No Pleasure Town


"Well, I’m here because I live here...well now I do..I ran away kind of and my dad caught me and my mother"

I don’t know why but for some reason i wanted to be honest with her.., but I don’t think she will with me..

"I should go now... I don’t want to get caught talking to people and get you and me in trouble...
soo umm bye..."

I started walking out then but he was coming this way and I didn’t know where to go. I ran back in her room and she asked, "Why are you here?"

"Because my dad’s coming... so I got to hide.." I looked around and saw a closet there’s usually nothing in there so i hid in there. Then I heard him come in her room and ask a few questions. But I couldn’t here him because he was speaking fast and very low. I couldn’t here her either because he wouldn’t let her talk at all...