No Pleasure Town

I am going to get in trouble.

I was sitting in my room, in my house, in the town that was horrible. I took out my laptop from my hiding place and turned it on. I still had it from before, when we were allowed computers. I didn't give it in, I couldn't. They couldn't take everything away from me, I needed something. So any way’s, as I said I turned it on. Then I closed my eyes and typed in the URL. I ended up typing: mokeychat45asdf. I then opened my eyes added .com and pushed enter. By my surprise it was an actual site, and soon as I got on a IM came up. The IM said, hello I am Sara. I am sorry for randomly IMing you, but I needed someone to talk to.

I replied with, it’s okay, I don't have any friends. So I need someone to talk to also.

She said, Aw, don't say that. I bet you have a lot.

No I really don't, it’s not legal actually.

Really? Where do you live?

Annie, it’s a very small town. Anything that could make you happy isn't legal, sex, computers, cell phones, electronics, boyfriends, friends, husbands, like everything.

Then how do you guys make kids?

Adult woman have sex with the owner of the town.

Strange, but I have to go. We are friends, right?

Yes, we are.

Okay, then we can talk some other time.

Yeah, but wait have you ever had sex? I want to really bad, I want to know what it feels like.

No I haven't, but I have masturbated.

What's that?

When you play around with your vagina, rubbing it or sticking your finger in the hole. It kind of feels like sex.

Okay ill try that.

Okay, bye.


Once she logged off I turned my computer off, and put it back in my hiding place. Then I looked around making sure no one was watching and I took off my pants and underwear. Once I did that I got under the covers and rubbed my vagina for a while, like Sara told me to. Then I stuck a finger in my beloved hole, causing me to let out two moans. I guess my sister Jessica heard the moans because she came running in.

"Tanya, what the hell was that?" She asked.

I replied with, "Nothing."

Even though she was in the room I kept putting my finger in and out, I couldn't stop it felt so good. I wanted to experiment so I put two fingers in; I moaned a lot that time.

"Tanya! Your masturbating! Ew! That's gross and against the law!"

"I am not!"

"Are to."

"I am fucking not!" I thought she believed me that time, because she left.

But no, she came back with mother!

"Look mom, Tanya is masturbating." Jessica said.

"I am not!" I said while moaning.

Jessica went to pull the blankets off of me to prove what she had said. But I held them there with my hand I wasn't using.

"Mom, see she won’t even let me take off her blankets. She’s hiding something."

"Tanya Mary Kon, get your butt of that bed this instant."

I was afraid so I listened and got out of bed, but I kept masturbating and moaning, I couldn't stop.

All my sister and mom could do is gasp.

My mother then said, "I am going to go call the town owner." and started walking towards the door. "And stop doing that."

I replied with, "No," and a smirk.

So she walked back towards me and grabbed my hand and took it away from my vagina. "If you put it back anywhere near there god help me."

I just frowned and said, "Can I lie down in my bed?"

"No Tanya, you may not."


"No buts"

I hurried up and said what I was going to say so she couldn't interrupt me, "But my legs hurt."

"You should have thought about that before you went and did this." She said as she left the room with my sister and left me standing there, half naked and my leg hurting.
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