Status: Active. Posting? No clue.

Bad Romance

It's Just The Way You Look Tonight...

I sat in the foyer of our home waiting for the boys to come down from their rooms to go out to eat. Kevin had taken a new assistant and we were meeting her tonight. Stefani and Danielle had already headed on, but of course my brothers are the stragglers.

“Kevin! Joe!” I yelled up the stairs, “Let’s go! We’re going to be late!” I sighed and looked out at the fading sky. Kevin came down, typing away on his phone, and looked at me.

“What’s up?”

“We’re going to be late, where is the other one?” I asked, noticing his phone buzzing. He mumbled ‘I don’t know’ and walked away from me. I heard the faint footsteps of my other brother upstairs and decided to take control of the situation. I walked up the stairs and found him, frazzled, sitting on his bed. He wasn’t dressed, and I was starting to fume. “Joe, get ready.”

“I have nothing to wear!” He yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and threw together some clothes I found in the floor.

“There, now you do. Put this one or I will massacre you.” I said and stomped out of the room. It wasn’t five more minutes till Joe was in the car, buckled, and we were driving down the road.

On the way there, I remembered Kevin’s old assistant. He was comparable to a gay version of Kevin, and it all creeped us out a little but. We think he took the job solely to be able to get close to Kevin, but of course Danielle had something to say about that and made Kevin fire him. I never have caught myself liking Danielle in particular, she was cool when they first started dating, then the money got to her head.

We arrived fifteen minutes late and found Danielle and Stefani sitting with a striking blond girl. She wasn’t your average Barbie blond though, she was sweet looking and voluptuous. I licked my lips in anticipation of meeting her and sat down beside her. Not so much because it was the only seat left, but it was because I was intrigued by her essence.

“You’re the Jonas Brothers.” She said. I wanted to giggle but I stopped myself.

“Yes, we are.” I stated.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know your names.” She said and her cheeks turned a red that made poppies jealous. I introduced all of us and she did a small wave to Joe. She just stared at Kevin and she seemed intimidated by him. He wasn’t paying attention and she bent down to whisper to me. “I met Stefani, but who is she?”

“Well Stefani is Joe’s girlfriend and that’s Danielle. She’s Kevin’s love…thing.”

“Love thing?” She asked. We kept whispering so none of the others could hear us.

“Yeah, they’re engaged, but he asked for a pre-nup, she’s pissed, he’s been trying to make it up her, she won’t listen, and she still won’t sign it. They’re in love some way…” I shrugged.

“Hmmm…sounds complicated.” She made her lips pooch together and it gave me butterflies at how cute she is with that face.

“Josie?” I looked towards Kevin as he gave her the whole low down on what she would be responsible for.

“Excuse me, just a second?” She stopped him, “I have a bulldog.”

“Oh…those dogs like…kill people.” Danielle said looking at Kevin, he just rolled his eyes at her. Josie and Kevin were about to say something at the same time, but Josie beat it to him.

“That’s a pit bull…” I never realized how dumb Danielle was till just now.

They carried on their conversation till she looked at me after he explained her living situation. I just shrugged, not knowing exactly what to say. When the food was sat down she whispered to me, “Why don’t you and Joe have assistants?”

“I don’t care, Joe doesn’t have one because everyone he gets he can’t seem to keep around.”

“What happened to Kevin’s last one?”

“It was a random gay guy that no one liked around here.”

“Oh, okay.” She finished and we started eating. After dinner I got her number and she gave hers to all the others. I couldn’t help but notice she didn’t give hers to Danielle’s, and this made me chuckle silently to myself.

We left after that and made our ways home. I can tell this girl is going to be one heck of a fun trip.
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It's kinda short for a first chapter, but it's a good start. Y'all gonna like this!

Oh, and isn't this layout TOTALLY Nick worthy? I love his plaid shirts!
