Status: Active.

All These Things I Hate

That Was Close!

I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. Why did I let my guard down? Am I really that stupid? My heart feels like it has shuddered into a million pieces. I couldn't stop thinking about him and I hated it. He's poisoned my mind.

So here I was, crying my eyes out in the girl's bathroom. I just felt so betrayed and broken. Why did I have to be attracted to assholes? Is it a curse or something? I just needed something to take my mind off of it. Anything really. Just give me a sign!

"Breanna? Are you in here?" I heard Cassie ask. I tried to suck in air through my nose but it was runny and made a loud noise.

"Yeah, I'm here." I said. You could tell by my voice that I had been crying.

"Oh hell, what did Zacky do?' She asked. By the tone of her voice, I could tell that she had expected this to happen.

"I saw Zacky kiss Jessica Andrews." I started to break down again so I flung the bathroom door open and crashed into her. I held onto her as if my life depended on it.

"Shh Hun, it's gonna be alright." She said rubbing my back.

"Why did he have to do it?" I asked.

"Because he's an asshole. Don't let him get you down." She said. I nodded my head and rubbed my eyes. "All better?" She asked as I stood up completely. I wiped my runny nose and nodded.

"Yeah, let's go." I said before heading towards the door. The first thing I saw when I left the bathroom was not what I expected. Zacky was in some form of argument with Jessica Andrews. It cheered me up a little bit.

"Listen skank, I'm sick of you always following me everywhere! Just leave me alone like you said you would!"

"But why?" She whinned in that oh so annoying voice of her's. I swear it was worse than nails scratching on a chalkboard.

"Because, you're disgusting and not my type at all."

"I was your type last year, remember?" She asked in a supposed seductive voice.

"Things change. I only have one type of girl and I know exactly who she is and I know it's not you. Leave me alone before I get a restraining order against you."

"Who is she then?"

"Why do you want to know so bad? What are you going to do? Ruin her life? She'd beat you t a bloody pup. Wouldn't want your nose job ruined do you?" He asked smirking. She huffed and walked away in a rush. I tried to hold in the smile that was threatening to escape, which was successful. Zacky rubbed his eyes and turned towards me. His face held shock for a few seconds before he regained his composure. He walked up to me and took my hand in his.

"Hey." He whispered.

"Hey." I repeated.

"I need to tell you something." He said taking in a deep breath.

"What? That you kissed that skank this morning? Yeah, I know. I saw." I replied.

"You did? Wait, were you crying?" He asked. There was so much worry and concern in his eyes that it made my chest throb in the best way possible.

"Yeah. I thought that maybe possibly I wasn't enough for you and that you didn't want me. It's the story of my life, huh? Me not being good enough for anything." I looked down as a tear escaped. He lifted up my chin with his hand and wiped the single tear with his thumb.

"You are way more than good enough for me. You could probably do better than me, but I don't want you to. You've invaded my mind and it seems like I can't get you out no matter how hard I try. I'm happier when I'm around you and when I'm away from you, I need to be with you."

"Then why did you kiss her?" I asked looking into his amazing eyes.

"I thought that if I did then she would go away but as you can tell, it didn't work. Not at all. I hope she just leaves me alone for good now." He laughed. "So, wanna ditch this place?" He asked pulling me closer to him. I placed my head in the crook of his neck and smelled him in. I nodded my head and looked up at him.

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot." He then leaned in and gave me a long passionate kiss.

"Okay, let's go before we get caught." He smiled and grabbed my hand as we ran through the halls to get out of that place.


I laughed as he nibbled on my stomach. He was torturing me to no end. We were in my room watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

"You need to stop that!" I laughed.

"But I can't help it! You're just to edible!" He whined. I laughed and pushed his head away from me. He slowly started to crawl towards me and then he suddenly pounced on me and began to tickle my sides. I struggled to get away but failed miserably.

"Z-Zacky! Stop! Can't......Breath!" I gasped between giggles. He stopped and starred at me. In a quick rush, we grasped onto each other in a heated kiss. We started tearing at each other's clothes until we were completely naked.

Zacky slowly kissed me all over. He stopped at my chest and tugged on it slightly with his teeth. My head rolled back in ecstasy when he ran his fingers over my clit.

"God! Stop teasing me!" I cried. I heard him laugh as he parted my legs and slowly pushed himself in me. I moaned softly as he slowly and softly pumped in and out. I wanted him to g faster but at the same time, the pace was so much better.

I ran my hands through his hair and moaned out his name. Slowly, he started to pick up the pase, but not by mch. Tingles ran trough out my body as he pushed deep with in me. I grasped his ass and urged him to go deeper. My body started to tremble as I hit my peek. I bit my lip to mute myself.

"Just let it out, we're alone. Don't worry." He said then started bitting my neck. I let out a loud moan as he pushed himself ll the way in me, clawing his ack while I screamed in ecstasy. My walls closed in and I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist to try and calm down my shaking legs. Then the release came and everything seemed so slow. It could be due to the amount of pleasure I had just endured.

"I have never felt as good as I just did." I said looking over at him in a tired voice.

"Me either. Damn, you're the best I've ever had." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled and layed my head on his chest. Then the front door slammed and I heard heavy foot steps on the stair case. My eyes went wide in panic. Shit! Zacky ran off the bed and went into my bathroom as I pulled on my bath robe and put my hair into a towel. The nock at the door make me jump out of my skin.

"Yeah?" I yelled.

"Hey, it's Matt. Can I come in?"

"Yeah sure." I said. I opened the door to reveal Matt's worried face.

"Are you okay?" He asked after he sat down on my bed.

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling well so I came home. I almost threw up a couple of times." said. He checked my forehead wth the back of his hand.

"You are a bit warm. Okay, Stay in bed and I'll get you some soup to settle your stomach." He said getting up.

"Matt, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I promise! Now go spend time with Val." I said scooting him out of the room.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to get rid of me." He laughed.

"What? No way hosay! I can take care of myself. No need to worry."

"Okay. Call me if you need me." He said before shutting the door behind him. I let go of the breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Is he gone?" Zacky asked peeking around the bathroom door. I nodded and he pulled me into him. "That was close." He whispered.

"You're telling me." I sighed. Was I doing the right thing? Lying to Matt to keep this relationship up? Was it even worth anything? I looked into Zacky's eyes and realized it was way more than worth it. Because I love Zacky. But how did he feel about me?
♠ ♠ ♠
There we go!!! A nice long-ish chapter!!! Well, longer anyway. =D Wasn't t sweet? lmao. Comments = <3 THANK YOU ALL FOR READING!!!!! and a special thanks to those who take the time to comment because that's what makes me smile. =D <----like this!!!!

Sorry for any spelling errors, this laptop sucks balls.

love of vengeance