No Pleasure Town

Why am I here?

“I am here because-well um, why is it your bussiness?”

I did not mean to sound mean, but how bad of a first appresion is 'oh I am here because I masturbated'? Not a very good one, well that is what I think. Plus I really wanted to know why he wanted to know? Why was it his bussiness? Why was he here? I knew nothing about him, so why should I let him know anything about me?

Even though I had my reasons to say that I still felt bad for being like a bitch.

Before he could answer my first question I asked another one, “Why are you here?”

After I asked the question I flipped my head forward, which flipped my long hair foward. I kept my head there and put my hair in a hair band. Then I flipped my head and hair back.
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