Status: Active.

All These Things I Hate


You know those teen movies where the main character was an outcast and she meets a boy who changes her life? Well I hate those. They make me want to vomit. In the real world, a guy doesn't come to sweep you off your feet. There is no Prince Charming. There is no glass slipper. There is no hope for me. I'm that outcast. The difference between the movie world and the real world is there is no guy that would ever be interested in me. I'm not that great in the first place. It's probably the reason why Zachary Baker hates me.

Zacky is the guy that I've known all my life. All my life Zacky has treated me like shit. I don't know why he treats me this way. I never once did anything to him. I've always tried to be the nicest person. It never did work though. Jimmy tells me to just ignore him. It's kinda hard to ignore someone that trips you all the time. But even though he treats me like this all the time, I can't help but think he's the best looking guy I've ever seen. He was almost perfect. Almost.

Jimmy Sullivan is my best friend. So many things to say about this guy. He's always there when I need him. He's always there to cheer me up when Zacky gets on my case. He's is a crazy, fun loving guy that always wants to have fun. He reminds me of a child sometimes. He never filters his thought and just says what he is thinking. He is so comfortable with himself. He doesn't give a shit what people have to say about him. That's why he is my best friend. He never scolds me about what my hair is like or what I'm wearing. I love him like a brother for that.

But my real brother Matt Sanders. That's a different story. Matt was a strange one to say the least. He was over protective of me. I haven't really had a problem with it but it was kind of annoying. But he always criticized me about what I wear. I don't see what the big deal is though. What's wrong with the way that I dress? I didn't see a problem with my baggy pants and shirts. Sure I wasn't like other girls that wear tight clothes or mini skirts. But I didn't want to be like other girls. I just wanted to be me. I don't know why Matt couldn't accept that this was me.

Brian Haner was a one of a kind boy. He was a little bit too flirtatious with any girl without even trying. It's always funny to watch girls practically crawl on their hands and knees for him. He is good looking but he will always just be Brian to me. He tries to sweet talk me into doing things for him, but I don't fall for it. I know better than to do that. I think we were meant to be friends so I can keep him in reality and remind him that he isn't a god. It's not working very well though. Everything seems to go to his head. I don't know what to do with that boy.

Then there is Johnny Seward. Johnny was a sweet kid when he wanted to be. But when it came to girls, he was hopeless. He always tried too hard. The worst thing is he was spout out cheesy pick up lines that make you wanna smack him. He was so small and short that he kind of reminded me of a little kid. Especially when we would watch horror movies. He would cling on to me like his life depended on it. I felt so sorry for him sometimes. I hope that his awkward stage ends soon. He seems so sad every time a girl turns him down.

Me on the other hand, I have no clue what to say. I don't really think to much on apperance. I'm not into the latest fashions. As long as I have my favorite Pantera hoddie I'll be fine for clothes. I wear only one kind of sneaker. Converse. I don't care what people think about me and I try not to let people put me down. But most of all I try to be strong when I'm lonely. I try to keep hope that some day I will finally have a guy that will love me like my parents love each other. I'm Breanna Sanders. I'll always just be one of the guys.
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