Blizzard Blackout


“Hi,” Kayla turned bright red as she was put in the spot light; she waved weakly and smiled nervously.

“Well, we found Dean and Samantha near Kitson’s,” Johnny and Lacey said pointing to the handsome man with emerald green eyes and sandy blond hair, he was holding the blond woman, Samantha’s hand and she looked terrified, her wide almond shaped blue eyes were glassy with tears.

“We found Adam at Sax Fifth Avenue,” Zacky pointed out the man standing off to the side, he was in his early twenties with spiky, thick midnight black hair, his eyes were the bluest and brightest I had ever seen and his skin was nearly perfect. He was beautiful, in a girlie way.

“We didn’t find anyone,” Matt shrugged his shoulders as he looked around the group. “We should go see Jimmy and Leana; we have to start arranging mattresses and things soon.”

“Arrangements have already been made, no one gets out of them unless they bring their own mattress,” Lacey told everyone. “Let’s go eat; I’m sure the food is done.”

“It’s like a military training camp in here,” Dan mumbled as he walked beside me, Brian sighed and walked away dramatically. Dan actually snorted, I giggled.

“Kasey,” Michelle appeared at my side and grabbed my hand gently, I wanted to pull away like she had bit me but her face stopped me instantly. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen, her cheeks were bright red and she looked like the dead walking. “I don’t mean to interrupt but can I please talk to you?”

“Dan, I’ll be right there,” I motioned him to go on; he glanced at Michelle and back with one eyebrow quirked. “I’m sure, go.”

“You know me to well,” he grumbled and walked away, I watched him for a minute, preparing myself before I turned to face the tears.

“I just wanted you to know that I had no idea that you were still with Brian, he told me you two were having problems a while back and I just assumed that you both had broken it off. I would have never gotten back together with him if I had known, I love you like a sister, and I always have. I especially wouldn’t do it since you’re pregnant with his child, I feel so guilty because I should have known,” she was crying, like I had anticipated but unlike what I thought, I actually felt bad. Of course Michelle had always been a little flighty and moody growing up, we hadn’t always been best friends like me and Val, but we had been on good terms. I knew she never would have hurt me purposely, unlike popular belief; she was a good woman with a heart of spray painted gold. Not a saint but definitely not a hell hound, she just had a few problems with men, especially Brian since he was her first love. She was stuck like I was, in love but wanting out so bad it hurt. “I would never have hurt you, I know how it’s like to know something is going on behind your back, it’s horrible.”

“Michelle, honey,” I pulled her into a hug and was surprised when she clamped on and started sobbing into my shirt. “I don’t blame you. I blame Brian for being immature, he didn’t know how to handle having a child and growing apart, he figured being rebellious would grow us closer but it didn’t. I don’t want you feeling like this is your fault because its not, its fate, it was bound to happen.”

“He’s a piece of work isn’t he?” she whispered wiping her eyes, laughing just a little. “He played us both, Kasey. Again.”

“I don’t blame you,” I told her again just to make sure she got it and I patted her arm with a smile. “I’m fine, I don’t need him. I truly don’t need any man to be a good mother.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that,” Michelle smiled and hesitated to put her hand on my stomach. “May I?”

“Sure, everyone else touches it,” I shrugged my shoulders. At first, when I discovered I was pregnant the whole touching the belly thing by strangers freaked me out but after a few months of constant belly rubbing, its more relaxing then stressing.

“I’m happy for you,” she whispered softly as her hand pulled away from my tummy. “You’ll be a great mother, I’m sure of it.”

“Thank you,” I smiled at her and nodded towards the food court. “We should go eat while we can; I’m hungry all over again.”

“Me too,” she mumbled and grabbed my hand, which did shock me; she had never been a touchy kind of person. I shrugged it off though, it was time to let go of the old grudge stuff, it was time to let regrets, mistakes and worries fly away because I was going to be a mother and I have more things to think about then stress over men, jealousy and stupid, petty shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yay.

question: Should Michelle be a good guy in this story? I was kind of tired of making her a bitch all the time.

A. Let her be nice.

B. Oh come on, she's the perfect bitch.

C. Do a half and half, she can be a bitch at times like the rest of them.