Hitokiri, Aijou


“Masaki!” my mom screamed the moment I walked in. I looked up startled.

“Where the hell were you?! You were supposed to be home ages ago! I had to send your little brother to the prince! He asked for you, you know the prince! You must know that you are his only friend, that’s why you deliver his meals do I make myself clear! Next time….” My mother ranted on, she didn’t care that our guests were trying not to stare or the fact that Sie-chan and Ohno-kun were standing behind me wide-eyed and with fear striking them frozen.

“And who are you?” my mother asked, after she regained some of her composure.

“Ninomiya Sie desu, and this is my fiancé Ohno Satoshi.” Sie-chan bowed, Ohno-kun stared at her startled for a bit, even I was surprised, he bowed quickly after her.

“Ninomiya…hm…ah! Princess Sie?” my mother asked.

“Eh, I’m not worthy of being your royalty, it’s fine, call me Sie.” Sie-chan said bowing even more, I couldn’t help but stare at her with wide eyes, for the first time since I met her she was emitting a gentle almost passive aura.

“No, no but you are, I am humbled that you are honoring us with your presence princess.” My mother said with a bow, she gave me a sideways glance and bowed too.

“Sorry for my intrusion.” Sie-chan said bowing even lower.

“No you are welcome here.” My mother said smiling, “However.” She paused, “don’t you think for a second I’m going to treat you any more special than my guests here, I will treat you with respect only because you are a guest in my house, your rule ends the minute you entered this place.” She smiled, “Do I make myself clear?”

“Hai!” Sie-chan said with a nod.

“Satoshi!?!” I saw Ohno-kun, twitch, fear passing through his eyes, as a cringe set in. A girl ran up, her beauty was cute and child like, big eyes, cream skin, and nice pink lips.

“Ah, Hanazawa-san.” Ohno-kun said with a bow. Sie-chan looked at her with slight curiosity, before her attention moved to the door leading outside slowly sweeping the inside of the restaurant.

“So I’ve informed my parents.” She said her hand moving to casually touch Ohno-kun’s arm Sie-chan’s attention was immediately on observing Hanazawa-chan.

“Of?” Ohno-kun asked, moving back a step, as an attempt to get Hanazawa-chan’s hand off of his arm, but this move only seemed to draw her closer.

“Of our marriage, of course silly!” she said laughing, wrapping her arms around Ohno-kun’s neck and pulling him down, Ohno-kun flinched away from her touch.

“We aren’t getting married!” He yelped his eyes wide.

“Yes we are, I told you, remember?” she said smiling at him.

“I thought you were joking, we were laughing, plus, you’re fifteen correct? I’m 22, and I’m…”

“Well I wasn’t my parents want to meet your parents, I know I’m marrying out of my class, but they want it to be smooth so they will pay for everything, they just want to talk to your parents…or should I say our parents?”

“Stop.” Ohno-kun said, “I’m already engaged.”

“I know to me!” she said her features indicating her confusion.

“No, I am already engaged to someone else.” Ohno-kun said again. Hanazawa-chan cringed; then something changed in her eyes.

“To who?! Some commoner?! Why would you want a dirty thing like that!?” She screamed, Sie-chan’s eyes changed, she looked offended.

“Why don’t you take me? I am of noble blood, far cleaner than these commoner rats.” She said motioning around; her hand stopped on my mother, anger surged through me, “I’m far better than these wretches.”

“I am no commoner, and if I was I’m much better than you, you rat.” My eyes widened. There was a royal bite to her words; Sie-chan took a step forward. “Learn your place, before you put down others, mongrel, what good is a noble if you aren’t close to your people?” she asked, she took a step and grabbed Ohno-kun’s hand.

“I would also like it, if you refrained from placing your dirty hands on my fiancé.” Sie-chan snapped.

“Who the hell do you think you are?!” Hanazawa-chan screamed.

“Who are you?” Sie-chan asked, her voice eerily calm.

“I am Hanazawa Yuri, noble cousin of Prince Sakurai.”

“Oh, really.”

“Yes. Now who are you?” she asked, Sie-chan opened her mouth.

“She is Ninomiya Sie, my distant sister.” I smiled, as I turned, Sho-chan smiled at me before her placed a hand on Sie-chan’s shoulder. Sie-chan turned and looked at him before placing her hand over his.

“Ah, brother, are you well?” My eyes widened, both of them radiated, it was as if their blood was the color purple, pulsating with the DNA of the Gods.

“I am, are you?”

“Yes.” Sie-chan smiled, “It occurred, as I’m sure you know the legend, it seems everyone was informed but me.” Sie-chan sighed.

“Are you in control of it now?”

“Yes, there is nothing to fear.”

“You liar…” I looked suddenly at Hanazawa-chan, her eyes were wide and crazed. “You damn liar!”

“I am not lying.” Sie-chan said a sadistic smile on her face.

“Satoshi is mine!”

“I’m sure you are mistaken, Toshi…ah sorry, my lover Ohno-san, is mine.” Sie-chan smirked, Hanazawa-chan lunged forward.

“No!” Sho-chan screamed, it happened in slow motion, the moment Hanazawa-chan was supposed to make impact, Sie-chan had moved a step to the left grabbing Hanazawa-chan’s arm as it missed its target, Sie-chan twisted Hanazawa-chan’s arms to her back and let her out of the restaurant before she pushed her forward.

“I will not fight you in there.” Sie-chan said a stoic look to her face.

“Fine let’s fight here but just so you know, I’m trained in martial arts.” Sie-chan smiled, as Hanazawa-chan lunged again, she blocked every attack.