When You're in Black Slacks With Accentuating Off-White Pinstripes

Macy or the Vending Machines?

Jen’s POV

I looked over to Pete Wentz’s table and noticed the brown-haired boy in the Kitson hoodie that was sitting next to him looking at me.

I grabbed Macy’s arm and dug my nails in.

“What?!” Macy screeched.

“See that brown-haired boy? Sitting next to Pete?”

Macy nodded, “Yeah. What about him? Oh, and speaking of Pete...” She looked nervous. “I think I might like him...”

I hit her lightly on the arm. “Macy! That’s great! You actually like someone for once!”

She blushed, “Yeah, I guess. But I mean, how many other girls in the school like him too? A lot and my chances with him are zilch.”

“Awww, Macy, you do have a chance with him! We just have to give you a little makeover and viola! He won’t be able to keep his eyes off you!”

She rolled her eyes and looked back at me, “Do you really think so?”

“Of course. Now after school, come by my house and we’ll see what we can do, all right? And your parents don’t really care what you do, so they?”

“Not really...” She looked anxious.

“Then that’s what we’ll do! It’ll be perfect and he’ll never know what hit him.”

I looked back over to Pete’s table and tried to think of the Kitson-hoodie kid’s name. I then noticed both Pete and the kid looking over here. Pete was looking to the right of me, and what-do-you-know, that’s where Macy was sitting!

I nudged her, “Macy! I think Pete’s staring at you.”

She blushed again, “Nah, he’s probably just looking at the vending machines or something like that.” She paused and looked over at the table. “Hey Jen,” She said with a wicked gleam in her eye. “Brendon’s staring at you!”

“Ah HA! That’s his name!” I smiled and flipped my hair over my shoulder. “Want to give the boys a show? Just swing your hips sassily as you’re going to the garbage can, then as you’re going to go out the door to the bathroom, look over your shoulder and give Peter-freaking-Wentz the sexiest wink-smile-combo you can muster!”
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This was a really short chapter and I have no idea of what I'm doing with this story right now. I have ideas for it but I need help. Hopefully I'll get some inspiration somewhere soon.