Status: Active.

All These Things I Hate

The Biggest Mistake Of My Life.

Why did he have to do it? Why did she have to drive me crazy with everything that she did? Just her walking drove me to insanity. Breanna is everything that I looked for in a girl. I just didn't realize it before. She was the image of perfection in my eyes.

From her eyes, the way that her eye lashes were so long, The violet blue that swam in them. Her lips so plump and irresistible. Her chest, well, I'm just attracted to it anyway. Her ass! Damn, her ass was just the perfect shape. Plus it wasn't too big or too small. She even had the cutest hands I'd ever seen. So small and delicate.

I thought about all of this on my way to school this morning. I couldn't get her out of my mind no matter what I did. What worried me more is that she's Matt's sister. If he ever found out that she and I have been fooling around I'd be a dead man for sure.

I don't even know why I used to pick on her so much. I think I might have found her attractive when she was angry. I know it's odd but it's the only explanation that I could think of. I sighed as I walked onto the school grounds. I didn't want to be in school at all.

I did know what I wanted to do though. I wanted to be with Breanna. I didn't care what we were doing. I didn't care if we just snuggled. I just wanted to be with her and stair at her gorgeous face. She looks just like an angel.

So I started searching the lawn in hopes of finding her and cutting class. I needed to tell her how I feel. But what do I feel? I know that I can't get her out of my head no matter what I do. I know that no girl could ever come close to her in comparison. What if she is the one? What if I actually love her?

Love, now that's a loaded word. Did I actually love her? I know that the feelings that I have for her are pretty damn strong. She is the only person that can make me calm when I'm pissed off.

Make me happy when I'm sad. She is the sunshine of my day. Damn, that sounded corny as hell but I don't care. Because I now realize that I love her.

"Zacky!" I heard being called. I turned my head and immediately regretted doing so. There stood the captain of the cheer squad, Jessica Andrews. She was such a slut. All I had to do to fuck her was un-zip my pants and she dove right in.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Like, so I was. like, thinking that maybe we could, like, hook up tonight or something." God! How many times does she have to say the word like? Honestly! It shouldn't be legal to be this stupid!

"No, I've got other plans." I replied in a monotone voice.

"Oh, how about now?" She asked. God, I can't even tell you how unattractive that is.

"No, I'm taken." I said. It wasn't the exact truth but I was hoping it would be soon enough.

"Aw, well can I have a last kiss then?" She batted her eye lashes, which only caused her to look like a complete retard.

"Will you go away after that?" I asked her. She bit her lip and nodded. I sighed as I leaned down and placed a small kiss on her disgusting lips. I wish I could have just walked away right when she asked me to kiss her.

Why didn't I? I should have done that in the first place. But I didn't know that just that one little kiss would be the biggest mistake of my life.
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It's been a couple of weeks and I thought that you all deserved an update. ^_^ I hope you liked it. I put it in Zacky's POV because I wanted you all to know what he was feeling and what his side of the story was. COMMENT!!!! I'll love you foREVer!
love of vengeance