Blizzard Blackout

Need You Now

“Let’s lay down,” he pulled back the bed sheets that weighed a ton and helped me lay down on my side. He slid in the bed and curled up beside me, putting both hands on my stomach. “I’ve thought about it all day, Kase. I think I’m coming around to the idea of a kid.”

“Just take it a day at a time,” I whispered putting my freezing feet near his, his were always warm. “Good night, Brian.”

“Good night, Kasey,” he whispered kissing my neck. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you,” as my eyes drifted close, I remember seeing two things, Dan staring, a small grin on his face and Michelle, frowning but looking away from me and Brian.

Sleeping in freezing weather, with no heaters and no insulation is pure hell. Thankfully, everyone had a partner to cuddle up to and keep warm under the bundle of blankets, they helped but we still froze. Brian tried throughout the night to keep me warm, which he did most the time. I curled up to him in the middle of the night, until I had to pee again and he took me to the bathroom. At one point, it felt like we were newly dating, he leaned me against the wall and kissed me, laughing under his breath as I giggled and tried to push him away. “I love you,” he whispered kissing me again, making sure to turn it into a deep passionate kiss that left my head reeling, one thing he was good at was kissing, boy it spun me for a loop.

“Are you sure?” I asked him seriously, half drowsy from it being three in the morning. “I mean, after everything you’ve done, are you sure you love me?”

“I’ve never loved someone so much, it scared me,” he whispered running his hand up my side, under my shirt to trace his fingers over my stomach. The blanket I had over my shoulders and over his was protecting us from the chill. “To think I would spend my life with someone so perfect, with a child scared me, to hell and back. I figured to feel like the old me, the wild me, I would sneak around with Michelle and turn into Synyster Gates the asshole. It pushed me away, which was what I wanted until you told me it was over.”

“And then realization crashed down on you,” I whispered kissing his lips. “Why couldn’t it have happened awhile back? I’ve missed you.”

“I’m stupid, what else can I say?” he asked softly, kissing my lips once more behind he picked me up again and leaned me against the wall. “Will you take me back?”

“I will, but if you treat me bad one more time, I’ll never come back to you,” I told him honestly as his mouth traced over my collar bone and he kissed the top of my breast. “Don’t touch them…please, they are um…sore.”

“I’m sorry,” he whispered kissing my lips again. “You know what’s sad?”

“A lot of things, abandoned puppies, kids with incurable diseases, rainy days,” I listed off the things that made me cry but he laughed at me. “Okay, what’s sad?”

“It took me this long,” he said softly as he carried me back to the food court, I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep at some point. The next time I actually remembered waking up was at eleven when I had to pee again.

“Damn bladder,” I scrambled to get up, squeezing my legs together as I grabbed a flashlight and my sandals.

“Are you okay?” Zacky leaned up, his arm under Gena’s head and his eyes almost shut from sleep.

“I have to pee really badly,” I waddled my way to the bathroom alone. I done my business and then I walked out, yawning as I washed my hands. “I feel better—“

I’d never felt the baby kick so hard, it bowled me over; I was touching the ground with my hands as I tried to stay standing, almost kissing the tile. It took my breath and I could barely gasp for more air, it didn’t feel like a kick the longer it lasted. I managed to take a deep breath and scream, hoping that somehow someone would hear me. I fell to the ground as soon as the scream came out; it sent another sharp pain down my stomach, right over where the baby was. Another scream slipped from my mouth without me even realizing it. I was crying then, tears were streaming down my face faster then I could blink them away. I just wanted the pain to stop. When I blinked my eyes again, I seen two figures running to me, the door was open with a crowd flooding in. I hadn’t realized I had screamed again. “Kasey! Breathe, baby tell me what’s going on!” Brian was hysterical as he lifted me off the ground and held me in his arms. “What’s wrong with her?”
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RequestQuestion: Tell me what you think is going to happen?