Hitokiri, Aijou


After ten minutes of the violent dance, Sie-chan had began to attack back, the look on her face was bored, after 2 minutes Hanazawa-chan was laying on the ground, Sie-chan walked towards her and grabbed her head lifting her to her feet before knocking her over again.

“It’s nice that you are trained, but you know I’m…” Sie-chan was walking towards her, the moon high behind her, Hanazawa-chan was scooting away, she bumped into a wall, “Well, I’m a shinigami; I am Ninomiya Sie daughter of Izanami-sama.” Her eyes flashed golden before she smiled and walked towards us. “And I’ll strike you dead if you come near Ohno Satoshi ever again.”

I sat up in bed. It’d been a while since the fight, Sie-chan, Ohno-kun, and Sho-chan stayed for dinner, my mother and father acted like nothing had happened. I looked outside the moon was high in the air, and I felt chills go down my spine.

…Maa, Shinigami desu…’ her eyes had flashed again, she had proclaimed it this time, her voice wasn’t different like it was last time she had said that. She was in control of this time, or was it the fact that that was really what she.

What they were?

No, Nino…couldn’t have killed anyone...but he had said it too, ‘we are ‘The Shinigami’ we are the death bringers.’ That had to include Mayu-chan as well, I shook my head and looked outside again.

It was chilly outside, I shouldn’t be outside at this time let alone awake, and I was going to go outside I could have at least grabbed a coat, or the very least changed from my sleeping clothes. But something had summoned me outside, something about the way the night was glowing was telling me to visit her, so I walked outside following the moon.

“Nanitozo! Please stop! Please!” I stopped walking and turned to look down the alley, I began to walk down it, someone was getting mugged, I was sure of it, that or begging for their life. Dread filled me, and suddenly I was overly aware of the figure standing just a few meters in front of me.

Blood began to rain out of the man’s head and torso I hadn’t even seen another person or anything attack. Then when the man fell down I noticed the figure dressed in night.

“No way…” I whispered, at that time all I could focus on was the assailant’s eyes, and how they were making my heart explode. You see her eyes were green, that shade of green that perfect shade of green that belonged to my quiet whisper of love.

“Mayu?” I inquired; the figure retreated into the shadows and disappeared. I must have passed out.

I jolted awake, and sat up, my fingers involuntary caressing the silk sheets. I scratched my head.

“Where am I?” I asked out loud, not really expecting an answer so when one came, I jumped.

“My house, actually you are in my bed.” I blinked there was a figure of a man sitting in a chair by the window, his posture was cool, his voice was cool, he gave this prince-like aura.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I am Matsumoto Jun.” He said moving into the light, my eyes widened at his features, he had a strong face that made him look like a mystical being, his hair dark, his eyes piercing.


“Aiba Masaki, your parents own Chinese restaurant in town, you took Princess Sie and Ohno-kun there earlier tonight, there the princess got in a fight with Hanazawa-chan, Prince Sakurai frequents there and you are his only actual friend, aside from us, of course, and right now you are wondering how I know all of this.”


“Because as you might know already, I’m not entirely human.” He said a smile playing on his lips.


“Eh, do you not know Sakurai, Ninomiya, and Ohno’s ancestors? We aren’t entirely human like you, see we descend from above, Sakurai and the Ninomiya clan from the Gods themselves, Ohno-kun from the Elder Spirits, and I from demigods.” He smiled, I nodded. “What did you see?” he asked, his voice gentle.

“I saw…” the image raced though my head, I looked up at him, he was writing things down.

“I see, I’ll tell them to be more careful, but for now, sleep.” I must have passed out.
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‘…Maa, Shinigami desu…’ = Well, I'm a Shinigami

Nanitozo = Please/ Kindly/ I beg of you