Blizzard Blackout

Don't Trust Me

As soon as I broke off from the kiss, his eyes got even hungrier; it only took him a moment to answer. “Because I need you more than ever, I want you now,” he answered kissing me again; he had to be bruising my lips because they were already sore.

“We’ll get caught,” I whispered as he laid me on a mattress that was beside us. He glanced up, still burning with need. He grabbed a mattress and pushed it up against the hallway that led to us, it blocked all sight, he did it to the only other one too and then he was on me, kissing me again. It dawned on me that I was on my back only a second later. “I can’t lie on my back, it’ll hurt the baby.”

He didn’t say anything; he lay on his back and grabbed my hips, sliding me on him to straddle his hips. I didn’t lean back down to kiss him because I knew it would be a fruitless effort, I wouldn’t be able to lean over my swollen stomach to reach him so instead I slid my shirt off and threw it on the bed. “Get off for a second and I’ll undress you,” he whispered and slid me off him, once I was standing he slid my pants off and my underwear, it felt strange standing before him, completely bare. I had done it before, plenty of times but this time it seemed different, like he actually accounted my beauty for once, not just my outside beauty but everything. “If we have sex…it won’t hurt the baby will it?”

“No,” I shook my head softly and watched as he shed his clothes, all of it. I still had my bra on, merely because I told him I wasn’t taking it off, they were too big and swollen to do anything with anyway. Brian slid back on the bed and leaned up on his elbows, watching as I straddled him. “I don’t know how to do this, you never let me on top,” I told him embarrassedly. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, I should, your beautiful right there,” he kissed my stomach and then leaned back, guiding me with his hands on my hips. Soon no words were said, just the rocking back and forth was the only sound, it had been awhile since either of us had been this—in tune to one another. It’s safe to say, he was completely into it and he didn’t mind that I was going slow, I wanted it to stretch on forever because this, this moment, probably wouldn’t happen ever again.

After it was all said and done, both of us dressed again, we walked from the Mattress King and walked the long way around, holding hands until we walked towards the food court. “There you are, where have you been?” Val asked looking at Brian and I, she glared at him.

“I went shopping again,” I smiled innocently. “I’ll finish it later though, I would have kept on if Brian hadn’t of come and got me.”

“Guitar World again?” Gena asked, glancing up at Brian with one eyebrow raised.

“You caught me,” he shrugged softly with a small smile. “You guys need any help?”

“We’re pretty much golden, each bed has four sets of sheets and three comforters,” Matt stood up from the bed he was at and glanced around. “We’re set for the night.”

“When do you think this blizzard will be over?” Kayla asked gently from her seat on the bar, she was at the pizza hut drinking out of a plastic cup with Dan beside her, she was his new buddy (which he had pointedly told me acted like his little sister, Libby) and gossip gal.

“I heard at least a week,” Jimmy mumbled from his bed, he was already in it with Leana curled up beside him, reading a magazine with a flashlight.

“We have enough food for a week,” Val said making sure no one freaked out. “We have well over enough food for a week.”

“We have everything, I mean we’re at a mall,” Gena shrugged with a reassuring smile on her face.

“What about the cost for everything?” Samantha asked, it was the first time I heard her speak. “We’re using a lot of crap, how are we going to pay for it?”

“They locked us in here, it’s ours for all I care,” Matt told Samantha softly. “Don’t worry about it; we just need to ride this out.”

“I have to pee,” I mumbled to Brian, he was going to follow me but I pushed him back and grabbed Val’s hand. “Come with me, I have to pee.”

“Scared?” she chuckled as she followed me, both of us shining our flashlights through the darkness. “I am so glad this is a one level mall.”
♠ ♠ ♠

Question: Do you think Brian and Kasey should get back together, for the baby or for love?

A. The Baby.

B. For love.
