No Pleasure Town


My mom came back into my room and brought the town owner in also.

He said, "Against the wall!"

I listened and got against the wall, he felt around everywhere making sure I didn't have weapons. But I think he really wanted to just feel me up.

Once he was done he said, "Okay, you’re good."

I just stayed silent.

"So what did you do?" he asked.

"Masturbated," I replied quietly.

"I can’t hear you," He replied.

"Masturbated," I said louder.

"I still can’t hear you"

So I screamed, "Masturbated!"

He slapped me and said, "Don't scream at me."

He told me to be louder, so I was. Not my fault! But I just stayed quiet.

He told me to give him my hand so I did and he put some stuff all over it. He then told me, "Now show me what you did before."

So I showed him, and I screamed. The stuff he had put on my hand made it hurt like fuck. He then told me, "Now it will hurt anytime you have sex, or masturbate."

All I did was frown.

"Looks like my work here is done, for now." He said and left, but he would be back later.