Status: Active. Posting? No clue.

Bad Romance

You Got What I Need.

I was in the recording studio listening to Danielle’s incessant calling, wondering when Kevin actually had a life outside of her.
“Dude! Can we please finish, then let her call you?!” Joe was getting angrier by the second and I personally was getting a headache.
“She claims it’s important, I need to call her now.” He said and I heard him dialing her number. Joe plopped down onto the small couch as Kevin had a rushed conversation with Danielle. He said it was nothing and we finished laying down the one track we’d been working on all day.
“We have some free time, do you guys want to try to get some solos done for the next track?” I said looking around.
“I’m down.” Joe said. He went into the recording booth and I told him over the microphone what to play. I wanted to go today and help Josie move in, but we needed that one track, and the only reason it wasn’t done on time is because of Kevin’s ringing cellular.
I listened carefully to Joe’s playing, making sure he hit every note, when I heard the familiar ringing of a phone.
“Just…tell her not to call! We’re trying to record!” I shouted at him, pissed this time.
“I’m sorry! She claims she needed me. She sent me an urgent text telling me to call her.” Kevin apologized.
“Just whatever, let’s get this done so you can go suck on the weak tit of this mama cat.” Joe said and he stamped off from the booth. I then heard a small creak and looked up at the steps.
“Hello?” I said up the stairs. Josie emerged from them and did a small wave.
“Hi guys. The movers are here with my stuff.” Her smile beamed, and I melted in my tight jeans.
“Here, I’ll go help her.” Kevin said getting off the couch. Yeah, you go help her. As she walked up the stairs and Kevin left with her, I decided to call it a day and close down shop. Joe had already run up the stairs after them and I heard him in his room now.
I wanted to see if Josie needed help with anything, so I started making my way towards the pool house. I was only side tracked once at the thought of a juice break. I love orange juice.
I found her, struggling to pick up boxes, but still unpacking at the same time, “Knock, knock?” I tried a genuine smile, and received good feedback.
“Hey.” She smiled back at me. I took her to the bed and made her sit down with me. She already looked tired and I felt bad for her. “I feel…ridiculous.”
I gave her a weird look, “Random, but why?”
“I don’t know…” She got and walked around, looking very frustrated, “I’m here, being Kevin Jonas’ assistant, I just lost my job, I’m having to live your guys problems with you, and I just…I don’t feel comfortable, I didn’t go to school for this.”
“What did you go to school for?”
“Well, I am a certified administrative assistant, I wouldn’t have gotten the job if I wasn’t, but while I did that at my last job, I went to UCLA for Biochemistry.”
“Yeah, but do you see anyone lining up out the door at the unemployment office begging for a Biochemistry major?” She was freaking out and I got a little scared.
“Sorry…life’s just been rough lately for me.”
“Come here.” I motioned for her to sit.
“Why?” She seemed guarded to my proposal, so I demanded this time.
“Just come here.” She walked slowly towards me and finally sat down. I put my arms around her, in a loving motion, to let her know I’d be her friend through all this. I just hoped she got the message.
“Well, I better keep unpacking. Need to get settled.” She didn’t. She got up from me, pushing my arms away, and started rummaging through boxes again.
“Okay, call me if you need anything.” I tried to sound friendly, but why do friendly remarks always sound creepy coming from me? She mumbled an ‘okay’ and I left the house in a stupor. I want so badly for her to understand, Kevin’s an ass, and I’ll be here for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two in one evening...I'm a baller, officially.
