Hitokiri, Aijou


“Ah, let’s do something before we begin this boring affair.” Ninomiya-Jii-san said nodding.

“Grandfather this is not something I would call a boring affair it is a very serious matter to which we need to attend immediately they already tried attacking Nino, we cannot afford not being prepared for this war.” Sie-chan’s voice was desperate, she walked towards her grandfather he expression serious.

“What are you afraid of losing?” her grandfather asked looking straight at her, “Hm? Are you afraid of losing the kingdom or are you afraid of losing Satoshi-kun?” Sie-chan averted her eyes and huffed.

“Fine what do you want us to do?” she asked, completely avoiding Ohno-kun with her eyes.

“I want Mayu here to get engaged.” All of our eyes widened.

“Why?!” Mayu-chan asked.

“Because, Sie is already engaged, Kazu might as well be engaged to Jun there, and you, well I don’t want you to be alone, here I know, Sho, can you call about 3 of your personal guards?” he spoke very clearly.

“Yes sir.” Sho said standing and moving towards the door. After a while 3 men stood behind him as he walked back into the room.

“Right, now, Masaki-kun here’s my dagger now go cut her hair.” He smiled at me, I looked at my mother who seemed as if she was about to tear up.

“Yes sir.” I said nodding before I walked to were the other men were standing, there was no way in hell I was going to be able to do this.

We began, one of the men had been injured so he was out of the game, I watched as Mayu darted away from one, before she turned and kicked him straight in the chest, I dodged as the another man struck towards me, I punched him in the face before running away from him, but he simply stood back up and followed me, so I punched him again.

“Masaki!” my mother screamed. “Punch him like you would your brother when you were younger!” I looked at her and nodded, I pulled my fist back and struck forward with all my strength the man fell, he didn’t stand back up.

Someone collided with me, I moved the dagger to keep it from connecting with the body.

“Game!” Ninomiya-Jii-san called, and I looked at where the dagger was, my eyes widened, in between by fingers lay sandy brown hair, Mayu-chan turned and faced me then, her cheeks red her eyes wide.

“Good job Masaki-kun,” Ninomiya-Jii-san said patting my back, “Welcome to the family.” I nodded dumbly, I don’t know why, but I placed the hair into my pocket and returned the dagger.

The meeting began an hour after the battle had taken place, I had learned a lot about the family, and about Mayu. Now my family had agreed to move with Chiba clan, so they left. I sat there, my palms sweaty as I sat next to Mayu, she smiled at me. Apparently she had taken a liking to me since the first time she had seen me with Nino, which was about four years ago.

“Can’t you do anything about it?” Sie-chan was asking Sho, he shook his head.

“Even though that family is my family’s cousins, we have no control over them just like w have no control over you.” He said softly.

“Yes, but they are nobles you are royalty!” Nino said, he was frustrated and his left eye was bruised.

“Yes, but they do not follow my family as royalty Yuri does but she’s the only one.” Sho said his voice steady.

“Ah seems like the devil appeared.” Jun-kun said, his eyes making contact with Hanazawa-chan as she approached.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Sie-chan snapped moving so that she was in front of Ohno-kun.

“I came to apologize, I didn’t realize that I would have started a war.” Hanazawa-chan said her voice shaking, “I already told them that I lied to them, that what I said about the Sakurai-Ninomiya families was false but they won’t listen to me, I’m sorry.” Tears began to leave her eyes.

“Don’t worry this isn’t your fault, they had already wanted a war they just didn’t have a good enough reason. But now that the one you wanted turned out to be Ohno-kun here they had one.” Jun-kun said shaking his head, he moved towards her, his hands on her shoulders and she pushed along to get her out of the room. I could see why, if she stayed any longer, Sie-chan was going to snap.

When Jun-kun came back Sie-chan was still tense, Ohno-kun had stood up and was now standing beside her, not moving not saying anything just standing there, she turned and looked at him, and he did the same before she gave a small nod, and sat down, he smiled and sat down beside her, their hands interlinking. I smiled at them.

“We begin at once.” Jun-kun said as a servant brought him some papers. He read over them quickly before returning them to the servant who bowed and quickly made his way out. There was a boom, and some screams my eyes widened, and Mayu’s hand reached towards mine and grabbed it, I turned my hand and interlinked our fingers and held on tight.

“Or we begin now.” Sie-chan said standing up and removing her elegant kimono off, she was dressed black. Nino began to do the same, his clothes were white, and Mayu stood, she took off her pink kimono off, under hers she was dressed in gray.

There were more booms, and more screams before Sie-chan nodded.

“Kakka your order?” Sie-chan asked bowing in front of her grandfather.

“Shall your deaths be as victorious as your lives have been.” Was all he said before he pulled out his katana and pointed towards the sky, “Go!”
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Kakka = your Excellency