Holding on to Summer

Chapter One

Summers Point Of View
I sat up.

"Flight 731 will shortly be landing at the Berlin International Airport. Put your seats in the full upright position, fold back your trays, and prepare to fasten your seat belts. Please collect your personal effects and thank you for flying with Delta."

I sighed and slipped my black MacBook into my tote. The seatbelt light flashed, so I buckled mine. The plane began to descend. Tires screeched on asphalt. The technologically flying bird came to a stop. The door opened. A rush of fresh air filled the cabin. I hoisted my backpack onto well, my back, picked up my tote and began the walk to civilization - in Germany.

Was I ready for this? Could I handle this? Too late now, the voice in my heard answered, your here so get to know your family, and for Way'ssake, do try to enjoy your self. Abrupt noise took over the almost silence of the tunnel. People were greeting each other with hugs, kisses, handshakes, and tears. I was dazed and disoriented. It's not like I didn't know my way around airports, cause I did, I mean I practically lived in them growing up, but they still over whelmed me. I looked around. I know what he looks like, but where is he? How am I going to find him in this sea of people?

"Summer!" A voice called. I searched the crowd.

“It's him! I know it is! I know his face anywhere!” Some teens about my age, were squealing and pushing me towards a pillar on my right. I was helpless to this mob. "Its not him." some girl shouted. The teens sighed and the human current subsided.

"Summer." I spun around. A guy about twenty was standing, hands in pockets. "I'm Gustav. I don't know if you remember me. Veronica is my older sister."

I took me a minute to respond. "Oh, hi."

“How was your flight?”

I inwardly squirmed. Introductions and coversations were not among my best attributes, to say the least. I tried to be polite. "You speak English?"

"Yes, but my grammar is not that great." he smiled. Right away I knew that we would get along just fine. "Would you like me to carry a bag."

"Uh, sure." I passed him my tote. "Do you know where the luggage claim is? I always get lost in airports."

"So do I. It's this way." Gustav replied. He laid a hand gently on me backpack as we navigated our way through the busy throng of people, so as not to loose me. He repelled his arm from my pack only after we passed security and the masses thinned out greatly. For a couple minutes we walked in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable. Or awkward. "Veronica wanted to be here, really wanted to be here. But work and a fiancée didn't allow it today. She is actually in Spain at the moment, doing work for the Embassy."

"I haven't seen her for a couple of years."

"Really? I couldn't have guessed. For days now she's been calling me and acting like a kid at Christmas. Only she is excited for you to be here instead of presents." Gustav led her through a couple of right hand turns. "Here we are. Baggage claim."

Everything became crowded again. The noise level picked up by multiple bars. Easily we found my plane number's baggage belt. Within in minutes luggage started to spit out of the unknown. I started to grab my own belongings, knowing my personal effects at a glance. Turning to my cousin I asked, "Would be able to get a trolley? I'm going to need it."

"A trolley?"

"Um. . .something to carry a lot of baggage on."

"Oh! Yeah, be right back." I watched as Gustav pushed his way passed people. I turned my attention back to retrieving my suitcases. After a minute I had all twelve – I was going to be gone for months with being on tour with Tokio Hotel. I found an empty bench close by and sat down to wait for Gustav. I felt weird. I was completely surrounded by bags. I felt as though I was being watched. But I ignored the feeling as I stared off into the distance. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gustav approaching with a trolley. Looking at him, I blushed. His eyes were wide.

"Are all these yours?" Gustav asked. I nodded. "You'll get along great with Bill. Especially on tour with this amount of luggage."

Not knowing how we accomplished it, Gustav and I fit eleven luggage cases on the trolley. My cousin pushed it while I walked next to him, carrying my tote, backpack and pulling the twelfth suitcase. We slowly made our way to the pick up zone. We stepped outside. It was sunny but beginning to drizzle in the late afternoon. I slipped my sunglasses over my heavily coated eyes.

"GUSTAV!" We turned to see Tom Bill and Georg all standing next to the imfamous Escalade. We made our way over to the black gas guzzler. Tom rushed up. He held our his hand. "I'm Tom."

"Summer." I didn't take his hand.

"Give her some room. And don't shout. Some how the fans know we're here. I barely got away inside" Tom took a step back like Gustav suggested and whispered a hello. "Thats better Tom. Help me load your car."

Georg Tom and Gustav loaded the vehicle. Bill and I stood back and watched. I studied Tom. Black shoes, black blue-jeans, black t'shirt, black sweatband, black hat. A lot of Black. His dark blondish brown dreadlocks caught a glimmer of sun. Next I focused my attention on Georg. He was wearing skaters, jeans and a Volcum shirt - which accented his muscles. Same with my cousin although Gustav's shirt said Circa. I stole glances to look at the tall guy standing next to me. Bill wore blue jeans, a Fall Out Boy shirt, and Adidas shoes. His hair was pulled back in a low pony tail and his make-up was at a minimum.

Finally the Escalade was loaded. Georg and Tom walked around to the left side of the Gas Guzzler. Bill opened the passenger door for me. I nodded a thanks – and meant it – and climbed in. Bill hopped in the backseat while Gustav sat behind me in the bucket seat. Tom started the engine and pulled out. We tuned on to the highway and headed north.

Silence filled the Cadillac.