Blizzard Blackout

Hello Seattle

Walking back into the Food Court, I think three people almost choked on their turkey and ham sub sandwiches, two of which had to have their back hit. Val stared, mouth wide open at Michelle and I, Matt did a double take, Zacky choked, Gena did a double take while hitting Zacky’s back, Jimmy’s salami fell out of his open mouth, Leana grimaced when Jimmy’s salami hit her leg, Johnny choked, Lacey laughed at him and Brian choked so bad that Dan actually had to raise him up and hit his chest. “Dude, breathe,” Dan smacked Brian’s face twice before Brian began breathing, when he did Dan dropped him and went back to eating his sub and finished his conversation with Kayla, who had no idea what was going on, along with Samantha and Dean.

“That was fun,” I nodded to Michelle as we picked out of the three sandwiches left which one we wanted, I took a turkey on wheat while she took a grilled chicken sub.

“What the hell happened?” Val grilled me when I sat down beside her, Michelle squeezed in across from us, beside Zacky and Gena, who smiled weakly at her when she smiled at them coyly.

“She didn’t know, he lied to her too, she was just played,” I explained glancing over at Brian, who was staring at his sub with a look on his face that showed utter shock. “And even if he hadn’t, life is too short to give a shit. I deserve better treatment, why take it out on them when I know I can get better?”

“Did you have an epiphany?” Leana leaned up and asked bubbly, I chuckled and shook my head.

“I just have more to worry about then all this bullshit, Leana. I have a child I have to care for, I shouldn’t have to worry about anything else,” I told her and watched as everyone awed or pet my head somehow.

“Do you mind sleeping in a bed with Dan? I’m changing arrangements so you don’t have to sleep in a bed with Brian,” Lacey was writing on a notebook, glancing around at all the names she had written down.

“I don’t mind, it’s not like I haven’t before,” I shrugged my shoulders and sat back, taking a bite from my sub. “Who’s sleeping with whom?”

“Besides that sounding completely dirty,” Lacey smirked. “Johnny and I, Gena and Zacky, Val and Matt, Jimmy and Leana, Samantha and Dean, Kasey and Dan, Adam and Kayla Brian and Michelle.”

“I don’t—“Michelle looked around helplessly.

“If you would like me to sleep in bed with him, I have no problem with it. You’ll have to sleep in bed with Dan,” I told her and when she smiled and made a noise. “Sorry sweetie, he doesn’t like your type. He’s strictly dickly.”

“Besides Kasey,” Val added in with a nodding smile. “I don’t either, sis.”

“I just thought she was hot and she was great in bed,” Dan walked by, winked and smirked and then walked off to put his food in the trash. I turned bright red as everyone made comments.

“I think I can deal,” Michelle nodded with a laugh. “I don’t have a problem with sharing a bed with a gay guy, as long as he doesn’t steal the covers.”

“He does,” I grimaced with a shrug. “And he likes to smother you, he’s a hugger.”

“Stop telling lies, McDonald!” he shouted from across the room. He was going back for seconds.

“Never!” I laughed and then glanced back at Michelle. “It’ll be totally fine, I promise. He’s a good guy.”

“Alright,” she nodded her head and soon, after everyone had ate; everyone took a flashlight and followed Lacey and Johnny to Mattress King.

“We need how many?” I asked looking around at everyone that had a mattress and was taking it back down to the food court, that’s where everyone decided to go, with layers upon layers of sheets and clothes on, they could sleep there they were sure.

“Eight,” Lacey answered as she and Johnny carried a large bed down the strip towards the food court, they wouldn’t allow me to even touch a bed. I just stood there waiting for everyone to get back so I could fuss about not helping and feeling stupid and guilty for not doing a damn thing. Everyone left but only one person came back.

“Brian, where is everyone—“ I didn’t get to finish because he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the Mattress King, through all the Mattresses to the back, mattresses where leaned against the wall everywhere since it was overcrowded so when Brian slammed me against a mattress and started kissing me, it didn’t hurt. I wanted to push him away and scream at him but still, his kissing got at me. His lips were like fire and I needed it to warm me, I frantically slid my hands up his chest to his neck and head, pulling him closer to me. I don’t know how he did it, seeing as I felt two hundred pounds, he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I pulled off the beanie he had been wearing all day and ran my hands through his hair. “Why are you doing this?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Question: Would you let Brian seduce you after everything he put you through?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Kind of hard to say no to that!