Blizzard Blackout

Love Bug

“Brian, please,” Brian smiled at her and put his arm around my waist, which I shook off and glared at him for, he merely gave me a hurt look and turned back to Kayla. “You want to come with us, we’re looking for others.”

“I guess so, they locked me in even though they knew people where in here,” Kayla explained as she walked, she wasn’t any older than eighteen but she seemed older, the way she spoke, she seemed mature. “I called them before the cells went off and told them, the security guards not to let anyone close the doors because people were still in here, getting ready to leave but they left. They said they had family to get to and they left.”

“Oh trust me, so suing them,” I murmured unhappily as we went to the next store. “Anyone in here!”

“I haven’t seen anyone down this way, I’ve been here since six this morning,” Kayla frowned as she looked over at Brian and me. “How long have you been here?”

“Since two, me and my friends came shopping,” I told her as we walked to the next store across from the last. “Hello?”

“How many others are still here?” Kayla asked as she followed behind me to the next store, since Brian was shouting after me, loud enough that deaf people could feel his vibration, she strayed away from him.

“Eleven counting us two,” I told her reaching the end, where Coles was. “We have to actually search this one.”

“I don’t have a flash light,” Kayla murmured but when Brian pulled out a light from his back pocket she smiled. “I’ll check this way; you guys can split off and meet back out front.”

“I don’t really want to leave you—“Brian looked down at my stomach before he started talking.

“I’ll be fine, go,” I pushed him away and walked left towards the baby clothes. I smiled and ran my hands over the little boy clothes, imagining what it would be like if I had a son. “Hello?” I absently called out, my attention set on the clothing rather than the searching, I was having fun picking out nice clothes.

“Holy shit!” a man popped out of the changing room, staring at me with wide eyes. “Oh my God, someone else is here! I can’t believe it, I thought I was locked in here myself and I—“

“Dan?” my eyes widened when I realized who it was, Dan Somerton, my ex boyfriend, the gay one as everyone called him. “I didn’t know you were still in town?”

“Kasey McDonald? Holy shit,” he smiled and brought me into a hug where he kissed my lips softly, like he always did. He had a thing about being super touchy, I kind of missed it. “I missed you, girlie.”

I flushed with happiness; I sure did miss his exuberance. “I didn’t know you were still in town,” I repeated myself. “I thought you left with Alex for Canada?”

“Who knew coming back to California would literally mean hell would freeze?” he smirked that beautiful smirk and shrugged his shoulders. “Alex and I broke up, I had bigger problems then he could help solve. He said I'd need a pyschiatrist to sort through my shit.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I hugged him again, that’s when he felt my bump and he pulled me back. “I gained a little…”

“Your pregnant,” he glanced up into my eyes and smiled happily. “I always knew you’d make a great mother. Who’s the lucky guy?”

“Brian. Brian Haner, you remember him. My Cousin Matt’s best friend?” I told him as we moved through the baby clothes. “What are you doing in the baby clothes?”

“I was actually in the men’s clothes when the lights went out so I took refuge, I ran like hell and found the changing room over here,” he smiled sheepishly as he took my hand in his, he always did love holding hands, even when we weren’t together. “It’s been two years since we’ve seen each other, Kase, how’s life been?”

“I’m eight months pregnant, nothing seems right when you have swollen feet, stomach aches and when little feet kick you in the bladder,” I smiled childishly at him, which made him chuckle. “I’ve been good.”

“So, Brian Haner,” Dan smirked and nodded towards my stomach. “Got you good, didn’t he?”

“Daniel!” I shouted teasingly as I reached out and slapped him. “Yes, by the way all the guys and the girls are here.”

“Including your love bug?” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he nudged me in the shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Double digits, my friends.


Question: Would you like to see Dan some more in the action?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Surprise me.

P.S. Dan sure is pretty...