Hitokiri, Aijou


We walked silently, not really having a direction, well Nino might have had one, but I was just following blindly, girls would bow at Nino, squeal and stare at Nino, girls were trying to talk to him but he just kept walking, I could almost see the scowl on his face.

“Who are they?” I asked, Ninomiya was stopped by two girls, who gave a paper he smiled politely at them and they squealed, and took off giggling.

“Brats that need to get out of this dojo because they are completely useless and need to get a life.” He said bitterly throwing away the paper, which with even a passing glance I could see it was a love letter.

“Um, not them, the foreigners.” I said clarifying the subject.

“Them?” Nino said pointing at some blond girls who were giggling and speaking amiably in a language I couldn’t understand.

“No, that’s not it! The ones with your grandpa.” I said again.

“Oh! Sie and Mayu.” He smirked, “Sie is my cousin, and Mayu is her cousin, and before you ask, Sie is actually half Japanese and half Spaniard, and Mayu is half German-French and half Spaniard.” He paused, “They only speak, Japanese, Spanish, and some English.”

“Ah, that’s cool…” I replied softly.

“Hm, would that make Mayu my cousin?” Nino mused loudly, he smiled at me. I smiled back.

“I can’t believe we lost another.” I heard a small snap, I turned and saw Sie-chan and Mayu-chan, in traditional kimonos, Sie-chan had a small pout, and Mayu-chan smiled at her, Nino rushed to them jumping in front of them I could see his child-like smile. That’s when it hit me. They wouldn’t age. They were stuck at an eternal 17.

Nino had told me a story of his people, there was a legend of 2 princes and one princess, the princess was older followed by the strongest prince and then the second strongest prince. There were to cycle and the rumor was they wouldn’t age.

Of course at this time, he had left out all the good details.

“I shouldn’t be going to this dinner with the kohai, I need to be training.” Sie-chan huffed.

“Shall I tell you a story?” Nino’s grandpa said with a smile.

“Not another one of your weird jokes only Nari thinks are funny?”

“Hey! They are hilarious, you just aren’t smart enough to get them.” Nino said with a smirk.

“Or…I am smart enough to get them and that’s why it’s not funny you brain dead monkey.” Sie-chan said the same smirk on her face.

“It’s not a joke, now children; let me tell you a story.” Nino’s grandpa cut in before Nino had a chance to say something back.

“Now, this is the story of a warrior who once was looking to be the greatest warrior of all time. He noticed that tigers where the forest’s kings, so he trained and trained and trained, trying to become as strong as the tigers, but as he focused all of his time and energy into being as strong as the tigers, he lost his ability to speak, and slowly became one of the tigers he idolized, his family and friends feared him, and he spend the rest of his life alone, forever stuck as a tiger.”

“I see.” Sie-chan said quietly.

“Don’t ever turn into a tiger. Whatever you do, do not turn into a tiger.” He said solemnly before he walked away.

Sie-chan tsked, “Weird old man…” she signed and popped her neck, “How else am I supposed to beat him if he doesn’t let me train….” She muttered before she walked off.

“You have to go to this dinner!” Mayu-chan screamed after her.

“Nobody can make me go!” Sie-chan hollered back.

“As your elder I command you to go!” Mayu-chan snapped. Something changed in the air. Nino stood at attention; he gave me a weak smile.

“Yes.” Sie-chan said, and walked back to Mayu-chan’s side.

“Open the door.” Mayu-chan said a commanding tone still in her voice. Sie-chan bowed and did as she was told, but her eyes seemed like they wanted to kill something, as if she was doing this not because she wanted to but as if she was being forced to. As we entered the kohai stood and bowed, and I began to bow back.

“Stop, they are bowing to you, you are our guest.” Mayu-chan said softly, Nino made a commanding sound and they all stood at attention, “Now we bow.” She smiled, and bent forward, my heart felt like it was going to explode. We sat at middle, at the empty table.

“Where would you like me to sit, shukun?” Sie-chan bit out.

“Next to me if you will, you never sit next to me it makes me sad.” Mayu-chan said her voice gentle. Sie-chan clicked her tongue but sat next to Mayu-chan, Nino laughed, before he motioned to the other side of the table.

“I can’t see…” Sie-chan whined.

“What?” Mayu-chan asked as she reached for her tea.

“Anything behind me I can’t see anything!” Sie-chan snapped, “This is why I like that side of the table, because the only thing behind me is the wall, Aiba-kun is lucky, Nari gave him my seat.” She said looking at Nino who sat down beside her.

“What are we eating?” I asked avoiding the sad look Sie-chan was giving me.

“Senior favorite.” A pretty girl sitting next to me said, she looked at me for a few seconds before she struck forward towards Nino, who back away just as fast, running into a girl carrying soup, making Sie-chan move slightly back and to the left right into a guy carrying a dagger, which was moving upward as to avoid striking anyone. Then the room fell silent.
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Shukun = Lord/Master