Status: Thinking of more and writing, depends on reviews & comments.


Let's get this show on the road.

“WAKE UP!” Shellie hollered in my ear.
It was barely light outside, must be, what, 7 in the morning?
“Ugh, I hate you.” I grumbled.
Shellie walked away downstairs laughing, remember what I told you about evil? Yeah. While she was walking down a little foot stuck out and Shellie tripped falling halfway down the stairs.
She yelled and knocked her knee against the stairway, all I saw next was a little figure running upstairs and a flash of red hair. I shook my head and laugh, Cheri, that cheeky little monkey.
Star came wandering into my room, “Mai says you should get dressed for school, it’s our first day you know.”
Oh my god, first day of a new school, kill me now. Star is lucky because she and Cheri are both in year 6 so they have each other. Jace is in year 11; he likes to keep to himself so no problems there. But me, I’m stuck with princess ‘Look at Me.’ we all piled in the car and drove off towards our new school.
“I heard this place is great,” Mia said, “Lexis School for the Gifted.”

“Gifted,” scoffed Cheri, “wait till the meet us.”
“Speak for yourself, I’m plenty smart.” Shellie boasted while flicking her hair behind her.
Star, Cheri and I burst out laughing, even Jace cracked a smile.
“Your dead, cherry head,” threatened Shellie, but to this we just laughed harder.
“Come on guys quit it, we’re almost there.” Mia said.
She pulled up to the school; it was a large white building with a few different blocks around it. The school had a big lawn in the front, kids were loitering around. Mia parked the car and we walked through the big glass doors leading to the reception, behind the glass table sat a lady. She had sleek black hair tied in a bun and wore a white suit that looked like it had just been bleached. This place looked more like a business centre than a school.
“Ah, the new ones, here are your time tables now off you go.” She snapped at us.
“Um, well see you guys, have fun,” Mia said uncertainly, “And behave yourself Cheri.”
Cheri sniggered, “Sure, sure.”
She kissed us all and walked out the big glass doors waving, looking at everyone I said,
“Well let’s get this over with.”
Jace gave me a quick smile at walked off to his first class, Star and Cheri hugged me and went off together. Shellie frowned and strode off on her leaving me behind, ugh, now what? I checked my timetable, English, room 41. There was a little map attached to the back, I followed it the best I could. I reached my class 10 minutes late; timidly I knocked on the door and entered.