And Our Empty Sky Was Filled With Laughter

Chapter 19

I could feel Nick’s eyes on me. “Come with me,” I said, taking his hand and leading him off the pier and onto the beach. Tears had begun to trickle down my cheeks slowly. When we got to a far enough away spot I stopped and turned to face Nick. When he saw that I was crying he quickly wiped away the tears from my cheeks. “She didn’t mean to do it. It was an accident.”
“What happened?”
“Charlie and some of her friends were hanging out by the river by our house. They had all been drinking and jokingly Charlie shoved her friend Mike into the river. In her drunken state, I guess she thought that holding him down would be funny. She didn’t let him up for air and he had hit his head on a rock. When Charlie saw the blood she let go of him immediately, but it was too late, and all her other friends had fled because they were scared. One of them must have called 911 because an ambulance showed up along with about five cop cars. Charlie was the only one there to be blamed, and she didn’t rat out anyone else,” I looked up at Nick who was staring at me intently, “My mom begged and pleaded with Charlie to tell the police that there were others involved, but she wouldn’t. She knew it was still mainly her fault. Even though the doctors deemed that he had died from the impact of the rock to his skull, she was still blamed because she pushed him and then continued to hold him under,” Tears fled down my cheeks.
Nick pulled me into his chest, kissing me softly on the forehead. “She didn’t mean to,” I whispered through tears.
“I know,” Nick said, trying to calm me down.
When I had finally calmed down and I was sure that my face looked like I hadn’t been crying we went back to the pier. We got there just in time for Avery to boss Nick to sit down and tell me who to walk with and when. I looked up to see which of my brother’s friends they had stuck me with.
“Hey there beautiful,” Smiling his asshole smile at me was none other than my ex-boyfriend Jonny.
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just a filler! hope you like! more soon!

<3 nicole