Hitokiri, Aijou


“He’s a tiger…”I whispered to myself, I heard Sho trying to hold in a sob, he seemed to be thinking the same thing as me, Nino was killing everyone in his path, his lips stretched over his teeth, everything was crumbling, I could feel him in me.

His home was gone, his kohai who’d he’d always secretly been proud of were either dead or dying, his grandfather gone, his mother he was pretty sure was also gone, along with his aunts and sister, and now, the love of his life, the only one that made what he had to do okay, the one who made him believe that in the end he’d be greeted kindly by his heavenly mother, the one who held him while he wept because even though he wouldn’t say it, killing people always made him depressed, the one who would kiss the those tears away with whispers of “It’s okay Kazu, it’s all going to be okay.”, that wonderful man that made his world stand bright against the grim darkness, was gone. I was shaking, it was so much, I looked at Ohno-kun.

“Do we all feel this now?” I asked my voice hoarse because at that moment I wanted nothing more than to fall over and sob, I could feel the pain and that rage that was bubbling upward.

“Yes, this is what happens when you intertwine souls.” Ohno-kun was crying too. Sho sobbed.

“Masaki!” Ohno-kun’s voice registered and I barely managed to move away from the dagger that surely would have struck me dead.

“Sho!” I screamed, I was running towards him but I was too slow, I knew it, that’s what they wanted, they wanted to have Sho alone to kill him. “Run!” I commanded, still going towards him, he looked over at me his expression lost, but he wasn’t moving he looked instead at the men who were getting closer to him, who were going to kill him, there seemed to be recognition in his eyes, and then acceptance.

“Die!” I heard Ohno-kun shout, suddenly the man nearing Sho gripped at his heart, and fell to the ground with a thud. I dashed towards Sho gripping his hand tight.

“Come Emperor, let’s go.” I said, my voice somehow calm, Sho nodded dumbly before we took off running. I could hear Ohno-kun shouting his spells.

“Freeze!” he screamed his voice was going hoarse; he ran towards the frozen man and struck his neck swiftly cutting out his life. I dashed at another man, my knife aimed, I struck his heart.

He was the fifth one, and with each one I had taken, my soul seemed to dull. We were still running, Ohno-kun needed proper rest, but it seemed that we had all miscalculated Hanazawa’s influence in the underground. “Emperor!” it was Mayu’s voice, I turned she was running towards Sho, but I could see it we weren’t close enough, however Ohno-kun was.

Blood erupted from his mouth, as the spear struck him in the chest, the blood seemed to freeze the light of the sun hitting it just right to make it look like rubies, and if wasn’t so awful, morbid, and painful to see, I might of called it pretty. Ohno-kun staggered forward, further embedding himself with spear, the man who was holding it seemed shocked, he hadn’t expected it.

“Long live Emperor Sakurai!” Ohno-kun croaked, his dagger slicing the man across his neck, the hot blood splattering on his face, then they fell forward.

“Satoshi!” I found myself screaming. Mayu got to the Emperor, and pulled him to his feet, and I reached Satoshi.

We pulled the spear out, Ohno-kun was struggling to breathe, it was almost as if he was waiting for something, Nino arrived, and he gave him a warm smile before Nino fell on his knees.


“It’s okay….Kazu…it’s okay…” Ohno-kun wheezed, and tears ran further down my face, if anyone got too close to us, Mayu would kill them, Nino bowed and went to help her keep them away.

“Toshi…” Sie whispered, she was shaking, she was crying she bend down her hand lacing with his.

“I’ve sworn my love to you for the next hundred years, and even past that, you are my everything.” Ohno whispered, she bend down and kissed him.

“I’ll always choose you in this life and the ones that follow, itsumademo.” Sie said as she parted, her hand moving over Ohno-kun’s eyes closing them for the last time. “Forever.”

She stood up right, before she turned and looked at me.

“Run.” Her voice rasped, her eyes were gold, “Hurry, get away, I can’t hold it in much longer...” she was whispering and swaying; I grabbed Sho’s hand and took off running again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kohai = Juniors

“I’ve sworn my love to you for the next hundred years, and even past that, you are my everything.” = Inspired by 'One Love' by Arashi

Itsumademo = Forever