I flopped onto my bed, not noticing the stack of index cards until I landed on them.

The top card had my name on it in a handwriting very familiar to me. Why would he put my name on an index card?

I flipped it over and read the writing on the back, my eyes nearly popping out of my head when I read what it said.


I looked down and saw the rest of the cards were numbered. So I picked them up and one by one started to read.

1) You are beautiful. And I don't just mean on the outside. You truly have the most gorgeous personality I have ever seen

2) You're hilarious and make me laugh when I don't even want to smile

3) You make me happy. I don't know what it is, but I can't be anything but happy around you

4) You're my best friend and every secret we share make you all the more precious to me

5) You take my breath away

6) No matter how mean I can be to you, you always forgive me

7) You are always on my mind

8) I smile just thinking about you

9) anytime I hear a love song, I think of you

10) whenever i hug you, i never want to let you go

11) You're the reason why I never have a girlfriend

12) You have the most infectious laugh

13) My heart feels like it gonna jump out of my chest every time I see you

14) Well, really anytime I see you, hear your name, or even think about you

15) So, my heart it pretty much always jumping around inside my chest

16) You make me feel special

17) My skin burns whenever you touch me

18) I only say the stupid things I do to hear you laugh

19) Your smile makes my day all the more brighter

20) Every time I see a shooting star I think of all the wishes we've made together, and how many times I've wished for you

21) When I'm with you, nothing else matters

22) When I look into your eyes, I forget my own name

23) How we can talk in the phone for hours and never get bored, even if we're not even talking

24) There isn't another person on the earth that makes me even half the person I am when I'm with you

25) When no one understands me, you do

26) You make it hard to breath, think, sleep, and speak when I'm in your presence

27) You make my heart skip beats and put butterflies in my stomach

28) Even when everythings a mess and it seems like you cant win, you still don't give up

29) Every time we touch, i feel like I'm flying

30) You're the only person I know who doesn't care what other people think

31) I don't think you realize how easily you make me smile

32) You always smell like vanilla ice cream

33) You're not perfect, but you never try to be someone your not

34) And I'm not perfect either, but I'm always me

35) I could look at you for hours and not get bored

36) I can honestly say that I've never felt this way about anyone

37) I'm a mess when your not around

38) I'd wait for you in the pouring rain

39) You give life a deeper meaning

40) In a room full of people, you are always the first one I look for

41) I think you look just as good without makeup

42) You make falling for you so easy

43) Everything you do amazes me

44) Just when I think I have you figured out, you go and do something that throws me off guard

45) Sometimes you smile and I forget to breathe

46) I love how you can act as retarded as possible and not care if people think your crazy

47) I don't know what I'd do without you, or where I'd be without you in my life

48) Every moment with you is like magic

49) It's always better when we're together

50) I could never hurt you, not like those other boys

51) You're so different from every other girl I've ever met

52) And thats not a bad thing either, its just another reason for me to love you

53) I hate to see you sad, or angry, because when you sad or angry, your not smiling your amazing smile or laughing your perfect laugh

54) You never leave my mind, even when I have a million other things to worry about

55) I smile just to make you happy

56) It kills me to see you with another guy, just because its not me who's making you smile or laugh, its not me who has your attention

57) I miss you as soon as you walk out the door

58) Its not that petty I miss you, its the, my heart aches I need you back with me or chest might explode kind of I miss you

59) you make my life worth living for

60) I cant go a day without thinking about you, or wondering what your doing, and if your thinking about me too

61) I waste so much ink writing you're name in my binder

62) I know thats a really girly thing to do, but believe me, you make me do some crazy things

63) I miss you at the most random times. You're face just pops into my head and I wonder if you miss me too

64) You're warm heart melts my soul

65) You're head fits perfectly onto my shoulder

66) You know exactly how to make me feel better

67) Most of all my dreams have you in them

68) I get nervous when your around me

69) My hands sweat, and its hard to speak without my voice cracking

70) I don't care about your imperfections. Thats what makes me adore you

71) I love the sound of your voice

72) Its so hard to say goodbye

73) I am 99.9% sure you don't like me, but its the .01% that keeps me going

74) I could spend the rest of my life with you

75) Years from now, I cant see myself in college, or having a job, all I can see is you

76) The first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one

77) I lay awake at night wondering if we'll ever be together

78) I cant imagine my life without you

79) I didn't believe in love until I met you

80) Its hard to be in love with you and have to see you every day, but not be able to hold you, or kiss you, like I want to

81) I want to cry when you talk about 'him'

82) Every time I see you I fall in love all over again

83) The more girls I meet, the more I realize I want to be with you

84) You have a way of always keeping me right here waiting

85) You are me cure for just about everything

86) You hold my heart in the palm of your hand

87) Our names sound so good together

88) I'm slowly teaching myself how to breathe around you

89) You're smile melts my heart

90) I wish you would hold me like you hold him

91) Sometimes, you make me so mad that all I want to do is scream and yell, but then I remember that I love you, and the anger disappears

92) I wait by the phone just to hear your voice

93) You're everything I could ever possibly want

94) The urge to kiss you takes my breath away

95) I would do anything to be your everything

96) You're a little more than what I call amazing

97) More like spectacular

98) Or magnificent

99) Whatever it is, its more than anything I could ever have dreamed of

100) So to sum it all up, I love you. And if any of this has made you realize that maybe you love me too, even just a little, then I'll be waiting for you, out under your window, even in the rain, waiting to tell you that I love you