Blizzard Blackout

I Run To You

“You and me both,” I told her with a grumble. “Stairs and I do not get along.”

“I hear you,” she followed me into the bathroom. I went in a stall and while I did my business, I heard her singing to herself. Then it got real quiet. “So, what did you and Brian do?”

“What do you mean?” I grimaced, she could see through me like I had bathed in freaking Windex.

“Swollen lips, red cheeks, oh and your shirts on inside out,” she smirked; I could see her through the crack in the stall, smiling into the mirror as she scrunched her hair. “All I want to know is if you’re giving into him again?”

“I’m doing like Johnny said, one day at a time,” I told her as I came out of the bathroom. I washed my hands and stared at her. “I love him, I will always love him. I just know I deserve better and if he doesn’t show me what I deserve, I won’t take him back.”

“Was it good?” she asked after a moment of staring at the floor, she glanced up with a wide grin.

“Of course it was good; the Amazing Synyster Gates let me take a ride on his disco stick!” I giggled as she screamed and jumped up and down, laughing as hard as she could.

“Laughter, the best medicine to mend broken hearts,” Dan walked in and looked at himself in the mirror. “Damn my hair is fucked up.”

“How much?” I asked glancing at him with one hand on my hip.

“How much what?” he asked stupidly. He glanced at me and then Val, who looked confused.

“Don’t play dumb, Daniel Jason Somerton, you eavesdropping little fairy,” I pointed at him accusingly. It all went silent and then he grinned and shrugged carelessly.

“I followed you,” he ran his hand through his hair, trying to fix it. “I heard it all. Was he that good? Better than me, babe?”

“You, are hard to beat,” I answered him reluctantly, that’s all it took. He smiled and kissed me, on the lips. Val gasped, I gasped and pushed away. “Make up your damn mind! Are you gay or not?!”

“I think I’ll leave…” Val moved towards the door but I shot her a look.

“You move and I’ll kill you, Valary,” I told her and then I looked back at Dan. “Stop screwing with me, are you gay or not?”

“The only person I’m not gay with is you, other then that I’m fully homosexual, you just do it for me,” he shrugged his shoulders and leaned back against the counter. “If you want me to stop kissing you, I will.”

“Stop. Kissing. Me. Daniel.”

“As you wish,” he blew me a kiss and walked out, leaving silence in his wake.

“Oh my God,” Val whispered looking at me, her hand covering her mouth. “I could have sworn he was over you and all over Kayla.”

“Just gossip girls,” I whispered wiping my mouth. “He always was dramatic. You know what I need, Val?”

“Um…I don’t know,” she didn’t know what to say, still. “Besides Daniel to pick a gender to want to fuck and for Brian to be a nice guy, I’m at a loss.”

“I need sleep,” I nodded frantically as I pointed at the door. “I need sleep and sanity, I need sleep.”

“Well—should we pretend that never—“she made gestures to what had happened seconds before and I nodded. “Never happened, okay. Done.”

“Sleep,” I pointed to the door and rather whined for, she nodded and pulled me along with her. When we reached the food court, she pushed me to Brian and then went to Matt; she leaned against him and whispered something.

“Are you okay?” Brian whispered into my ear. I nodded weakly and sagged against him.

“I’m really sleepy and I’m getting cold,” I told him low as a whisper, he nodded and brought me into his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Question: If you were in that situation, what would you do?

No choices, you explain.