Hitokiri, Aijou


When I woke up, the sun was already smiling, and the breeze lightly messed with my hair.

“Masaki.” I sat up, and turned, Sho was sitting in the shade of elegant Sakura tree, I smiled at him and walked over.

“How did I get here?” I asked settling down beside him.

“Jun-kun brought you over,” he looked at me intently, “I guess you saw something you shouldn’t have.” He said with a small smile, I shivered, he took a sip of his tea, before offering me a cup, “But don’t worry you are safe now.” His smile got brighter as I took the tea from him and sipped at it. His eyes suddenly went behind me, and I turned to see that Matsumoto-kun was walking towards us, his aura strong, it was very prince-like, I turned and looked at Sho who smiled sheepishly.

“You know, I may be the prince, but people seem to always think it’s him.” He said with a nod, I smiled at him and looked back at Matsumoto-kun, his expression was cool, but I could tell that he was a kind gentle person, there was so much warmness in his heart.

“Jun-kun.” I said with a smile before I even realized it.

“Jun?” he questioned, then smiled a confused smile before he looked at Sho and bowed.

“Are you in charge of record keeping today?” Sho asked, as he offered him a cup of tea, Jun took it and sipped before he pulled out parchment and ink.

“I am.” He nodded before he looked at me.

“How are you doing?” he asked with a smile.

“I’m doing great and-” there was a sense of dread, I looked at Sho eyes wide, but he had a confused expression, he looked around, obviously looking for what was distressing me. Slowly my head began to tilt back. I could feel it, I could feel the cold waves as fear settled inside of me, whatever was doing this to me was sitting in the tree, breathing raggedly, exhuming death with each exhale.

“Masaki!” It was my mother’s voice, she was really close, but I was still looking upward, moving to my feet. I had to offer my life, the things I was feeling were making my soul die, I had to give it to him, suddenly a hand clasped over my eyes.

“Do not look at the shinigami.” My mother whispered into my ear, before she dragged me away. When she moved her hand I saw were inside and I could feel my soul rejoicing, happy to be away from whatever was sitting in that tree.

“The prince!” I said looking around looking for him, where was he? Why hadn’t my mother tried to keep him away from it too?

“He’s fine, it won’t affect him like it affects us.” She said looking at me gently, I looked up my father and my brother were standing there too, they smiled at me.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because he’s descended from the Gods just like that Shinigami is.” She said quietly I nodded.

“Who was it?” I asked.

“It was one of the Ninomiya Shinigami, but I don’t know which one it was, I didn’t see it’s face as much as I saw you looking upward towards it.”

“Why can’t I look at it?” I asked, if it was one of the Ninomiya Shinigami, then I should be okay, right? I mean I am a friend of the Ninomiya family.

“Because it would have struck you dead, it was not connected to its human side.” She paused, “Now, the Ninomiya Shinigami are the kindest of all the Shinigami, well as kind as one can get, but once they enter into that state they’ll kill who ever stands in their path.” She looked up and bowed, “Lord Ninomiya.” I turned quickly and bowed with my family.

“Nino hasn’t come-” Sie was talking but at the sound of my mother’s voice, her grandfather signaled her to be silent.

“Ah, the Aiba family, I’m so sorry that you were dragged into this mess, please, we will find a safer haven for you outside of Edo, maybe we can put you with the Chiba clan, they’ll house your family.” I stood straight.

“What?” I breathed looking at my mom, “What is going on?” I asked.

“You’ll find out, that’s why we’re here.” Sie-chan smiled at me, and motioned us towards the door. When the doors opened, I saw Jun-kun holding a body, and gently wiping the body’s face.

“Nino.” Sie said before she moved towards Jun and the body, she bent down and looked at Jun who gave a small nod before his head hung to the side and Sie seemed to be watching something that wasn’t there.

“They’ve attacked.” She said turning to face her grandfather. “The Hanazawa clan is completely serious about having Ohno.”

“Of course they want the boy, he’s the best weapon maker as well as the most connected to the elder spirits.” Her grandfather spoke before motioning behind him, Ohno-kun stepped forward, Mayu-chan following behind him, me and her made eye contact, but she broke it, her cheeks staining red.