Blizzard Blackout

The Sharpest Lives

I just stared at him; dumbfounded with that look of shock I always got on my face that he couldn’t stand, the one that told him that I thought he was a freak. He didn’t understand me, nor did he ever want too, he just had to for the sake of his fame. He needed to look good; he had to make his image something that was respected. He didn’t care about me, he never did and he didn’t give a care in the world from the child growing in my stomach that was his. “Your one of a kind, Synyster Gates, that’s really all I can say,” I shook my head with astounded disbelief, only he could ask if there were any way he could get out of being a father. “You’re the one that had sex with me, you’re the one that is the father, unless you can turn back time and not sleep with me, don’t ask to not be the father of this child because you always will be.”

“Just fucking never mind, it was a question, Kasey!” he threw his hands up in defeat and started to walk away. I bit my tongue, I really didn’t want another fight to start, the last one ended with the cops being called because he started cussing me and I started throwing things at his head.

“I’m going to Zacky’s, you son of a bitch,” I just had to say something before I left, but I was stopped before I even had my jacket on. “Let go, Brian.”

“You’re not going to Zacky’s, I’m not stupid, I know what you do over there,” he was livid and he wouldn’t let go of my wrist, I pushed my arm away from his and stepped back.

“I’m sure you do, since talking about the baby and having a good time being his friend, just talking to him isn’t illegal!” I shook my head at him, glaring at him with narrowed eyes. “You have lost your damn mind, you can’t stand the sight of me and what is in me and then you’re so protective and jealous, I don’t know whether you like me or you don’t. Should I be flattered or should I be annoyed? Why don’t you just get a fucking grip, Haner and while you’re at it, get a life.”

“Don’t you dare leave!” I was out of the house before I could hear him continue shouting. I rushed to my Explorer before he could catch me and I drove to Zacky’s house without a thought in my head, it was almost second nature, my real home.

“Zacky,” I was in tears when he opened the door, he didn’t even have to ask what the problem was anymore, he just pulled me into his arms and let me in so I could cry in privacy for as long as I could. “He asked me if there was any way he could get out of being a father, what kind of a man would do that?”

“Not a man at all,” he sighed and hugged me a little tighter before he let me go completely. “I’m glad you came over, the guys asked me to go to the mall with them before that blizzard hit. You want to come with me, I need to stock up on some stuff, and you can even stay here if you want.”

“The mall?” I smiled coyly at him. “What do you need from the mall?”

“It’s not really what I need, it’s really that I want to go,” he smiled happily as he grabbed his jacket and beanie. “We’re really all going to stock up after the mall. We’re Christmas shopping in pairs; Matt came up with the idea.”

“I guess I could go,” I grabbed my huge jacket from the coat hanger behind his door and switched my semi-warm jacket for the larger one. “If we’re going, let’s go because I need to talk to you on the way.”

“I don’t really want to hear anymore about Brian,” he grimaced as he put his jacket on and his scarf and beanie. “I mean, it’s all the same shit. I really don’t understand why you’re still with him, he’s a dumbass. I love him, he’s like a brother but he’s really got some issues. I don’t want you doing this to yourself anymore.”

“I do it because he asked me too,” I told him sadly. “And because I don’t want my baby growing up without its father. I know in my heart when Brian sees the baby, he’ll forget that he never wanted it. I just know it.”

“I envy your faith in people,” he sighed and kissed my forehead before he opened the door and held it for me to come out. He locked it as I went to his car, he never let me drive and since it had been snowing, he forbids me from driving when he was around. “Kasey, have you watched the weather lately?”

“Nope,” I bit my lip and looked around; the snow was coming down harder than before. “We better go, Zacky.”

“Get in,” he hurried behind me, I almost giggled, he was so cute, in a kid like kind of way. When we got inside the car, I reached over and touched his lip piercing’s and giggled. They were freezing. “Yes, they are cold, thank you for pointing it out.”
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Its my first time writing since I don't know when, so tell me if its any good, I'll seriously try to update this religiously.